
无法删除R中某些库的警告和消息,r,suppress,R,Suppress,我无法理解这些消息来自哪个库: Warning messages: 1: In if (!(tclass %in% c("yearmon", "yearqtr"))) lubridate::tz(ret) <- tzone : the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used 2: In if (!(tclass %in% c("yearmon", "yearqtr"))) lubridate


Warning messages:
1: In if (!(tclass %in% c("yearmon", "yearqtr"))) lubridate::tz(ret) <- tzone :
  the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
2: In if (!(tclass %in% c("yearmon", "yearqtr"))) lubridate::tz(ret) <- tzone :
  the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used




1499893200, 19.02870

1499896800, 18.91708

1499900400, 18.80855

1499904000, 19.04631

1499907600, 18.89747

1499911200, 18.69003

1499914800, 18.98538

1499918400, 18.87732

1499922000, 18.69314

1499925600, 18.99397

1499929200, 18.77869

1499932800, 18.68454

1499936400, 18.98039

1499940000, 18.88998

1499943600, 18.71440

1499947200, 18.98789

1499950800, 18.86854

1499954400, 18.69711

1499958000, 18.91687

1499961600, 18.89083

1499965200, 18.82566

1499968800, 19.00667

1499972400, 18.87633

1499976000, 18.72960

1499979600, 19.04492

1499983200, 18.91356

1499986800, 18.83017

1499990400, 19.02865

1499994000, 18.88282

1499997600, 18.70087

1500001200, 19.06607

1500004800, 18.80885

1500008400, 18.61242

1500012000, 18.94070

1500015600, 18.82240

1500019200, 18.68274

1500022800, 18.97367

1500026400, 18.79754

1500030000, 18.72475

1500033600, 18.94517

1500037200, 18.93362

1500040800, 18.69782

1500044400, 19.02091

1500048000, 18.83109

1500051600, 18.74415

1500055200, 18.89581

1500058800, 18.90286

# Use as_datetime to convert from numeric time stamps to date-times

    dataframe <- dataframe %>%
        mutate(timestamp = as_datetime(timestamp))

# Setup your ts object

    ts_frequency <- 24
    start <- 1
    tk_ts_dataframe <- tk_ts(dataframe, start = start, freq = ts_frequency, silent = TRUE)

    # Arima model
    fit <- auto.arima(tk_ts_dataframe, trace = TRUE, stepwise = FALSE) 

    # Forecast
    forecast_duration <- 10
    fc <- forecast(fit, h = forecast_duration)

    # Perform sweep
    final <- sw_sweep(fc, timekit_idx = TRUE)

它似乎不是来自任何包,而是来自if语句条件的逻辑。R试图告诉您tclass不是您可能怀疑或可能不怀疑的原子值,而是值的列表/向量。因此,不要查看向量/列表中的所有值以放入IF条件,它只考虑向量/列表的第一个元素。 解决方案:确保tclass是一个原子值以消除警告,如果您知道它是一个向量,并且您不介意它是否使用第一个值,那么您就可以了


您需要修复代码问题,而不是抑制警告。您能从何处得知这一点吗。我没有在我的代码中使用过这种if?首先向我解释一下tclass到底应该是什么?我认为tclass是timeseries。现在基本上我正在timeseries数据上应用ARIMA。最初,我有一个数据帧,其中历元时间为row.name,值在一列中。我转换成的这个数据帧:tk_tsts_df,start=1,freq=ts_frequency,silent=TRUE timeseries对象,arima可以应用在这个对象上。现在,我看到了您要做的事情,但是,请将初始化tclass的代码发送给我,以便我们可以尝试修复该问题并删除警告。您仍然没有向我显示tclass的来源。我需要知道这一点,因为tclass是if声明中的主要问题。不,在你的if语句中哪里提到了你的数据帧,所以我不需要知道
# Use as_datetime to convert from numeric time stamps to date-times

    dataframe <- dataframe %>%
        mutate(timestamp = as_datetime(timestamp))

# Setup your ts object

    ts_frequency <- 24
    start <- 1
    tk_ts_dataframe <- tk_ts(dataframe, start = start, freq = ts_frequency, silent = TRUE)

    # Arima model
    fit <- auto.arima(tk_ts_dataframe, trace = TRUE, stepwise = FALSE) 

    # Forecast
    forecast_duration <- 10
    fc <- forecast(fit, h = forecast_duration)

    # Perform sweep
    final <- sw_sweep(fc, timekit_idx = TRUE)