Scala 在“任意”类型列表的末尾添加一个元素(Int、Double…)

Scala 在“任意”类型列表的末尾添加一个元素(Int、Double…),scala,list,recursion,Scala,List,Recursion,我试图在任何类型列表[任何]的末尾添加一个元素。 我想用一个递归函数来构建它,如果我需要这个元素,我会附加它,当迭代结束时,我的列表就会完成。 在下面的代码中,我有一个列表“l”,如果元素“elem”位于“l”的开头,我将添加它的位置,保存在“index”中,作为列表“ret”的下一个元素。否则,我将检查下一个元素,并且不执行任何操作,我使用'l::support…'只是为了匹配返回类型为List[Any]。当“l”为空或为零时,请给我列表“ret”。 “ret”末尾是包含列表“l”中所有元素“

我试图在任何类型列表[任何]的末尾添加一个元素。 我想用一个递归函数来构建它,如果我需要这个元素,我会附加它,当迭代结束时,我的列表就会完成。 在下面的代码中,我有一个列表“l”,如果元素“elem”位于“l”的开头,我将添加它的位置,保存在“index”中,作为列表“ret”的下一个元素。否则,我将检查下一个元素,并且不执行任何操作,我使用'l::support…'只是为了匹配返回类型为List[Any]。当“l”为空或为零时,请给我列表“ret”。 “ret”末尾是包含列表“l”中所有元素“elem”位置的列表。 这一点非常重要:我正在构建的列表是'ret',实际上它是递归函数的返回


object find{
    def support[Any](l:List[Any],elem:Any,index:Int,ret:List[Any]):List[Any]={
        if (l==Nil) ret;
        else if(l.head==elem) (l :: support(l.tail,elem,index+1,ret :: (index.asInstanceOf[Any])));
        else (l :: support(l.tail,elem,index+1,ret));       
    def findIndices[Any](l:List[Any],x:Any):List[Any]={//I want to find all the elements "elem" in the list "l"
        val a:List[Any]=support(l,x,0,List[Any]());//I'll build my list using an auxiliary function "support"
object main extends App{
    val l:List[Int]=List(1,2,2,2,2,3,4,5)
    val x:Int=2;
    val f:List[Int]=find.findIndices(l,x)

我认为您应该更多地了解Scala中的泛型。特别是调用泛型参数Any以隐藏标准类型Any的想法是一个非常糟糕的想法。此外,它还可能有助于了解模式匹配,这是一种强大的工具,可以替代某些if/else if/else语句。我相信您想要的代码如下所示:

object find {
  def support[A](l: List[A], elem: A, index: Int, ret: List[Int]): List[Int] = l match {
    case Nil => ret
    case head :: tail if head == elem => support(tail, elem, index + 1, ret :+ index)
    // _ meas here we ignore head anyway so don't need a variable for that
    case _ :: tail => support(tail, elem, index + 1, ret)

  def findIndices[A](l: List[A], x: A): List[Int] = {
    //I want to find all the elements "elem" in the list "l"
    support(l, x, 0, List.empty[Int]) //I'll build my list using an auxiliary function "support"
def findIndices(list: List[Any], element: Any): List[Any] = ???
def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[Int] = {
  // if (terminating case) return termination
  // else if (check for next index of element) return index plus recursive call
  // else return recursive call
def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[Int] = {
  if (list.isEmpty) List.empty[Int]
  else if (list.head == element) 0 :: findIndices(list.tail, element)
  else findIndices(list.tail, element)


我认为您应该更多地了解Scala中的泛型。特别是调用泛型参数Any以隐藏标准类型Any的想法是一个非常糟糕的想法。此外,它还可能有助于了解模式匹配,这是一种强大的工具,可以替代某些if/else if/else语句。我相信您想要的代码如下所示:

object find {
  def support[A](l: List[A], elem: A, index: Int, ret: List[Int]): List[Int] = l match {
    case Nil => ret
    case head :: tail if head == elem => support(tail, elem, index + 1, ret :+ index)
    // _ meas here we ignore head anyway so don't need a variable for that
    case _ :: tail => support(tail, elem, index + 1, ret)

  def findIndices[A](l: List[A], x: A): List[Int] = {
    //I want to find all the elements "elem" in the list "l"
    support(l, x, 0, List.empty[Int]) //I'll build my list using an auxiliary function "support"
def findIndices(list: List[Any], element: Any): List[Any] = ???
def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[Int] = {
  // if (terminating case) return termination
  // else if (check for next index of element) return index plus recursive call
  // else return recursive call
def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[Int] = {
  if (list.isEmpty) List.empty[Int]
  else if (list.head == element) 0 :: findIndices(list.tail, element)
  else findIndices(list.tail, element)




list.zipWithIndex.filter { case(value,index) => value == 2 } map { case(value,index) => index }

list.zipWithIndex.collect { case (value,index) if value == 2 => index }



val list = List(1,2,2,2,2,3,4,5) // named list instead of l because l looks like 1.


object find {
  def support[A](l: List[A], elem: A, index: Int, ret: List[Int]): List[Int] = l match {
    case Nil => ret
    case head :: tail if head == elem => support(tail, elem, index + 1, ret :+ index)
    // _ meas here we ignore head anyway so don't need a variable for that
    case _ :: tail => support(tail, elem, index + 1, ret)

  def findIndices[A](l: List[A], x: A): List[Int] = {
    //I want to find all the elements "elem" in the list "l"
    support(l, x, 0, List.empty[Int]) //I'll build my list using an auxiliary function "support"
def findIndices(list: List[Any], element: Any): List[Any] = ???
def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[Int] = {
  // if (terminating case) return termination
  // else if (check for next index of element) return index plus recursive call
  // else return recursive call
def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[Int] = {
  if (list.isEmpty) List.empty[Int]
  else if (list.head == element) 0 :: findIndices(list.tail, element)
  else findIndices(list.tail, element)

def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[Any] = ???

def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[Int] = ???

检查终止案例。 处理非终止案件。 所以我的函数看起来是这样的:

object find {
  def support[A](l: List[A], elem: A, index: Int, ret: List[Int]): List[Int] = l match {
    case Nil => ret
    case head :: tail if head == elem => support(tail, elem, index + 1, ret :+ index)
    // _ meas here we ignore head anyway so don't need a variable for that
    case _ :: tail => support(tail, elem, index + 1, ret)

  def findIndices[A](l: List[A], x: A): List[Int] = {
    //I want to find all the elements "elem" in the list "l"
    support(l, x, 0, List.empty[Int]) //I'll build my list using an auxiliary function "support"
def findIndices(list: List[Any], element: Any): List[Any] = ???
def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[Int] = {
  // if (terminating case) return termination
  // else if (check for next index of element) return index plus recursive call
  // else return recursive call
def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[Int] = {
  if (list.isEmpty) List.empty[Int]
  else if (list.head == element) 0 :: findIndices(list.tail, element)
  else findIndices(list.tail, element)

object find {
  def support[A](l: List[A], elem: A, index: Int, ret: List[Int]): List[Int] = l match {
    case Nil => ret
    case head :: tail if head == elem => support(tail, elem, index + 1, ret :+ index)
    // _ meas here we ignore head anyway so don't need a variable for that
    case _ :: tail => support(tail, elem, index + 1, ret)

  def findIndices[A](l: List[A], x: A): List[Int] = {
    //I want to find all the elements "elem" in the list "l"
    support(l, x, 0, List.empty[Int]) //I'll build my list using an auxiliary function "support"
def findIndices(list: List[Any], element: Any): List[Any] = ???
def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[Int] = {
  // if (terminating case) return termination
  // else if (check for next index of element) return index plus recursive call
  // else return recursive call
def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[Int] = {
  if (list.isEmpty) List.empty[Int]
  else if (list.head == element) 0 :: findIndices(list.tail, element)
  else findIndices(list.tail, element)

def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T, offset: Int = 0): List[Int] = {
  if (list.isEmpty) List.empty[Int]
  else if (list.head == element) offset :: findIndices(list.tail, element, offset + 1)
  else findIndices(list.tail, element, offset + 1)


def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T, offset: Int = 0): List[Int] = ???
在第一个函数中,我们定义了一个新函数。此新函数将具有与旧函数相同的参数,外加一个累加器。这个累加器将允许我们将算法的中间结果沿堆栈向下传递给下一个递归函数调用,这样程序就不会出现错误 我们需要维护调用堆栈以跟踪每个中间结果


def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T, offset: Int = 0): List[Int] = {

  def findIndicesAcc(list: List[T], element: T, acc: List[Int], offset: Int = 0): List[Int] = {
    // do logic here

  findIndicesAcc(list, element, List.empty[Int])

def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T, offset: Int = 0): List[Int] = {

  def findIndicesAcc(list: List[T], element: T, acc: List[Int], offset: Int = 0): List[Int] = {
    if (list.isEmpty) acc
    else if (list.head == element) findIndicesAcc(list.tail, element, offset + 1, offset :: acc)
    else findIndicesAcc(list.tail, element, offset + 1, acc)

  findIndicesAcc(list, element, List.empty[Int])

import scala.annotation.tailrec

def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[Int] = {

  def findIndicesAcc(list: List[T], element: T, offset: Int, acc: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
    if (list.isEmpty) acc
    else if (list.head == element) findIndicesAcc(list.tail, element, offset + 1, offset :: acc)
    else findIndicesAcc(list.tail, element, offset + 1, acc)

  findIndicesAcc(list, element, 0, List.empty[Int]).reverse




else if (list.head == element) {
  val tail = list.tail      
  val newOffset = offset + 1
  val recursiveResult = findIndices(tail, element, newOffset)
  return offset :: recursiveResult




else if (list.head == element) {
  val tail = list.tail
  val newOffset = offset + 1
  val combinedList = offset :: acc
  return findIndicesAcc(tail, element, newOffset, combinedList)






list.zipWithIndex.filter { case(value,index) => value == 2 } map { case(value,index) => index }

list.zipWithIndex.collect { case (value,index) if value == 2 => index }



val list = List(1,2,2,2,2,3,4,5) // named list instead of l because l looks like 1.


object find {
  def support[A](l: List[A], elem: A, index: Int, ret: List[Int]): List[Int] = l match {
    case Nil => ret
    case head :: tail if head == elem => support(tail, elem, index + 1, ret :+ index)
    // _ meas here we ignore head anyway so don't need a variable for that
    case _ :: tail => support(tail, elem, index + 1, ret)

  def findIndices[A](l: List[A], x: A): List[Int] = {
    //I want to find all the elements "elem" in the list "l"
    support(l, x, 0, List.empty[Int]) //I'll build my list using an auxiliary function "support"
def findIndices(list: List[Any], element: Any): List[Any] = ???
def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[Int] = {
  // if (terminating case) return termination
  // else if (check for next index of element) return index plus recursive call
  // else return recursive call
def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[Int] = {
  if (list.isEmpty) List.empty[Int]
  else if (list.head == element) 0 :: findIndices(list.tail, element)
  else findIndices(list.tail, element)

def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[Any] = ???

def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[Int] = ???

检查终止案例。 处理非终止案件。 所以我的函数看起来是这样的:

object find {
  def support[A](l: List[A], elem: A, index: Int, ret: List[Int]): List[Int] = l match {
    case Nil => ret
    case head :: tail if head == elem => support(tail, elem, index + 1, ret :+ index)
    // _ meas here we ignore head anyway so don't need a variable for that
    case _ :: tail => support(tail, elem, index + 1, ret)

  def findIndices[A](l: List[A], x: A): List[Int] = {
    //I want to find all the elements "elem" in the list "l"
    support(l, x, 0, List.empty[Int]) //I'll build my list using an auxiliary function "support"
def findIndices(list: List[Any], element: Any): List[Any] = ???
def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[Int] = {
  // if (terminating case) return termination
  // else if (check for next index of element) return index plus recursive call
  // else return recursive call
def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[Int] = {
  if (list.isEmpty) List.empty[Int]
  else if (list.head == element) 0 :: findIndices(list.tail, element)
  else findIndices(list.tail, element)

object find {
  def support[A](l: List[A], elem: A, index: Int, ret: List[Int]): List[Int] = l match {
    case Nil => ret
    case head :: tail if head == elem => support(tail, elem, index + 1, ret :+ index)
    // _ meas here we ignore head anyway so don't need a variable for that
    case _ :: tail => support(tail, elem, index + 1, ret)

  def findIndices[A](l: List[A], x: A): List[Int] = {
    //I want to find all the elements "elem" in the list "l"
    support(l, x, 0, List.empty[Int]) //I'll build my list using an auxiliary function "support"
def findIndices(list: List[Any], element: Any): List[Any] = ???
def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[Int] = {
  // if (terminating case) return termination
  // else if (check for next index of element) return index plus recursive call
  // else return recursive call
def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[Int] = {
  if (list.isEmpty) List.empty[Int]
  else if (list.head == element) 0 :: findIndices(list.tail, element)
  else findIndices(list.tail, element)

def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T, offset: Int = 0): List[Int] = {
  if (list.isEmpty) List.empty[Int]
  else if (list.head == element) offset :: findIndices(list.tail, element, offset + 1)
  else findIndices(list.tail, element, offset + 1)


def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T, offset: Int = 0): List[Int] = ???
在第一个函数中,我们定义了一个新函数。此新函数将具有与旧函数相同的参数,外加一个累加器。这个蓄能器将 允许我们将算法的中间结果向下传递到下一个递归函数调用,这样程序就不必维护调用堆栈来跟踪每个中间结果


def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T, offset: Int = 0): List[Int] = {

  def findIndicesAcc(list: List[T], element: T, acc: List[Int], offset: Int = 0): List[Int] = {
    // do logic here

  findIndicesAcc(list, element, List.empty[Int])

def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T, offset: Int = 0): List[Int] = {

  def findIndicesAcc(list: List[T], element: T, acc: List[Int], offset: Int = 0): List[Int] = {
    if (list.isEmpty) acc
    else if (list.head == element) findIndicesAcc(list.tail, element, offset + 1, offset :: acc)
    else findIndicesAcc(list.tail, element, offset + 1, acc)

  findIndicesAcc(list, element, List.empty[Int])

import scala.annotation.tailrec

def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[Int] = {

  def findIndicesAcc(list: List[T], element: T, offset: Int, acc: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
    if (list.isEmpty) acc
    else if (list.head == element) findIndicesAcc(list.tail, element, offset + 1, offset :: acc)
    else findIndicesAcc(list.tail, element, offset + 1, acc)

  findIndicesAcc(list, element, 0, List.empty[Int]).reverse




else if (list.head == element) {
  val tail = list.tail      
  val newOffset = offset + 1
  val recursiveResult = findIndices(tail, element, newOffset)
  return offset :: recursiveResult




else if (list.head == element) {
  val tail = list.tail
  val newOffset = offset + 1
  val combinedList = offset :: acc
  return findIndicesAcc(tail, element, newOffset, combinedList)




完全手工制作的解决方案 使用标准高阶函数 后果 解释 请随意提出您想要的问题,我将用答案编辑此部分



def findIndices[T](list: List[T], element: T, offset: Int = 0): List[Int] = {

  def findIndicesAcc(list: List[T], element: T, acc: List[Int], offset: Int = 0): List[Int] = {
    if (list.isEmpty) acc
    else if (list.head == element) findIndicesAcc(list.tail, element, offset + 1, offset :: acc)
    else findIndicesAcc(list.tail, element, offset + 1, acc)

  findIndicesAcc(list, element, List.empty[Int])


_u.\u 1&u.\u 2是什么意思?:第一个下划线用于匿名函数,它意味着第一个参数(在本例中是唯一的参数)_1&_2是可以看到的方法,因为它们是用点调用的。在Tuple类上,它们访问Tuple的第一个和第二个元素

全手工解决方案 使用标准高阶函数 后果 解释 请随意提出您想要的问题,我将用答案编辑此部分





_u.\u 1&u.\u 2是什么意思?:第一个下划线用于匿名函数,它意味着第一个参数(在本例中是唯一的参数)_1&_2是可以看到的方法,因为它们是用点调用的。在Tuple类上,它们访问Tuple的第一个和第二个元素

我不太明白你的问题。是否只想将元素添加到列表的末尾?但是,为什么要搜索索引?第二,此def支持[Any]并没有达到您认为的效果,因为现在您可以删除[Any]。第三,既然你这样做是为了学习,你想要一个只在列表上使用简单递归的解决方案,或者你对使用标准库的内置方法的解决方案持开放态度,或者两者兼而有之?为什么你不能只使用列表:::值::无需或递归。我对所有的解决方案@LuisMiguelMejíaSuárez都持开放态度。等等,我将更改标题,但是我想在通用列表的末尾添加一个元素。元素是x在列表l中的位置,x可以出现多次,可能l=Lista,x,x,x,b,x我的列表将是ret=1,2,3,5 x在l中的所有位置。我希望这能更好地解释我的问题。@feded ahh我现在理解了你的问题,我添加了一个可能对你有帮助的答案。然而,杰里米先生考虑了写一个尽可能细致的更好的答案!我建议你们两个都考虑一下,感谢杰里米先生,接受他的回答,如果可以的话,放弃投票。我不太明白你的问题。是否只想将元素添加到列表的末尾?但是,为什么要搜索索引?第二,此def支持[Any]并没有达到您认为的效果,因为现在您可以删除[Any]。第三,既然你这样做是为了学习,你想要一个只在列表上使用简单递归的解决方案,或者你对使用标准库的内置方法的解决方案持开放态度,或者两者兼而有之?为什么你不能只使用列表:::值::无需或递归。我对所有的解决方案@LuisMiguelMejíaSuárez都持开放态度。等等,我将更改标题,但是我想在通用列表的末尾添加一个元素。元素是x在列表l中的位置,x可以出现多次,可能l=Lista,x,x,x,b,x我的列表将是ret=1,2,3,5 x在l中的所有位置。我希望这能更好地解释我的问题。@feded ahh我现在理解了你的问题,我添加了一个可能对你有帮助的答案。然而,杰里米先生考虑了写一个尽可能细致的更好的答案!我建议你同时考虑这两个问题,并感谢杰里米先生,接受他的回答,如果可以的话,放弃投票。一开始是def支持[T],但问题太多了,我把T改成了任何一个。然而问题是ret:+索引不起作用。感谢您的回复,我认为这并不能解决问题。@feded如果您认为将泛型从t重命名为Any可以解决问题,那么您就大错特错了。@feded将t重命名为Any不会改变任何东西,除非Any类型没有被隐藏。当你说问题是ret:+index不起作用时,你是指你的代码还是我的代码?在我的代码中,它似乎工作得非常好。@BrianMcCutchon我试过,也许它会有帮助,但是我一秒钟都不相信它。开始时,它是def支持[t],但有太多问题,所以我将t改为任何问题。然而问题是ret:+索引不起作用。感谢您的回复,我认为这并不能解决问题。@feded如果您认为将泛型从t重命名为Any可以解决问题,那么您就大错特错了。@feded将t重命名为Any不会改变任何东西,除非Any类型没有被隐藏。当你说问题是ret:+index不起作用时,你是指你的代码还是我的代码?在我的代码中,它似乎工作得非常好。@BrianMcCutchon我试过了,也许它会有帮助,但是我一点也不相信它。谢谢你Jeremy,这正是我想要的……你的解释太好了,对我来说一切都很清楚。只有一个问题:list.head==元素偏移量::findindicesslist.tail,element,offset+1与第二个方法的区别是什么?如果list.head==元素findIndicesAcclist.tail,element,offset+1,offset::acc?我知道这是一件很重要的事情