Recursion 这个递归函数是如何返回的;ArrayofStrings";在主体中,尤其是在循环中,只有索引更新,我可以';我看不到任何字符串

Recursion 这个递归函数是如何返回的;ArrayofStrings";在主体中,尤其是在循环中,只有索引更新,我可以';我看不到任何字符串,recursion,Recursion,关于这个问题的一些细节:在下面的方法中,我无法弄清楚递归方法如何返回字符串数组,但它只更新内部for循环中的索引,并且我看不到任何文本内容 public static ArrayList<String> getPermutations (String word,ArrayList<Integer> indices) { int length = word.length(); // Create the empty ArrayList to return


public static ArrayList<String> getPermutations (String word,ArrayList<Integer> indices) {
int length = word.length();
        // Create the empty ArrayList to return
        ArrayList<String> toReturn = new ArrayList<String>();
// If all characters are considered, we are done. Return empty ArrayList
        if (indices.size() == length) {
            return toReturn;

        // Iterate over each character to find the permutation
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {

            // Skip if index is already considered
            if (indices.contains(i)) continue;

            // Create and populate a duplicate ArrayList of indices that have already been considered
            ArrayList<Integer> newIndices = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            for (int index : indices) {

            // Add current index

            // Calculate permutations
            ArrayList<String> permutations = Permutations.getPermutations(word, newIndices);

            // Add the current character before the permutations of the rest of the word
            for (String str : permutations) {
                toReturn.add(word.charAt(i) + str);


        // Return
        return toReturn;

公共静态ArrayList getPermutations(字符串字、ArrayList索引){
int length=word.length();
ArrayList toReturn=新的ArrayList();
for(int i=0;i