Python 如何在Airflow上运行Talend.jar作业?

Python 如何在Airflow上运行Talend.jar作业?,python,jar,airflow,talend,airflow-scheduler,Python,Jar,Airflow,Talend,Airflow Scheduler,地球上的人们好!我正在使用Airflow计划和运行.jar作业,该作业是使用Talend Open Studio BigData生成的。我通过在Airflow\u HOME/dags下创建.py文件,将作业添加为Airflow中的DAG: 从气流导入DAG 从afflow.operators.bash_operator导入bash operator 从日期时间导入日期时间 import os import sys bib_app = "/home/user/Images/JObforAirf

地球上的人们好!我正在使用Airflow计划和运行.jar作业,该作业是使用Talend Open Studio BigData生成的。我通过在
Airflow\u HOME/dags

从气流导入DAG 从afflow.operators.bash_operator导入bash operator 从日期时间导入日期时间

import os
import sys

bib_app = "/home/user/Images/JObforAirflow/test/"
default_args = {
    'owner': 'yabid',
    'depends_on_past': False,
    'start_date': datetime(2019, 4, 30),
    'provide_context': True}

args = {
  'owner': 'yabid',
  'start_date': datetime(2019, 4, 25),
  'provide_context': True}

dag = DAG('run_jar', 
description='Dag for batch job')

t1 = BashOperator(
    bash_command= bib_app,

t2 = BashOperator(
 task_id = 't2',
 dag = dag,
 bash_command = 'java -cp /home/user/Images/JObforAirflow/test/jobbatch.jar'



here is the log file generated by Airflow :
*** Reading local file: /home/user/airflow/logs/run_jar/t2/2019-04-30T16:36:48.390314+00:00/1.log
[2019-04-30 17:37:10,262] {} INFO - Dependencies all met for <TaskInstance: run_jar.t2 2019-04-30T16:36:48.390314+00:00 [queued]>
[2019-04-30 17:37:10,266] {} INFO - Dependencies all met for <TaskInstance: run_jar.t2 2019-04-30T16:36:48.390314+00:00 [queued]>
[2019-04-30 17:37:10,266] {} INFO - 
[2019-04-30 17:37:10,266] {} INFO - Starting attempt 1 of 1
[2019-04-30 17:37:10,266] {} INFO - 
[2019-04-30 17:37:10,323] {} INFO - Executing <Task(BashOperator): t2> on 2019-04-30T16:36:48.390314+00:00
[2019-04-30 17:37:10,323] {} INFO - Running: [u'airflow', u'run', 'run_jar', 't2', '2019-04-30T16:36:48.390314+00:00', u'--job_id', '22', u'--raw', u'-sd', u'DAGS_FOLDER/', u'--cfg_path', '/tmp/tmpd_yKoR']
[2019-04-30 17:37:10,761] {} INFO - Job 22: Subtask t2 [2019-04-30 17:37:10,760] {} INFO - Using executor SequentialExecutor
[2019-04-30 17:37:10,933] {} INFO - Job 22: Subtask t2 [2019-04-30 17:37:10,932] {} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /home/user/airflow/dags/
[2019-04-30 17:37:10,945] {} INFO - Job 22: Subtask t2 [2019-04-30 17:37:10,945] {} INFO - Running <TaskInstance: run_jar.t2 2019-04-30T16:36:48.390314+00:00 [running]> on host user-OptiPlex-3020
[2019-04-30 17:37:10,954] {} INFO - Tmp dir root location: 
[2019-04-30 17:37:10,954] {} INFO - Exporting the following env vars:
[2019-04-30 17:37:10,955] {} INFO - Temporary script location: /tmp/airflowtmp8m82nT/t2_l6p9W
[2019-04-30 17:37:10,955] {} INFO - Running command: java -cp /home/user/Images/JObforAirflow/test/jobbatch.jar
[2019-04-30 17:37:10,959] {} INFO - Output:
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,020] {} INFO - Syntaxe : java [-options] class [args...]
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,020] {} INFO -            (pour l'exécution d'une classe)
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,020] {} INFO -    ou  java [-options] -jar jarfile [args...]
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,020] {} INFO -            (pour l'exécution d'un fichier JAR)
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,020] {} INFO - où les options comprennent :
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,020] {} INFO -     -d32      utilisez le modèle de données 32 bits s'il est disponible
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,020] {} INFO -     -d64      utilisez le modèle de données 64 bits s'il est disponible
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,021] {} INFO -     -server   pour sélectionner la machine virtuelle "server"
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,021] {} INFO -     -zero     pour sélectionner la machine virtuelle "zero"
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,021] {} INFO -     -dcevm    pour sélectionner la machine virtuelle "dcevm"
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,021] {} INFO -                   La machine virtuelle par défaut est server,
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,021] {} INFO -                   car vous exécutez une machine de classe de serveur.
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,021] {} INFO - 
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,021] {} INFO - 
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,021] {} INFO -     -cp <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,021] {} INFO -     -classpath <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,021] {} INFO -                   Liste de répertoires, d'archives JAR et
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,021] {} INFO -                    d'archives ZIP séparés par des :, dans laquelle rechercher les fichiers de classe.
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,021] {} INFO -     -D<name>=<value>
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,022] {} INFO -                   définition d'une propriété système
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,022] {} INFO -     -verbose:[class|gc|jni]
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,022] {} INFO -                   activation de la sortie en mode verbose
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,022] {} INFO -     -version      impression de la version du produit et fin de l'opération
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,022] {} INFO -     -version:<value>
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,022] {} INFO -                   Avertissement : cette fonctionnalité est en phase d'abandon et sera enlevée
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,022] {} INFO -                   dans une version future.
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,022] {} INFO -                   exécution de la version spécifiée obligatoire
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,022] {} INFO -     -showversion  impression de la version du produit et poursuite de l'opération
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,022] {} INFO -     -jre-restrict-search | -no-jre-restrict-search
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,022] {} INFO -                   Avertissement : cette fonctionnalité est en phase d'abandon et sera enlevée
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,022] {} INFO -                   dans une version future.
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,023] {} INFO -                   inclusion/exclusion des environnements JRE privés de l'utilisateur dans la recherche de version
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,023] {} INFO -     -? -help      impression du message d'aide
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,023] {} INFO -     -X            impression de l'aide sur les options non standard
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,023] {} INFO -     -ea[:<packagename>...|:<classname>]
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,023] {} INFO -     -enableassertions[:<packagename>...|:<classname>]
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,023] {} INFO -                   activation des assertions avec la granularité spécifiée
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,023] {} INFO -     -da[:<packagename>...|:<classname>]
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,023] {} INFO -     -disableassertions[:<packagename>...|:<classname>]
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,023] {} INFO -                   désactivation des assertions avec la granularité spécifiée
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,023] {} INFO -     -esa | -enablesystemassertions
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,023] {} INFO -                   activation des assertions système
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,023] {} INFO -     -dsa | -disablesystemassertions
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,024] {} INFO -                   désactivation des assertions système
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,024] {} INFO -     -agentlib:<libname>[=<options>]
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,024] {} INFO -                   chargement de la bibliothèque d'agent natif <libname>, par exemple -agentlib:hprof
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,024] {} INFO -                   voir également, -agentlib:jdwp=help et -agentlib:hprof=help
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,024] {} INFO -     -agentpath:<pathname>[=<options>]
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,024] {} INFO -                   chargement de la bibliothèque d'agent natif via le chemin d'accès complet
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,024] {} INFO -     -javaagent:<jarpath>[=<options>]
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,024] {} INFO -                   chargement de l'agent du langage de programmation Java, voir java.lang.instrument
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,024] {} INFO -     -splash:<imagepath>
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,024] {} INFO -                   affichage de l'écran d'accueil avec l'image spécifiée
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,024] {} INFO - Voir pour plus de détails.
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,027] {} INFO - Command exited with return code 1
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,031] {} ERROR - Bash command failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/user/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/models/", line 1441, in _run_raw_task
    result = task_copy.execute(context=context)
  File "/home/user/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/operators/", line 135, in execute
    raise AirflowException("Bash command failed")
AirflowException: Bash command failed
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,032] {} INFO - Marking task as FAILED.
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,094] {} INFO - Job 22: Subtask t2 Traceback (most recent call last):
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,094] {} INFO - Job 22: Subtask t2   File "/home/user/.local/bin/airflow", line 32, in <module>
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,094] {} INFO - Job 22: Subtask t2     args.func(args)
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,094] {} INFO - Job 22: Subtask t2   File "/home/user/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/utils/", line 74, in wrapper
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,094] {} INFO - Job 22: Subtask t2     return f(*args, **kwargs)
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,094] {} INFO - Job 22: Subtask t2   File "/home/user/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/bin/", line 523, in run
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,094] {} INFO - Job 22: Subtask t2     _run(args, dag, ti)
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,094] {} INFO - Job 22: Subtask t2   File "/home/user/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/bin/", line 442, in _run
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,094] {} INFO - Job 22: Subtask t2     pool=args.pool,
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,095] {} INFO - Job 22: Subtask t2   File "/home/user/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/utils/", line 73, in wrapper
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,095] {} INFO - Job 22: Subtask t2     return func(*args, **kwargs)
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,095] {} INFO - Job 22: Subtask t2   File "/home/user/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/models/", line 1441, in _run_raw_task
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,095] {} INFO - Job 22: Subtask t2     result = task_copy.execute(context=context)
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,095] {} INFO - Job 22: Subtask t2   File "/home/user/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/operators/", line 135, in execute
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,095] {} INFO - Job 22: Subtask t2     raise AirflowException("Bash command failed")
[2019-04-30 17:37:11,095] {} INFO - Job 22: Subtask t2 airflow.exceptions.AirflowException: Bash command failed
[2019-04-30 17:37:15,446] {} INFO - [2019-04-30 17:37:15,445] {} INFO - Task exited with return code 1
[2019-04-30 17:37:10323]{}运行信息:[u'aiffort',u'run',run',run_jar',t2',2019-04-30T16:36:48.390314+00:00',u'-job_id',22',u'-raw',u'-sd',u'DAGS_文件夹/run_jar py u'-cfg_路径','/tmp/tmpd_-yKoR']
[2019-04-30 17:37:10761]{}信息-作业22:子任务t2[2019-04-30 17:37:10760]{{u}信息-使用执行器顺序执行器
[2019-04-30 17:37:10933]{}信息-作业22:Subtask t2[2019-04-30 17:37:10932]{{u}信息-从/home/user/aiffort/dags/run_jar.py填充DagBag
[2019-04-30 17:37:10945]{}信息-作业22:子任务t2[2019-04-30 17:37:10945]{}信息-在主机上运行用户-OptiPlex-3020
[2019-04-3017:37:10954]{}INFO-Tmp dir根位置:
气流\u CTX\u任务\u ID=t2
气流\u CTX\u DAG\u ID=运行\u jar
[2019-04-30 17:37:10955]{}信息-临时脚本位置:/tmp/airflowtmp8m82nT/t2_l6p9W
[2019-04-30 17:37:10955]{}INFO-运行命令:java-cp/home/user/Images/JObforAirflow/test/jobbatch.jar
[2019-04-3017:37:11020]{}信息-(pull l'execution d'un fichier JAR)
[2019-04-3017:37:11020]{}信息--d32使用了32位的s'il est可分配
[2019-04-30 17:37:11020]{}INFO--d64使用了64位的s'il est可分配
[2019-04-3017:37∶1021] {BasHuxPosix.Py:127 }信息- La机器Vielela D D Fuft EST服务器,
[2019-04-3017:37∶1021] {BasHuxPosix.Py:127 }信息-D'''档案Zip Paele'sPar DES:,DANS LaqeleReCheleer-FigHeer-de CLASE。
[2019-04-3017:37:11022]{}INFO-définition d'une propriétésystemème
[2019-04-3017:37:11022]{}信息详细:[class | gc | jni]
[2019-04-30 17:37:11022]{}信息-避免:放弃和恢复阶段
[2019-04-3017:37:11022]{}信息-dans une版本未来。
[2019-04-30 17:37:11022]{}信息——展示产品和工艺的版本印象
[2019-04-30 17:37:11022]{}信息--jre限制搜索|-无jre限制搜索
[2019-04-30 17:37:11022]{}信息-避免:放弃和恢复阶段
tac_job_run_command = "/opt/tomcat/webapps/tac/WEB-INF/classes/ --tac-url= --json-params='{"actionName":"runTask","authPass":"Password123","authUser":"","taskId":123,"mode":"synchronous"}' "

talend_job_task = SSHOperator(