Scala 关于HttpResponse的问题:akka streams中的未来(<;未完成>;)

Scala 关于HttpResponse的问题:akka streams中的未来(<;未完成>;),scala,akka-stream,akka-http,Scala,Akka Stream,Akka Http,我使用来自私有api的数据,因此当我多次发出http请求时,uri中的id字段会有一些变化;在反应中,其中一些可能以3或4个未来为结束,而另一些则以未来为结束()。 我还使用了一个自定义水槽,这是相同的行为 那么,http请求响应中出现这种行为的原因是什么?怎么了 代码: application.conf: include "akka-http-version" akka { # Loggers to register at boot time (akka.event.

我使用来自私有api的数据,因此当我多次发出http请求时,uri中的id字段会有一些变化;在反应中,其中一些可能以3或4个未来为结束,而另一些则以未来为结束()。 我还使用了一个自定义水槽,这是相同的行为




include "akka-http-version"
akka {

  # Loggers to register at boot time (akka.event.Logging$DefaultLogger logs
  # to STDOUT)
  loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"]

  # Log level used by the configured loggers (see "loggers") as soon
  # as they have been started; before that, see "stdout-loglevel"
  loglevel = "DEBUG"

  # Log level for the very basic logger activated during ActorSystem startup.
  # This logger prints the log messages to stdout (System.out).
  stdout-loglevel = "DEBUG"

  logger-startup-timeout = 40s

  # Filter of log events that is used by the LoggingAdapter before
  # publishing log events to the eventStream.
  logging-filter = "akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLoggingFilter"

  http {

    idle-timeout =  infinite

    client {
      # The default value of the `User-Agent` header to produce if no
      # explicit `User-Agent`-header was included in a request.
      # If this value is the empty string and no header was included in
      # the request, no `User-Agent` header will be rendered at all.
      user-agent-header = akka-http/${akka.http.version}

      # The time period within which the TCP connecting process must be completed.
      connecting-timeout = 600s

      # The time after which an idle connection will be automatically closed.
      # Set to `infinite` to completely disable idle timeouts.
      idle-timeout = infinite

      # The initial size of the buffer to render the request headers in.
      # Can be used for fine-tuning request rendering performance but probably
      # doesn't have to be fiddled with in most applications.
      request-header-size-hint = 512

      # Enables/disables the logging of unencrypted HTTP traffic to and from the HTTP
      # client for debugging reasons.
      # Note: Use with care. Logging of unencrypted data traffic may expose secret data.
      # Incoming and outgoing traffic will be logged in hexdump format. To enable logging,
      # specify the number of bytes to log per chunk of data (the actual chunking depends
      # on implementation details and networking conditions and should be treated as
      # arbitrary).
      # For logging on the server side, see akka.http.server.log-unencrypted-network-bytes.
      # `off` : no log messages are produced
      # Int   : determines how many bytes should be logged per data chunk
      log-unencrypted-network-bytes = off

    host-connection-pool {
      # The maximum number of parallel connections that a connection pool to a
      # single host endpoint is allowed to establish. Must be greater than zero.
      max-connections = 1000

      # The minimum number of parallel connections that a pool should keep alive ("hot").
      # If the number of connections is falling below the given threshold, new ones are being spawned.
      # You can use this setting to build a hot pool of "always on" connections.
      # Default is 0, meaning there might be no active connection at given moment.
      # Keep in mind that `min-connections` should be smaller than `max-connections` or equal
      min-connections = 0

      # The maximum number of times failed requests are attempted again,
      # (if the request can be safely retried) before giving up and returning an error.
      # Set to zero to completely disable request retries.
      max-retries = 800

      # The maximum number of open requests accepted into the pool across all
      # materializations of any of its client flows.
      # Protects against (accidentally) overloading a single pool with too many client flow materializations.
      # Note that with N concurrent materializations the max number of open request in the pool
      # will never exceed N * max-connections * pipelining-limit.
      # Must be a power of 2 and > 0!
      max-open-requests = 1024

      # The maximum number of requests that are dispatched to the target host in
      # batch-mode across a single connection (HTTP pipelining).
      # A setting of 1 disables HTTP pipelining, since only one request per
      # connection can be "in flight" at any time.
      # Set to higher values to enable HTTP pipelining.
      # This value must be > 0.
      # (Note that, independently of this setting, pipelining will never be done
      # on a connection that still has a non-idempotent request in flight.
      # Before increasing this value, make sure you understand the effects of head-of-line blocking.
      # Using a connection pool, a request may be issued on a connection where a previous
      # long-running request hasn't finished yet. The response to the pipelined requests may then be stuck
      # behind the response of the long-running previous requests on the server. This may introduce an
      # unwanted "coupling" of run time between otherwise unrelated requests.
      # See for more info.)
      pipelining-limit = 1000

      # The time after which an idle connection pool (without pending requests)
      # will automatically terminate itself. Set to `infinite` to completely disable idle timeouts.
      idle-timeout =  infinite

      # The pool implementation to use. Currently supported are:
      #  - legacy: the original, still default, pool implementation
      #  - new: the new still-evolving pool implementation, that will receive fixes and new features
      pool-implementation = legacy

      # The "new" pool implementation will fail a connection early and clear the slot if a response entity was not
      # subscribed during the given time period after the response was dispatched. In busy systems the timeout might be
      # too tight if a response is not picked up quick enough after it was dispatched by the pool.
      response-entity-subscription-timeout = 600.seconds

      # Modify this section to tweak client settings only for host connection pools APIs like `Http().superPool` or
      # `Http().singleRequest`.
      base-connection-backoff = 0s


[DEBUG][04/02/2021 16:15:46.620][main][EventStream]标准输出记录器已启动
[DEBUG][04/02/2021 16:15:46.927][main][EventStream(akka://http-pool-test)]记录器log1-Slf4jLogger已启动
[DEBUG][04/02/2021 16:15:46.929][main][EventStream(akka://http-pool-test)]默认记录器已启动
16:15:48.575[http池测试]调试akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId-[2(WaitingForResponse)]在事件[onResponseReceived]之前处于[WaitingForResponse]状态[524 ms]
16:15:48.575[http pool test]调试akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId-[2(WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription)]事件前[OnResponseEntitySubscripted]处于[WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription]状态[0 ms]
FulfilledFuture(FoldersModel(部分(列表)(FolderModel(private_info ')))))
FulfilledFuture(FoldersModel(部分(列表)(FolderModel(private_info ')))))
FulfilledFuture(FoldersModel(部分(列表)(FolderModel(private_info ')))))
include "akka-http-version"
akka {

  # Loggers to register at boot time (akka.event.Logging$DefaultLogger logs
  # to STDOUT)
  loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"]

  # Log level used by the configured loggers (see "loggers") as soon
  # as they have been started; before that, see "stdout-loglevel"
  loglevel = "DEBUG"

  # Log level for the very basic logger activated during ActorSystem startup.
  # This logger prints the log messages to stdout (System.out).
  stdout-loglevel = "DEBUG"

  logger-startup-timeout = 40s

  # Filter of log events that is used by the LoggingAdapter before
  # publishing log events to the eventStream.
  logging-filter = "akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLoggingFilter"

  http {

    idle-timeout =  infinite

    client {
      # The default value of the `User-Agent` header to produce if no
      # explicit `User-Agent`-header was included in a request.
      # If this value is the empty string and no header was included in
      # the request, no `User-Agent` header will be rendered at all.
      user-agent-header = akka-http/${akka.http.version}

      # The time period within which the TCP connecting process must be completed.
      connecting-timeout = 600s

      # The time after which an idle connection will be automatically closed.
      # Set to `infinite` to completely disable idle timeouts.
      idle-timeout = infinite

      # The initial size of the buffer to render the request headers in.
      # Can be used for fine-tuning request rendering performance but probably
      # doesn't have to be fiddled with in most applications.
      request-header-size-hint = 512

      # Enables/disables the logging of unencrypted HTTP traffic to and from the HTTP
      # client for debugging reasons.
      # Note: Use with care. Logging of unencrypted data traffic may expose secret data.
      # Incoming and outgoing traffic will be logged in hexdump format. To enable logging,
      # specify the number of bytes to log per chunk of data (the actual chunking depends
      # on implementation details and networking conditions and should be treated as
      # arbitrary).
      # For logging on the server side, see akka.http.server.log-unencrypted-network-bytes.
      # `off` : no log messages are produced
      # Int   : determines how many bytes should be logged per data chunk
      log-unencrypted-network-bytes = off

    host-connection-pool {
      # The maximum number of parallel connections that a connection pool to a
      # single host endpoint is allowed to establish. Must be greater than zero.
      max-connections = 1000

      # The minimum number of parallel connections that a pool should keep alive ("hot").
      # If the number of connections is falling below the given threshold, new ones are being spawned.
      # You can use this setting to build a hot pool of "always on" connections.
      # Default is 0, meaning there might be no active connection at given moment.
      # Keep in mind that `min-connections` should be smaller than `max-connections` or equal
      min-connections = 0

      # The maximum number of times failed requests are attempted again,
      # (if the request can be safely retried) before giving up and returning an error.
      # Set to zero to completely disable request retries.
      max-retries = 800

      # The maximum number of open requests accepted into the pool across all
      # materializations of any of its client flows.
      # Protects against (accidentally) overloading a single pool with too many client flow materializations.
      # Note that with N concurrent materializations the max number of open request in the pool
      # will never exceed N * max-connections * pipelining-limit.
      # Must be a power of 2 and > 0!
      max-open-requests = 1024

      # The maximum number of requests that are dispatched to the target host in
      # batch-mode across a single connection (HTTP pipelining).
      # A setting of 1 disables HTTP pipelining, since only one request per
      # connection can be "in flight" at any time.
      # Set to higher values to enable HTTP pipelining.
      # This value must be > 0.
      # (Note that, independently of this setting, pipelining will never be done
      # on a connection that still has a non-idempotent request in flight.
      # Before increasing this value, make sure you understand the effects of head-of-line blocking.
      # Using a connection pool, a request may be issued on a connection where a previous
      # long-running request hasn't finished yet. The response to the pipelined requests may then be stuck
      # behind the response of the long-running previous requests on the server. This may introduce an
      # unwanted "coupling" of run time between otherwise unrelated requests.
      # See for more info.)
      pipelining-limit = 1000

      # The time after which an idle connection pool (without pending requests)
      # will automatically terminate itself. Set to `infinite` to completely disable idle timeouts.
      idle-timeout =  infinite

      # The pool implementation to use. Currently supported are:
      #  - legacy: the original, still default, pool implementation
      #  - new: the new still-evolving pool implementation, that will receive fixes and new features
      pool-implementation = legacy

      # The "new" pool implementation will fail a connection early and clear the slot if a response entity was not
      # subscribed during the given time period after the response was dispatched. In busy systems the timeout might be
      # too tight if a response is not picked up quick enough after it was dispatched by the pool.
      response-entity-subscription-timeout = 600.seconds

      # Modify this section to tweak client settings only for host connection pools APIs like `Http().superPool` or
      # `Http().singleRequest`.
      base-connection-backoff = 0s

[DEBUG] [04/02/2021 16:15:46.620] [main] [EventStream] StandardOutLogger started
16:15:46.921 [] INFO  akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger - Slf4jLogger started
[DEBUG] [04/02/2021 16:15:46.927] [main] [EventStream(akka://http-pool-test)] logger log1-Slf4jLogger started
[DEBUG] [04/02/2021 16:15:46.929] [main] [EventStream(akka://http-pool-test)] Default Loggers started
16:15:46.930 [] DEBUG akka.event.EventStream - logger log1-Slf4jLogger started
16:15:46.931 [] DEBUG akka.event.EventStream - Default Loggers started
16:15:47.105 [] DEBUG a.s.Serialization(akka://http-pool-test) - Replacing JavaSerializer with DisabledJavaSerializer, due to ` = off`.
16:15:47.644 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - Creating pool.
16:15:47.780 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [0 (Connecting)]After event [onNewRequest] State change [Unconnected] -> [Connecting]
16:15:47.790 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - Dispatching request [GET /api/v2/space/12752953/folder Empty] to pool
16:15:47.793 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [1 (Unconnected)]Dispatching request [GET /api/v2/space/12752953/folder Empty]
16:15:47.793 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [1 (Unconnected)]Before event [onNewRequest] In state [Unconnected] for [69 ms]
16:15:47.793 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [1 (Unconnected)]Establishing connection
16:15:47.805 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [2 (Connecting)]After event [onNewRequest] State change [Unconnected] -> [Connecting]
change [WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity] -> [Idle]
16:15:48.507 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [6 (Idle)]Slot became idle... Trying to pull
16:15:48.575 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [2 (WaitingForResponse)]Received response
16:15:48.575 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [2 (WaitingForResponse)]Before event [onResponseReceived] In state [WaitingForResponse] for [524 ms]
16:15:48.575 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [2 (WaitingForResponse)]onResponseReceived in WaitingForResponse with false
16:15:48.575 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [2 (WaitingForResponseDispatch)]After event [onResponseReceived] State change [WaitingForResponse] -> [WaitingForResponseDispatch]
16:15:48.575 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [2 (WaitingForResponseDispatch)]Before event [onResponseDispatchable] In state [WaitingForResponseDispatch] for [0 ms]
16:15:48.575 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [2 (WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription)]After event [onResponseDispatchable] State change [WaitingForResponseDispatch] -> [WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription]
16:15:48.575 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [2 (WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription)]Before event [onResponseEntitySubscribed] In state [WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription] for [0 ms]
16:15:48.575 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [2 (WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity)]After event [onResponseEntitySubscribed] State change [WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription] -> [WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity]
16:15:48.575 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [2 (WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity)]Before event [onResponseEntityCompleted] In state [WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity] for [0 ms]
16:15:48.575 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [2 (Idle)]After event [onResponseEntityCompleted] State change [WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity] -> [Idle]
16:15:48.576 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [2 (Idle)]Slot became idle... Trying to pull
16:15:48.689 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [0 (WaitingForResponse)]Received response
16:15:48.693 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [0 (WaitingForResponse)]Before event [onResponseReceived] In state [WaitingForResponse] for [643 ms]
16:15:48.693 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [0 (WaitingForResponse)]onResponseReceived in WaitingForResponse with false
16:15:48.693 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [0 (WaitingForResponseDispatch)]After event [onResponseReceived] State change [WaitingForResponse] -> [WaitingForResponseDispatch]
16:15:48.693 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [0 (WaitingForResponseDispatch)]Before event [onResponseDispatchable] In state [WaitingForResponseDispatch] for [0 ms]
16:15:48.694 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [0 (WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription)]After event [onResponseDispatchable] State change [WaitingForResponseDispatch] -> [WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription]
Future(<not completed>)
16:15:48.699 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [4 (WaitingForResponse)]Received response
16:15:48.700 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [4 (WaitingForResponse)]Before event [onResponseReceived] In state [WaitingForResponse] for [648 ms]
16:15:48.700 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [4 (WaitingForResponse)]onResponseReceived in WaitingForResponse with false
16:15:48.700 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [4 (WaitingForResponseDispatch)]After event [onResponseReceived] State change [WaitingForResponse] -> [WaitingForResponseDispatch]
16:15:48.700 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [4 (WaitingForResponseDispatch)]Before event [onResponseDispatchable] In state [WaitingForResponseDispatch] for [0 ms]
16:15:48.700 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [4 (WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription)]After event [onResponseDispatchable] State change [WaitingForResponseDispatch] -> [WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription]
16:15:48.700 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [0 (WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription)]Before event [onResponseEntitySubscribed] In state [WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription] for [6 ms]
16:15:48.700 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [0 (WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity)]After event [onResponseEntitySubscribed] State change [WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription] -> [WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity]
Future(<not completed>)
16:15:48.701 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [4 (WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription)]Before event [onResponseEntitySubscribed] In state [WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription] for [0 ms]
16:15:48.701 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [4 (WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity)]After event [onResponseEntitySubscribed] State change [WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription] -> [WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity]
16:15:48.701 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [0 (WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity)]Before event [onResponseEntityCompleted] In state [WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity] for [1 ms]
16:15:48.701 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [0 (Idle)]After event [onResponseEntityCompleted] State change [WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity] -> [Idle]
16:15:48.701 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [0 (Idle)]Slot became idle... Trying to pull
16:15:48.702 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [4 (WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity)]Before event [onResponseEntityCompleted] In state [WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity] for [1 ms]
16:15:48.702 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [4 (Idle)]After event [onResponseEntityCompleted] State change [WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity] -> [Idle]
16:15:48.702 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [4 (Idle)]Slot became idle... Trying to pull
16:15:48.705 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [7 (WaitingForResponse)]Received response
16:15:48.705 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [7 (WaitingForResponse)]Before event [onResponseReceived] In state [WaitingForResponse] for [655 ms]
16:15:48.705 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [7 (WaitingForResponse)]onResponseReceived in WaitingForResponse with false
16:15:48.705 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [7 (WaitingForResponseDispatch)]After event [onResponseReceived] State change [WaitingForResponse] -> [WaitingForResponseDispatch]
16:15:48.705 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [7 (WaitingForResponseDispatch)]Before event [onResponseDispatchable] In state [WaitingForResponseDispatch] for [0 ms]
16:15:48.705 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [7 (WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription)]After event [onResponseDispatchable] State change [WaitingForResponseDispatch] -> [WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription]
Future(<not completed>)
16:15:48.706 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [7 (WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription)]Before event [onResponseEntitySubscribed] In state [WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription] for [1 ms]
16:15:48.706 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [7 (WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity)]After event [onResponseEntitySubscribed] State change [WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription] -> [WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity]
16:15:48.709 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [8 (WaitingForResponse)]Received response
16:15:48.709 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [8 (WaitingForResponse)]Before event [onResponseReceived] In state [WaitingForResponse] for [656 ms]
16:15:48.709 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [8 (WaitingForResponse)]onResponseReceived in WaitingForResponse with false
16:15:48.709 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [8 (WaitingForResponseDispatch)]After event [onResponseReceived] State change [WaitingForResponse] -> [WaitingForResponseDispatch]
16:15:48.709 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [8 (WaitingForResponseDispatch)]Before event [onResponseDispatchable] In state [WaitingForResponseDispatch] for [0 ms]
16:15:48.709 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [8 (WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription)]After event [onResponseDispatchable] State change [WaitingForResponseDispatch] -> [WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription]
Future(<not completed>)
16:15:48.710 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [8 (WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription)]Before event [onResponseEntitySubscribed] In state [WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription] for [1 ms]
16:15:48.710 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [8 (WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity)]After event [onResponseEntitySubscribed] State change [WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription] -> [WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity]
16:15:48.711 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [8 (WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity)]Before event [onResponseEntityCompleted] In state [WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity] for [0 ms]
16:15:48.711 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [8 (Idle)]After event [onResponseEntityCompleted] State change [WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity] -> [Idle]
16:15:48.711 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [8 (Idle)]Slot became idle... Trying to pull
16:15:48.725 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [3 (WaitingForResponse)]Received response
16:15:48.725 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [3 (WaitingForResponse)]Before event [onResponseReceived] In state [WaitingForResponse] for [672 ms]
16:15:48.725 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [3 (WaitingForResponse)]onResponseReceived in WaitingForResponse with false
16:15:48.726 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [3 (WaitingForResponseDispatch)]After event [onResponseReceived] State change [WaitingForResponse] -> [WaitingForResponseDispatch]
16:15:48.726 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [3 (WaitingForResponseDispatch)]Before event [onResponseDispatchable] In state [WaitingForResponseDispatch] for [0 ms]
16:15:48.726 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [3 (WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription)]After event [onResponseDispatchable] State change [WaitingForResponseDispatch] -> [WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription]
Future(<not completed>)
16:15:48.726 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [3 (WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription)]Before event [onResponseEntitySubscribed] In state [WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription] for [1 ms]
16:15:48.726 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [3 (WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity)]After event [onResponseEntitySubscribed] State change [WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription] -> [WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity]
16:15:48.793 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [7 (WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity)]Before event [onResponseEntityCompleted] In state [WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity] for [86 ms]
16:15:48.793 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [7 (Idle)]After event [onResponseEntityCompleted] State change [WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity] -> [Idle]
16:15:48.793 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [7 (Idle)]Slot became idle... Trying to pull
16:15:48.816 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [3 (WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity)]Before event [onResponseEntityCompleted] In state [WaitingForEndOfResponseEntity] for [89 ms]
16:15:53.634 [] DEBUG akka.http.impl.engine.client.PoolId - [3 (ToBeClosed)]State change from [Idle] to [ToBeClosed]. Closing the existing connection.