Python 具有多个y轴的pandas/matplotlib绘图

Python 具有多个y轴的pandas/matplotlib绘图,python,pandas,matplotlib,Python,Pandas,Matplotlib,我有一个数据帧,如下所示: Rate per 100,000 population Gambling EXP per Adult Local Government Area City of Banyule 7587.7 555.188876


                                   Rate per 100,000 population  Gambling EXP per Adult
Local Government Area                                                     
City of Banyule                             7587.7              555.188876
City of Bayside                             5189.9              171.282451
City of Boroondara                          4877.0              141.675636
City of Brimbank                            9739.0              904.959407
City of Casey                               7790.6              561.086313

我曾多次尝试使用两个y轴进行绘图,这两个y轴对应于右边的两列,最左边的一列是x轴。但到目前为止,我只设法为这两个轴都获得了一个轴。我曾试图模仿这里的解决方案:但我一直失败。我也看过其他stackoverflow Q&S,但到目前为止还不太清楚。如果有人能帮我解决这个问题就太好了。干杯。


import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# separate data file
dat = pd.read_csv('dat.csv', index_col='Local Government Area')

fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax2 = ax1.twinx()

# the ax keyword sets the axis that the data frame plots to
dat.plot(ax=ax1, y='Rate per 100 000 population', legend=False)
dat.plot(ax=ax2, y='Gambling EXP per Adult', legend=False, color='g')
ax1.set_ylabel('Rate per 100,000 population')
ax2.set_ylabel('Gambling EXP per Adult')



import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# separate data file
dat = pd.read_csv('dat.csv', index_col='Local Government Area')

fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax2 = ax1.twinx()

# the ax keyword sets the axis that the data frame plots to
dat.plot(ax=ax1, y='Rate per 100 000 population', legend=False)
dat.plot(ax=ax2, y='Gambling EXP per Adult', legend=False, color='g')
ax1.set_ylabel('Rate per 100,000 population')
ax2.set_ylabel('Gambling EXP per Adult')