Speech recognition 转录过程中的分段错误-DeepSpeech 0.4.1/西班牙语

Speech recognition 转录过程中的分段错误-DeepSpeech 0.4.1/西班牙语,speech-recognition,speech-to-text,mozilla-deepspeech,Speech Recognition,Speech To Text,Mozilla Deepspeech,我正在使用deepspeech 0.4.1,按照的指示,在具有64GB RAM的RedHat 7服务器上转录西班牙语音频 在开始处理后,我收到一个“分段错误”错误 以下是一个示例输出: -bash-4.2$ deepspeech --model models/output_graph.pb --alphabet models/alphabet.txt --lm models/lm.binary --trie models/trie --audio file.wav Loading model f

我正在使用deepspeech 0.4.1,按照的指示,在具有64GB RAM的RedHat 7服务器上转录西班牙语音频



-bash-4.2$ deepspeech --model models/output_graph.pb --alphabet models/alphabet.txt --lm models/lm.binary --trie models/trie --audio file.wav
Loading model from file models/output_graph.pb
TensorFlow: v1.12.0-10-ge232881
DeepSpeech: v0.4.1-0-g0e40db6
Warning: reading entire model file into memory. Transform model file into an mmapped graph to reduce heap usage.
2020-01-22 09:21:45.252368: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:141] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: FMA
Loaded model in 0.365s.
Loading language model from files models/lm.binary models/trie
Loaded language model in 0.181s.
Running inference.

