
如何从列表中选择整数并在Python中分配它,python,list,indexing,Python,List,Indexing,好的,我在Python中有一个列表,我想循环使用,但也给它指定了一个整数。我的问题是如何从列表中获取某个索引,并将该编号分配给变量。我指的是这不起作用的原因。当我运行此命令时,我得到:TypeError:“int”对象不可下标。我想不出一种方法来将某个索引分配给一个变量。请帮忙 entryway1 = ['another locked door', 'a hallway-1', 'a hallway-2', 'a room'] came_from = ['right', 'left', 'for


entryway1 = ['another locked door', 'a hallway-1', 'a hallway-2', 'a room']
came_from = ['right', 'left', 'forward', 'backward']
room_number = [1, 2, 3, 4]

def rotate_number(room_list, n): #This function rotates/shifts the room number values 
    room_list = (room_list[-n:] + room_list[:-n])
    return room_list

def rotate(list_1, n): #This function rotates/shifts the room sides values
    list_1 = (list_1[-n:] + list_1[:-n])
    return list_1

def room_1():  # This is one of four "rooms" surrounding the middle room
    global from_direction
    print("This is the locked door")
    from_direction = 'locked door'

def room_2():  # This is one of four "rooms" surrounding the middle room
    global from_direction
    print("This is hallway 1")
    from_direction = 'hallway 1'

def room_3():  # This is one of four "rooms" surrounding the middle room
    global from_direction
    print("This is hallway 2")
    from_direction = 'hallway 2'

def room_4():  # This is one of four "rooms" surrounding the middle room
    global from_direction
    print("This is a room")
    from_direction = 'room'

def look2():  # This is the middle room named the entryway.
    print("I must be in an entryway.")
    global entryway1
    global room_number
    global from_direction
    if from_direction == 'locked door':  # The four ifs check what direction you came from and sets the room up to that certain perspective through lists.
        entryway1 = rotate(entryway1, 3)
        room_number = rotate_number(room_number, 3)
    if from_direction == 'hallway 1':
        entryway1 = rotate(entryway1, 2)
        room_number = rotate_number(room_number, 2)
    if from_direction == 'hallway 2':
        entryway1 = rotate(entryway1, 1)
        room_number = rotate_number(room_number, 1)
    if from_direction == 'room':
        entryway1 = rotate(entryway1, 0)
        room_number = rotate_number(room_number, 0)

    room_number = 0
    movearea = True
    print("Where to go...")
    while movearea:    # This allows you to look around the room freely and sets a value according to what way you last looked at
        direction = input().lower()
        if direction == 'Look Right'.lower():
            print("*There is", entryway1[0], "there.*")  
            to_next_room = room_number[0]    # THIS DOESN'T WORK 
        if direction == 'Look Forward'.lower():
            print("*There is", entryway1[1], "there.*")  
            to_next_room = room_number[1]    # THIS DOESN'T WORK 
        if direction == 'Look Left'.lower():
            print("*There is", entryway1[2], "there.*") 
            to_next_room = room_number[2]    # THIS DOESN'T WORK 
        if direction == 'Look Back'.lower():
            print("*There is", entryway1[3], "there.*")  
            to_next_room = room_number[3]    # THIS DOESN'T WORK 

        if to_next_room == 0 and direction == 'open door': #the to_next_room checks what value was last assigned from looking at a certain direction. It also checks if you put in the right input to go to the next room.
            print('escape_game() was originally right')
        if to_next_room == 1 and direction == 'go there':
            print('forward1() was originally forward')
        if to_next_room == 2 and direction == 'go there':
            print('left1() was originally left')
        if to_next_room == 3 and direction == 'go there':
            print('emptyroom1() was originally back')

print("You are in a a locked door")  # This is a basic starting point for the game that this chunk of code is from.
room_3()   # This changes in the whole piece of code, but for testing I just 
type rooms 1-4 in here
next_room = input("would you like to move on?")
if next_room == 'yes':
if next_room == 'no':
    print("ok bye")

room_number = [1, 2, 3, 4]

room_number = 0


room\u number不是列表为什么覆盖room\u number的值?:room\u number=0。@ChristianDean我希望最初的数字不是1-4。我想如果我想在循环中找到一个为真的布尔值,我需要把它设为零。我不需要它吗?