
重塑数据:提取“;“一些”;行,并将它们转换为R中的新列,r,reshape,R,Reshape,(已编辑)我有一个很长的数据集,其中有多个长格式的列。下面是一个数据示例: Groups duration response value trial ------ ----- -------- --------- -------- C 525 ID 5578 ID C 525 1-1 676|342 C3 C 525 1-2 676|342 C3 C


Groups duration response  value      trial
------ -----    -------- --------- --------
C       525      ID       5578        ID
C       525      1-1      676|342     C3
C       525      1-2      676|342     C3
C       525      1-3      676|342     C3
C       525      1-4      676|342     C3
C       525      1-5      676|342     C3
C       521      ID       6331        ID
C       521      1-1      643|461     C3


Groups duration  ID     response   value      trial
------ -----   ------   --------  --------- --------
C       525     5578       1-1      676|342    C3 
C       525     5578       1-2      676|342    C3
C       525     5578       1-3      676|342    C3
C       525     5578       1-4      676|342    C3
C       525     5578       1-5      676|342    C3
C       525     5578       1-6      676|342    C3
C       521     6331       1-1      643|461    C3
C       521     6331       1-2      643|461    C3
C       521     6331       1-3      643|461    C3
C       521     6331       1-4      643|461    C3
C       521     6331       1-5      643|461    C3
C       521     6331       1-6      643|461    C3

df <- spread(df, response, value)

#fill in the whole column with corresponding values
df<-fill(df, ID, .direction="down")

df <- gather(df, name, coordinates, 9:1417, factor_key=TRUE)


df %>%
   group_by(grp = cumsum(response == 'ID'), Groups) %>%
   mutate(ID = first(value)) %>%
   slice(-1) %>%
   ungroup %>%

# A tibble: 6 x 6
#  Groups duration response value   trial ID   
#  <chr>     <int> <chr>    <chr>   <chr> <chr>
#1 C           525 1-1      676|342 C3    5578 
#2 C           525 1-2      676|342 C3    5578 
#3 C           525 1-3      676|342 C3    5578 
#4 C           525 1-4      676|342 C3    5578 
#5 C           525 1-5      676|342 C3    5578 
#6 C           521 1-1      643|461 C3    6331 
# A tibble: 12 x 6
#   Groups duration value   trial ID    response
#   <chr>     <int> <chr>   <chr> <chr> <chr>   
# 1 C           525 676|342 C3    5578  1-1     
# 2 C           525 676|342 C3    5578  1-2     
# 3 C           525 676|342 C3    5578  1-3     
# 4 C           525 676|342 C3    5578  1-4     
# 5 C           525 676|342 C3    5578  1-5     
# 6 C           525 676|342 C3    5578  1-6     
# 7 C           521 643|461 C3    6331  1-1     
# 8 C           521 643|461 C3    6331  1-2     
# 9 C           521 643|461 C3    6331  1-3     
#10 C           521 643|461 C3    6331  1-4     
#11 C           521 643|461 C3    6331  1-5     
#12 C           521 643|461 C3    6331  1-6     

# A tibble: 6 x 6
#  Groups duration response value   trial ID   
#  <chr>     <int> <chr>    <chr>   <chr> <chr>
#1 C           525 1-1      676|342 C3    5578 
#2 C           525 1-2      676|342 C3    5578 
#3 C           525 1-3      676|342 C3    5578 
#4 C           525 1-4      676|342 C3    5578 
#5 C           525 1-5      676|342 C3    5578 
#6 C           521 1-1      643|461 C3    6331 
# A tibble: 12 x 6
#   Groups duration value   trial ID    response
#   <chr>     <int> <chr>   <chr> <chr> <chr>   
# 1 C           525 676|342 C3    5578  1-1     
# 2 C           525 676|342 C3    5578  1-2     
# 3 C           525 676|342 C3    5578  1-3     
# 4 C           525 676|342 C3    5578  1-4     
# 5 C           525 676|342 C3    5578  1-5     
# 6 C           525 676|342 C3    5578  1-6     
# 7 C           521 643|461 C3    6331  1-1     
# 8 C           521 643|461 C3    6331  1-2     
# 9 C           521 643|461 C3    6331  1-3     
#10 C           521 643|461 C3    6331  1-4     
#11 C           521 643|461 C3    6331  1-5     
#12 C           521 643|461 C3    6331  1-6     
#一个tible:12 x 6
#1 C 525 676 | 342 C3 5578 1-1
#2 C 525 676 | 342 C3 5578 1-2
#3 C 525 676 | 342 C3 5578 1-3
#4 C 525 676 | 342 C3 5578 1-4
#5 C 525 676 | 342 C3 5578 1-5
#6 C 525 676 | 342 C3 5578 1-6
#7 C 521 643 | 461 C3 6331 1-1
#8 C 521 643 | 461 C3 6331 1-2
#9 C 521 643 | 461 C3 6331 1-3
#10 C 521 643 | 461 C3 6331 1-4
#11 C 521 643 | 461 C3 6331 1-5
#12 C 521 643 | 461 C3 6331 1-6



df %>%
  mutate(ID  = replace(value, response != 'ID', NA)) %>%
  fill(ID) %>%
  filter(response != 'ID')

#  Groups duration response   value trial   ID
#1      C      525      1-1 676|342    C3 5578
#2      C      525      1-2 676|342    C3 5578
#3      C      525      1-3 676|342    C3 5578
#4      C      525      1-4 676|342    C3 5578
#5      C      525      1-5 676|342    C3 5578
#6      C      521      1-1 643|461    C3 6331

