R 尝试使用|或运算符创建字符串的值

R 尝试使用|或运算符创建字符串的值,r,text-mining,stringr,R,Text Mining,Stringr,我正试图刮一个网站链接。到目前为止,我下载了文本并将其设置为数据帧。我有以下几点: keywords <- c(credit | model) text_df <- as.data.frame.table(text_df) text_df %>% filter(str_detect(text, keywords)) keywords好的,我已经检查过了,我认为它不会按您的方式工作,因为您必须在filter()中使用or运算符 因此,它将以这种方式工作: keywords


keywords <- c(credit | model)

text_df <- as.data.frame.table(text_df)
text_df %>%
  filter(str_detect(text, keywords))



keywords <- c("virg", "tos")


 iris %>%
      filter(str_detect(Species, keywords[1]) | str_detect(Species, keywords[2]))


stru detect

text_df Var`1` text
#>2 3此行可能包含关键字模型


text <- readLines("http://norvig.com/big.txt") # sherlock holmes
terms <- c("watson", "sherlock holmes", "elementary")
text_locate(text, terms)
##    text           before               instance                after             
## 1  1    …Book of The Adventures of  Sherlock Holmes                             
## 2  27     Title: The Adventures of  Sherlock Holmes                             
## 3  40   … EBOOK, THE ADVENTURES OF  SHERLOCK HOLMES  ***                        
## 4  50                               SHERLOCK HOLMES                               
## 5  77                           To  Sherlock Holmes  she is always the woman. I…
## 6  85   …," he remarked. "I think,      Watson      , that you have put on seve…
## 7  89   …t a trifle more, I fancy,      Watson      . And in practice again, I …
## 8  145  …ere's money in this case,      Watson      , if there is nothing else.…
## 9  163  …friend and colleague, Dr.      Watson      , who is occasionally good …
## 10 315  … for you. And good-night,      Watson      ," he added, as the wheels …
## 11 352  …s quite too good to lose,      Watson      . I was just balancing whet…
## 12 422  …as I had pictured it from  Sherlock Holmes ' succinct description, but…
## 13 504         "Good-night, Mister  Sherlock Holmes ."                          
## 14 515  …t it!" he cried, grasping  Sherlock Holmes  by either shoulder and loo…
## 15 553                        "Mr.  Sherlock Holmes , I believe?" said she.     
## 16 559                     "What!"  Sherlock Holmes  staggered back, white with…
## 17 565  …tter was superscribed to " Sherlock Holmes , Esq. To be left till call…
## 18 567                "MY DEAR MR.  SHERLOCK HOLMES ,--You really did it very w…
## 19 569  …est to the celebrated Mr.  Sherlock Holmes . Then I, rather imprudentl…
## 20 571  …s; and I remain, dear Mr.  Sherlock Holmes ,                           
## ⋮  (189 rows total)

text <- readLines("http://norvig.com/big.txt") # sherlock holmes
terms <- c("watson", "sherlock holmes", "elementary")
text_locate(text, terms)
##    text           before               instance                after             
## 1  1    …Book of The Adventures of  Sherlock Holmes                             
## 2  27     Title: The Adventures of  Sherlock Holmes                             
## 3  40   … EBOOK, THE ADVENTURES OF  SHERLOCK HOLMES  ***                        
## 4  50                               SHERLOCK HOLMES                               
## 5  77                           To  Sherlock Holmes  she is always the woman. I…
## 6  85   …," he remarked. "I think,      Watson      , that you have put on seve…
## 7  89   …t a trifle more, I fancy,      Watson      . And in practice again, I …
## 8  145  …ere's money in this case,      Watson      , if there is nothing else.…
## 9  163  …friend and colleague, Dr.      Watson      , who is occasionally good …
## 10 315  … for you. And good-night,      Watson      ," he added, as the wheels …
## 11 352  …s quite too good to lose,      Watson      . I was just balancing whet…
## 12 422  …as I had pictured it from  Sherlock Holmes ' succinct description, but…
## 13 504         "Good-night, Mister  Sherlock Holmes ."                          
## 14 515  …t it!" he cried, grasping  Sherlock Holmes  by either shoulder and loo…
## 15 553                        "Mr.  Sherlock Holmes , I believe?" said she.     
## 16 559                     "What!"  Sherlock Holmes  staggered back, white with…
## 17 565  …tter was superscribed to " Sherlock Holmes , Esq. To be left till call…
## 18 567                "MY DEAR MR.  SHERLOCK HOLMES ,--You really did it very w…
## 19 569  …est to the celebrated Mr.  Sherlock Holmes . Then I, rather imprudentl…
## 20 571  …s; and I remain, dear Mr.  Sherlock Holmes ,                           
## ⋮  (189 rows total)
ix <- text_detect(text, terms)
matches <- text_subset(text, terms)