从csv打印Python Matplotlib

从csv打印Python Matplotlib,python,csv,matplotlib,plot,Python,Csv,Matplotlib,Plot,我可以使用matplot从一个简单的csv进行绘图,如下所示: 1 2 2 4 3 8 4 16 5 32 . . 这些值由制表符分隔。 现在我需要从csv读取数据,如下所示: # Name Test Number1 \\Name of the csv #Sometimes there is a comment which has one line # or even more Catego


1  2
2  4
3  8
4  16
5  32
这些值由制表符分隔。 现在我需要从csv读取数据,如下所示:

    #  Name Test Number1                                      \\Name of the csv
#Sometimes there is a comment which has one line
# or even more

    Category1  Number2  Test  Temperature  Voltage            \\Labels for the plot
    # [1]  [1/min]  [s]  [°C]  [mV]                           \\Units
    MinMax  2.3  5  9  48  22                                 \\Data starts here
    MinMax  9.87  6.01  8  9  3
    MinMax  1  2  3  4  5
    MinMax  99.52  5  8  6.66  0


import csv

with open('path\to\sample.txt', 'r') as csvfile:

csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='\t')
for row in csvreader:
    if row[0].startswith(' '):
    if foundheader:
        print row

#Name Test Number1 
#Sometimes there is a comment which has one line
#or even more
# Name Test Number1 \\Name of the csv
#Sometimes there is a comment which has one line
# or even more
 Category1  Number2 Test    Temperature Voltage 
 #[1]   [1/min] [s] [°C]    [mV]    
 MinMax 2.3 5   9   48  22  
 MinMax 9.87    6.01    8   9   3
 MinMax 1   2   3   4   5
 MinMax 99.52   5   8   6.66    0

[' Category1', 'Number2', 'Test', 'Temperature', 'Voltage', '']
[' #[1]', '[1/min]', '[s]', '[\xc2\xb0C]', '[mV]', '']
[' MinMax', '2.3', '5', '9', '48', '22', '']
[' MinMax', '9.87', '6.01', '8', '9', '3']
[' MinMax', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
[' MinMax', '99.52', '5', '8', '6.66', '0']

重复的谢谢你的链接,不知为什么我没有找到这个。这个线程的问题是,标题正好有10行长。在我的csv中,我不知道需要跳过多少行。此外,我想得到与标签线。我不确定genfromtxt是否适合我的问题。如果您知道标题标签,请逐行读取数据并跳过所有行,直到您将行与标题匹配为止。我不知道标题标签。我只知道标题标签的行以空白开头。如何搜索每一行,直到找到以空白开头的行?空白不是一个理想的值,我看到在您的数据中,第一行以空格“#Name Test Number1”开头谢谢Shijo!不幸的是,我不能提高投票率,因为我没有足够的声誉。