将Xilinx AXI DMA内核添加到块设计会导致Xilinx SDK错误

将Xilinx AXI DMA内核添加到块设计会导致Xilinx SDK错误,sdk,hardware,xilinx,zynq,vivado,Sdk,Hardware,Xilinx,Zynq,Vivado,在将Xilinx AXI DMA IP核添加到Block design(Vivado IP Integrator,Zynq)后,Vivado生成的硬件规范将无法由Xilinx SDK处理 AXI DMA具有简单的配置、只读通道、无散射/聚集 Vivado 2014.1/Xilinx SDK 2014.1 ERROR : [Common 17-55] 'get_property' expects at least one object. ERROR: [Hsm 55-1545] Probl

在将Xilinx AXI DMA IP核添加到Block design(Vivado IP Integrator,Zynq)后,Vivado生成的硬件规范将无法由Xilinx SDK处理

AXI DMA具有简单的配置、只读通道、无散射/聚集

Vivado 2014.1/Xilinx SDK 2014.1

ERROR    :  [Common 17-55] 'get_property' expects at least one object.
ERROR: [Hsm 55-1545] Problem running tcl command ::sw_petalinux_v2_00_b::generate : ERROR: [Common 17-55] 'get_property' expects at least one object.

    while executing
"get_property NAME $axidma_ip_handle"
    ("axi_dma" arm line 8)
    invoked from within
"switch -exact $type {
        "axi_intc" {
            # Interrupt controllers
            lappend node [gen_intc $slave $intc "interrupt-controller" "C_NUM_INTR_INPUTS C_KIN..."
    (procedure "gener_slave" line 37)
    invoked from within
"gener_slave $bus_node $ip $intc_handle "" $busif_handle"
    ("foreach" body line 17)
    invoked from within
"foreach ip $sorted_ip {
        # make sure the sorted_ip list does not content force ip list
        # otherwise, same duplication of dts node will appeare..."
    (procedure "bus_bridge" line 153)
    invoked from within
"bus_bridge $hwproc_handle $intc 0 "M_AXI_DP" "" $ips "ps7_pl310 ps7_xadc""
    (procedure "generate_device_tree" line 93)
    invoked from within
"generate_device_tree "xilinx.dts" $bootargs $consoleip"
    (procedure "device-tree_v1_01_b::generate" line 53)
    invoked from within
"${bsp}::generate $os_handle"
    (procedure "namespace_generate" line 6)
    invoked from within
"namespace_generate $bsp $bsp $path $os_handle"
    ("foreach" body line 3)
    invoked from within
"foreach bsp ${bsps} {
        create_namespace $path $bsp $os_handle
        namespace_generate $bsp $bsp $path $os_handle
    (procedure "::sw_petalinux_v2_00_b::generate" line 16)
    invoked from within
"::sw_petalinux_v2_00_b::generate petalinux"
ERROR: [Hsm 55-1442] Error(s) while running TCL procedure generate()

ERROR    : Error generating bsp sources: Failed to generate BSP.

但如果没有AXI DMA,ARM+FPGA项目运行良好。

尝试将工具链更新到2014.4。2014.1被认为是有问题的。我们也遇到过2014.4的问题,但我们发现了这个决定。我们只使用SD卡,不使用QSPI。但在Zynq属性(在IP Integrator中)中关闭QSPI会导致硬件规范(.hdf文件)失败。我花了半天的时间在失败的设计和运行良好的示例设计之间寻找差异,唯一导致失败的差异是QSPI。尽管未使用,但应在Zynq属性中打开它。