Scripting 如何使用Applescript在Illustrator中打开Photoshop项目?

Scripting 如何使用Applescript在Illustrator中打开Photoshop项目?,scripting,applescript,Scripting,Applescript,我正在尝试编写一个脚本,它包含我在photoshop中编辑的多个项目,并在Illustrator中打开它们,进行一些更改,以多种不同的方式保存,然后关闭项目并打开下一个项目。除了在Illustrator中打开photoshop文件外,我的一切都正常工作。所有的项目都将位于同一个文件夹中,所以我尝试使用finder将所有这些文件设置为列表,然后在illustrator中打开文件。代码如下: tell application "Finder" set theFiles to files of


tell application "Finder"
    set theFiles to files of folder POSIX file "/Volumes/Assets/ Images/Images for Renaming/Photoshop Files" as list
end tell
repeat with f in theFiles
    tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
        open f with options {class:Photoshop options, preserve hidden layers:true, preserve layers:true} without dialogs
        set allLayers to layers of document 1
        set allImages to page items of document 1
        repeat with lay in allLayers
            set visible of lay to true
        end repeat
        repeat with img in allImages
            set scaleMatrix to get scale matrix horizontal scale 416 vertical scale 416
            transform img using scaleMatrix
        end repeat
        selectobjectsonactiveartboard document 1
        delay 2
        do script "Fit Artboard to Selected" from "Fit Artboard"
        set visible of layer 2 of document 1 to false
        set visible of layer 4 of document 1 to false
        delay 2
        do script "Raw Copper Save" from "RC"
        set visible of layer 5 of document 1 to false
        delay 2
        do script "Architectural Copper Save" from "AR"
        set visible of layer 6 of document 1 to false
        delay 2
        do script "Satin Antique Save" from "SA"
        set visible of layer 7 of document 1 to false
        delay 2
        do script "Brushed Nickel Save" from "BN"
        set visible of layer 8 of document 1 to false
        delay 2
        do script "Polished Nickel Save" from "PN"
        set visible of layer 10 of document 1 to false
        set visible of layer 9 of document 1 to false
        delay 2
        do script "Antique Copper Save" from "AC"
        set visible of layer 11 of document 1 to false
        delay 2
        do script "Verdigris Patina Save" from "VG"
        set visible of layer 12 of document 1 to false
        delay 2
        do script "Satin Verdigris Patina Save" from "SV"
        set visible of layer 13 of document 1 to false
        set visible of layer 2 of document 1 to true
        delay 2
        do script "Black Save" from "BK"
        set visible of layer 14 of document 1 to false
        set visible of layer 2 of document 1 to false
        set visible of layer 15 of document 1 to false
        delay 2
        do script "Default Save" from "Default"
        delay 2
        save document 1 in "/Volumes/Assets/ Images/Images for Renaming/Illustrator Files" as Illustrator
        delay 2
        close document 1
    end tell
end repeat


你可以告诉查找者用特定的应用程序打开文档。 请尝试此操作(保留已注释的开放行)


tell application "Finder"
    set theFiles to files of folder " Images:Images for Renaming:Photoshop Files" as alias list
end tell
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
    tell Photoshop file options of settings
        set preserve hidden layers to true
        set preserve layers to true
    end tell
end tell
repeat with f in theFiles
    tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
        open f without dialogs
        set allLayers to layers of document 1

tell application "Finder"
    set theFiles to files of folder " Images:Images for Renaming:Photoshop Files" as alias list
end tell
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
    set user interaction level to never interact
    set photoshopOptions to {class:Photoshop options, preserve layers:true, preserve hidden layers:true}
    set IllustratorPreferences to {class:Illustrator preferences, Photoshop file options:photoshopOptions}
end tell
repeat with f in theFiles
    tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
        open f without dialogs
        set allLayers to layers of document 1


tell application "Finder"
    set theFiles to files of folder " Images:Images for Renaming:Photoshop Files" as alias list
end tell
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
    set user interaction level to never interact
    set photoshopOptions to {class:Photoshop options, preserve layers:true, preserve hidden layers:true}
    set IllustratorPreferences to {class:Illustrator preferences, Photoshop file options:photoshopOptions}
end tell
repeat with f in theFiles
    tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
        open f without dialogs
        set allLayers to layers of document 1
