Reporting services SSRS-矩阵中的重复值

Reporting services SSRS-矩阵中的重复值,reporting-services,visual-studio-2015,Reporting Services,Visual Studio 2015,我是这方面的初学者,请原谅我的无知。我已经搜索了几个小时,但还没有经验来更好地了解到底要搜索什么 我在SSRS中有如下数据集: |---------------------|------------------| | Subject | Student | |---------------------|------------------| | Biology | Student A



    |      Subject        |     Student      |
    |      Biology        |    Student A     |
    |      Chemistry      |    Student A     |
    |      Chemistry      |    Student B     |
    |      Physics        |    Student B     |

|                     |      Biology     |    Chemistry     |     Physics      |
|    Biology          |        20        |        0         |        0         |
|    Chemistry        |        0         |        36        |        0         |
|    Physics          |        0         |        0         |        16        |






这很简单: 您可以将学生和主题之间的地图与其自身连接起来,但前提是学生相同,但主题不同


;WITH subjects AS 
              SELECT 1 AS subject_id, 'Biology' AS subject_name 
    UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS subject_id, 'Chemistry' AS subject_name 
    UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS subject_id, 'Physics' AS subject_name 
,students AS 
              SELECT 1 AS student_id, 'Student A' AS student_name 
    UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS student_id, 'Student B' AS student_name 
    UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS student_id, 'Student C' AS student_name 
    UNION ALL SELECT 4 AS student_id, 'Student D' AS student_name 
,map_student_subject AS 
              SELECT 1 AS student_id, 1 AS subject_id 
    UNION ALL SELECT 1 AS student_id, 2 AS subject_id 
    UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS student_id, 2 AS subject_id 
    UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS student_id, 3 AS subject_id 
    UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS student_id, 3 AS subject_id 
    UNION ALL SELECT 4 AS student_id, 3 AS subject_id 
     map1.student_id AS map1_student_id 
    ,map1_student.student_name AS map1_student_name 
    ,map1.subject_id AS map1_subject_id
    ,map1_subject.subject_name AS map1_subject_name 

    ,map2.student_id AS map2_student_id 
    ,map2_student.student_name AS map2_student_name 
    ,map2.subject_id AS map2_subject_id
    ,map2_subject.subject_name AS map2_subject_name 
FROM map_student_subject AS map1 

INNER JOIN map_student_subject AS map2 
    ON map2.student_id = map1.student_id 
    AND map2.subject_id <> map1.subject_id 

LEFT JOIN students AS map1_student 
    ON map1_student.student_id = map1.student_id 

LEFT JOIN students AS map2_student 
    ON map2_student.student_id = map2.student_id 

LEFT JOIN subjects AS map1_subject 
    ON map1_subject.subject_id = map1.subject_id 

LEFT JOIN subjects AS map2_subject 
    ON map2_subject.subject_id = map2.subject_id 


;WITH subjects AS 
              SELECT 1 AS subject_id, 'Biology' AS subject_name 
    UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS subject_id, 'Chemistry' AS subject_name 
    UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS subject_id, 'Physics' AS subject_name 
,students AS 
              SELECT 1 AS student_id, 'Student A' AS student_name 
    UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS student_id, 'Student B' AS student_name 
    UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS student_id, 'Student C' AS student_name 
    UNION ALL SELECT 4 AS student_id, 'Student D' AS student_name 
,map_student_subject AS 
              SELECT 1 AS student_id, 1 AS subject_id 
    UNION ALL SELECT 1 AS student_id, 2 AS subject_id 
    UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS student_id, 2 AS subject_id 
    UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS student_id, 3 AS subject_id 
    UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS student_id, 3 AS subject_id 
    UNION ALL SELECT 4 AS student_id, 3 AS subject_id 
     map1.student_id AS map1_student_id 
    ,map1_student.student_name AS map1_student_name 
    ,map1.subject_id AS map1_subject_id
    ,map1_subject.subject_name AS map1_subject_name 

    ,map2.student_id AS map2_student_id 
    ,map2_student.student_name AS map2_student_name 
    ,map2.subject_id AS map2_subject_id
    ,map2_subject.subject_name AS map2_subject_name 
FROM map_student_subject AS map1 

INNER JOIN map_student_subject AS map2 
    ON map2.student_id = map1.student_id 
    AND map2.subject_id <> map1.subject_id 

LEFT JOIN students AS map1_student 
    ON map1_student.student_id = map1.student_id 

LEFT JOIN students AS map2_student 
    ON map2_student.student_id = map2.student_id 

LEFT JOIN subjects AS map1_subject 
    ON map1_subject.subject_id = map1.subject_id 

LEFT JOIN subjects AS map2_subject 
    ON map2_subject.subject_id = map2.subject_id 


     students.student_id  AS map1_student_id 
    ,students.student_name  AS map1_student_name 
    ,MAX(subjects.subject_id) AS map1_subject_id
    ,MAX(subjects.subject_name) AS map1_subject_name 

    ,students.student_id  AS map2_student_id 
    ,students.student_name  AS map2_student_name 
    ,MAX(subjects.subject_id) AS map2_subject_id
    ,MAX(subjects.subject_name) AS map2_subject_name 
FROM map_student_subject 
LEFT JOIN students ON students.student_id = map_student_subject.student_id 
LEFT JOIN subjects ON subjects.subject_id = map_student_subject.subject_id 


这很简单: 您可以将学生和主题之间的地图与其自身连接起来,但前提是学生相同,但主题不同


;WITH subjects AS 
              SELECT 1 AS subject_id, 'Biology' AS subject_name 
    UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS subject_id, 'Chemistry' AS subject_name 
    UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS subject_id, 'Physics' AS subject_name 
,students AS 
              SELECT 1 AS student_id, 'Student A' AS student_name 
    UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS student_id, 'Student B' AS student_name 
    UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS student_id, 'Student C' AS student_name 
    UNION ALL SELECT 4 AS student_id, 'Student D' AS student_name 
,map_student_subject AS 
              SELECT 1 AS student_id, 1 AS subject_id 
    UNION ALL SELECT 1 AS student_id, 2 AS subject_id 
    UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS student_id, 2 AS subject_id 
    UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS student_id, 3 AS subject_id 
    UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS student_id, 3 AS subject_id 
    UNION ALL SELECT 4 AS student_id, 3 AS subject_id 
     map1.student_id AS map1_student_id 
    ,map1_student.student_name AS map1_student_name 
    ,map1.subject_id AS map1_subject_id
    ,map1_subject.subject_name AS map1_subject_name 

    ,map2.student_id AS map2_student_id 
    ,map2_student.student_name AS map2_student_name 
    ,map2.subject_id AS map2_subject_id
    ,map2_subject.subject_name AS map2_subject_name 
FROM map_student_subject AS map1 

INNER JOIN map_student_subject AS map2 
    ON map2.student_id = map1.student_id 
    AND map2.subject_id <> map1.subject_id 

LEFT JOIN students AS map1_student 
    ON map1_student.student_id = map1.student_id 

LEFT JOIN students AS map2_student 
    ON map2_student.student_id = map2.student_id 

LEFT JOIN subjects AS map1_subject 
    ON map1_subject.subject_id = map1.subject_id 

LEFT JOIN subjects AS map2_subject 
    ON map2_subject.subject_id = map2.subject_id 


;WITH subjects AS 
              SELECT 1 AS subject_id, 'Biology' AS subject_name 
    UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS subject_id, 'Chemistry' AS subject_name 
    UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS subject_id, 'Physics' AS subject_name 
,students AS 
              SELECT 1 AS student_id, 'Student A' AS student_name 
    UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS student_id, 'Student B' AS student_name 
    UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS student_id, 'Student C' AS student_name 
    UNION ALL SELECT 4 AS student_id, 'Student D' AS student_name 
,map_student_subject AS 
              SELECT 1 AS student_id, 1 AS subject_id 
    UNION ALL SELECT 1 AS student_id, 2 AS subject_id 
    UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS student_id, 2 AS subject_id 
    UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS student_id, 3 AS subject_id 
    UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS student_id, 3 AS subject_id 
    UNION ALL SELECT 4 AS student_id, 3 AS subject_id 
     map1.student_id AS map1_student_id 
    ,map1_student.student_name AS map1_student_name 
    ,map1.subject_id AS map1_subject_id
    ,map1_subject.subject_name AS map1_subject_name 

    ,map2.student_id AS map2_student_id 
    ,map2_student.student_name AS map2_student_name 
    ,map2.subject_id AS map2_subject_id
    ,map2_subject.subject_name AS map2_subject_name 
FROM map_student_subject AS map1 

INNER JOIN map_student_subject AS map2 
    ON map2.student_id = map1.student_id 
    AND map2.subject_id <> map1.subject_id 

LEFT JOIN students AS map1_student 
    ON map1_student.student_id = map1.student_id 

LEFT JOIN students AS map2_student 
    ON map2_student.student_id = map2.student_id 

LEFT JOIN subjects AS map1_subject 
    ON map1_subject.subject_id = map1.subject_id 

LEFT JOIN subjects AS map2_subject 
    ON map2_subject.subject_id = map2.subject_id 


     students.student_id  AS map1_student_id 
    ,students.student_name  AS map1_student_name 
    ,MAX(subjects.subject_id) AS map1_subject_id
    ,MAX(subjects.subject_name) AS map1_subject_name 

    ,students.student_id  AS map2_student_id 
    ,students.student_name  AS map2_student_name 
    ,MAX(subjects.subject_id) AS map2_subject_id
    ,MAX(subjects.subject_name) AS map2_subject_name 
FROM map_student_subject 
LEFT JOIN students ON students.student_id = map_student_subject.student_id 
LEFT JOIN subjects ON subjects.subject_id = map_student_subject.subject_id 


