Regex 匹配正则表达式中的文本节

Regex 匹配正则表达式中的文本节,regex,regex-lookarounds,backreference,Regex,Regex Lookarounds,Backreference,所以我有一个标题,在这里我可以开始匹配文本,然后对于部分的结尾,我使用了标题的backreference来确定部分的结尾: 样本数据: Section 1 sub-header here: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sed interdum erat. Donec sed felis sit amet sem mattis aliquet non in turpis. sub-section



Section 1
sub-header here:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sed interdum erat. Donec sed felis sit amet sem mattis aliquet non in turpis. 

sub-section with one newline above
option A
option B

sub-section 2 with two newline above
setting1: value of setting1
setting2: value of setting2

Section 2
sub-header here:
Nulla maximus mollis urna, in lobortis est auctor a. Ut erat enim, volutpat id tortor eget, elementum fermentum nisi.

sub-section with one newline above
option A
option B

sub-section 2 with two newline above
setting1: value of setting1
setting2: value of setting2

Section 3
sub-header here:
Sed suscipit eleifend arcu fringilla pulvinar. Maecenas ullamcorper efficitur fringilla.

sub-section with one newline above
option A
option B

sub-section 2 with two newline above
setting1: value of setting1
setting2: value of setting2




Section\s*\d+-匹配文本节,后跟0+空格,后跟数字的1+次出现,并捕获组1中的全部内容 [\s\s]*?-匹配任何字符的0+次出现次数,并在组2中捕获该字符 ?=\s*Section\s*\d+|$-正向前瞻,以确保上面匹配的内容后面必须跟在字符串的末尾,或者跟在0+空格后面的是Section,后面跟在0+空格后面的是1+数字
将?=\2替换为?=\2 |$,但不要使用m修饰符,同时删除您拥有的$。请看,它不会选择第二节@WiktorStribiżewRight,在\2之前必须有\n节,节\s*\d+[\s\s]*?=\s*\2\d+|$可以简化为我认为的那一节。