Python 我有麻烦了,j=pygame.maggage.maggage()

Python 我有麻烦了,j=pygame.maggage.maggage(),python,controls,rc,servo,Python,Controls,Rc,Servo,我的示例代码来自谷歌 #!/usr/bin/env python import pygame from pygame import import time import RPi.GPIO as GPIO GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # Initialise the pygame library pygame.init() # Connect to the first JoyStick16:11:10:05:0B:1C j = pygame.joystick.Joys


#!/usr/bin/env python

import pygame
from pygame import
import time
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO


# Initialise the pygame library

# Connect to the first JoyStick16:11:10:05:0B:1C
j = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0)

print 'Initialized Joystick : %s' % j.get_name()

# Setup the various GPIO values, using the BCM numbers for now
MotorA0 = 16
MotorA1 = 18
MotorAE = 22

MotorB0 = 23
MotorB1 = 21
MotorBE = 19
A0 = False
A1 = False
B0 = False
B1 = False



# Set all the Motors to 'off'
GPIO.output(MotorA0, A0)
GPIO.output(MotorA1, A1)
GPIO.output(MotorAE, False)
GPIO.output(MotorBE, False)
GPIO.output(MotorB0, B0)
GPIO.output(MotorB1, B1)

# Only start the motors when the inputs go above the following threshold
threshold = 0.60

LeftTrack = 0
RightTrack = 0

# Configure the motors to match the current settings.

def setmotors():
    GPIO.output(MotorA0, A0)
    GPIO.output(MotorA1, A1)
    GPIO.output(MotorAE, True)
    GPIO.output(MotorBE, True)
    GPIO.output(MotorB0, B0)
    GPIO.output(MotorB1, B1)

# Try and run the main code, and in case of failure we can stop the motors
    # Turn on the motors
    GPIO.output(MotorAE, True)
    GPIO.output(MotorBE, True)

    # This is the main loop
    while True:

    # Check for any queued events and then process each one
    events = pygame.event.get()
    for event in events:
      UpdateMotors = 0

      # Check if one of the joysticks has moved
      if event.type == pygame.JOYAXISMOTION:
        if event.axis == 1:
          LeftTrack = event.value
          UpdateMotors = 1
        elif event.axis == 3:
          RightTrack = event.value
          UpdateMotors = 1

        # Check if we need to update what the motors are doing
        if UpdateMotors:

          # Check how to configure the left motor

          # Move forwards
          if (RightTrack > threshold):
              A0 = False
              A1 = True
          # Move backwards
          elif (RightTrack < -threshold):
              A0 = True
              A1 = False
          # Stopping
              A0 = False
              A1 = False

          # And do the same for the right motor
          if (LeftTrack > threshold):
              B0 = False
              B1 = True
          # Move backwards
          elif (LeftTrack < -threshold):
              B0 = True
              B1 = False
          # Otherwise stop
              B0 = False
              B1 = False

          # Now we've worked out what is going on we can tell the
          # motors what they need to do

except KeyboardInterrupt:
    # Turn off the motors
    GPIO.output(MotorAE, False)
    GPIO.output(MotorBE, False)
    j.quit()#!/usr/bin/env python


回溯最近一次呼叫上次: 文件,第13行,在 j=pygame.goodage.goodage TypeError:函数只接受给定的1个参数0

Your issue is that the command line j=pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) is calling the first ps3 controller that is available and paired to your raspberry pi (or whatever device you are using). 
With that said, if you do not have a ps3 controller paired with the device, it will never work, because the next command line calls the Ps3controller 0 , and in your case, seems not to be any installed or paired.

第4行:完全删除此行 第26行:假设它前面有一个hashtag,仅用于表示法。实际上,您可以删除这一行,因为它是来自其他人项目的注释。 第78行:缩进不正确。它必须跟随它上面while True循环的缩进。所以要修复它,请确保将第78行中的命令一直退到左侧,然后按空格键8次,或按TAB键2次,同样的事情。那会解决的

现在你的代码可以工作了。实际上还有最后一件事,请确保安装pygame库,如果您还没有,请使用raspberry pi和raspbian在Xterminalim中键入:sudo apt get install python pygame
