
R基本绘图功能:图表的图例不正确,r,plot,legend,R,Plot,Legend,我对剧情传说有困难: head(bee.ground) X Month Treatment Block Bee_Richness Bee_Abundance Bare Grass Forb Dead Moss 1 1 May DS 1 0 0 23.20 15.72 37.80 17.00 0 2 2 May GS 1 0 0 3


  X Month Treatment Block Bee_Richness Bee_Abundance  Bare Grass  Forb  Dead Moss
1 1   May        DS     1            0             0 23.20 15.72 37.80 17.00    0
2 2   May        GS     1            0             0 33.52 21.88 33.60  9.88    0
3 3   May        UB     1            1             1  0.60 18.28 35.00 43.48    0
4 4   May        DS     2            7            71 11.20 11.20 58.80 16.68    0
5 5   May        GS     2            5             6 37.00 12.08 43.92  5.12    0
6 6   May        UB     2            5            16  4.40 14.88 12.32 67.88    0


    plot(bee.ground$Bare, bee.ground$Bee_Richness, main = "Bee Richness and Bare Ground Cover", 
 xlab = "Percent Bare Ground", ylab = "Bee Richness",
 pch = shape,
 col = color,
 las = 1,
 cex = 1.5)

~ plot函数中是否也有方法使图例位于图形下方并居中?编辑:我想出来了!只需将ylim调整为go-3,并为水平图例留出空间




shape <- ifelse(bee.ground$Block == "1", 1,ifelse(bee.ground$Block == "2", 2, ifelse(bee.ground$Block == "3",3,4)))
color <- ifelse(bee.ground$Treatment == "DS", 'red',ifelse(bee.ground$Treatment == "GS", 'green', 'black'))

plot(bee.ground$Bare, bee.ground$Bee_Richness, main = "Bee Richness and Bare Ground Cover", 
     xlab = "Percent Bare Ground", ylab = "Bee Richness",pch = c(shape),
     col = c(color),las = 1,cex = 1.5,ylim = c(0,35))
legend("topleft", c('1','2','3','4'),pch = c(1,2,3,4),horiz = TRUE,title = "Block")
legend("topright",c("DS","GS","UB"),horiz = TRUE, text.col = c("red","green","black"),title = "Treatment",title.col = "black")


shape <- as.numeric(as.factor(bee.ground$Block))
color <- as.numeric(as.factor(bee.ground$Treatment))

plot(bee.ground$Bare, bee.ground$Bee_Richness, 
     main = "Bee Richness and Bare Ground Cover", 
     xlab = "Percent Bare Ground", ylab = "Bee Richness",
     pch = shape, col = color, las = 1, cex = 1.5)

     legend("topleft", c('Block DS, Treatment 1',
                         'Block DS, Treatment 2',
                         'Block DS, Treatment 3',
                         'Block GS, Treatment 1',
                         'Block GS, Treatment 2',
                         'Block GS, Treatment 3',
                         'Block UB, Treatment 1',
                         'Block UB, Treatment 2',
                         'Block UB, Treatment 3'),
                       pch = c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3), 
                       col = c('blue', 'green', 'brown', 
                               'blue', 'green', 'brown',
                               'blue', 'green', 'brown'))

shape <- ifelse(bee.ground$Block == 'DS', 3,
         ifelse(bee.ground$Block == 'GS', 6, 9))

color <- ifelse(bee.ground$Treatment == 1, 'red',
         ifelse(bee.ground$Treatment == 2, 'blue', 'black'))

plot(bee.ground$Bare, bee.ground$Bee_Richness, 
     main = "Bee Richness and Bare Ground Cover", 
     xlab = "Percent Bare Ground", ylab = "Bee Richness",
     pch = shape, col = color, las = 1, cex = 1.5)

     legend("topleft", c('Block DS, Treatment 1',
                         'Block DS, Treatment 2',
                         'Block DS, Treatment 3',
                         'Block GS, Treatment 1',
                         'Block GS, Treatment 2',
                         'Block GS, Treatment 3',
                         'Block UB, Treatment 1',
                         'Block UB, Treatment 2',
                         'Block UB, Treatment 3'),
                       pch = c(3,3,3,6,6,6,9,9,9), 
                       col = c('red', 'blue', 'black',
                               'red', 'blue', 'black',
                               'red', 'blue', 'black'))
shape <- as.numeric(as.factor(bee.ground$Block))
color <- as.numeric(as.factor(bee.ground$Treatment))

plot(bee.ground$Bare, bee.ground$Bee_Richness, 
     main = "Bee Richness and Bare Ground Cover", 
     xlab = "Percent Bare Ground", ylab = "Bee Richness",
     pch = shape, col = color, las = 1, cex = 1.5)

     legend("topleft", c('Block DS, Treatment 1',
                         'Block DS, Treatment 2',
                         'Block DS, Treatment 3',
                         'Block GS, Treatment 1',
                         'Block GS, Treatment 2',
                         'Block GS, Treatment 3',
                         'Block UB, Treatment 1',
                         'Block UB, Treatment 2',
                         'Block UB, Treatment 3'),
                       pch = c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3), 
                       col = c('blue', 'green', 'brown', 
                               'blue', 'green', 'brown',
                               'blue', 'green', 'brown'))

shape <- ifelse(bee.ground$Block == 'DS', 3,
         ifelse(bee.ground$Block == 'GS', 6, 9))

color <- ifelse(bee.ground$Treatment == 1, 'red',
         ifelse(bee.ground$Treatment == 2, 'blue', 'black'))

plot(bee.ground$Bare, bee.ground$Bee_Richness, 
     main = "Bee Richness and Bare Ground Cover", 
     xlab = "Percent Bare Ground", ylab = "Bee Richness",
     pch = shape, col = color, las = 1, cex = 1.5)

     legend("topleft", c('Block DS, Treatment 1',
                         'Block DS, Treatment 2',
                         'Block DS, Treatment 3',
                         'Block GS, Treatment 1',
                         'Block GS, Treatment 2',
                         'Block GS, Treatment 3',
                         'Block UB, Treatment 1',
                         'Block UB, Treatment 2',
                         'Block UB, Treatment 3'),
                       pch = c(3,3,3,6,6,6,9,9,9), 
                       col = c('red', 'blue', 'black',
                               'red', 'blue', 'black',
                               'red', 'blue', 'black'))