Spring integration 如何使用JSch和Spring集成在会话超时后进行SFTP

Spring integration 如何使用JSch和Spring集成在会话超时后进行SFTP,spring-integration,jsch,spring-integration-sftp,Spring Integration,Jsch,Spring Integration Sftp,我有一个应用程序,它可以通过SftpInboundFileSynchronizer来SFTPs文件: @Bean public SftpInboundFileSynchronizer sftpInboundFileSynchronizer() { SftpInboundFileSynchronizer fileSynchronizer = new SftpInboundFileSynchronizer(sftpSessionFactory()); fileSynchronizer


public SftpInboundFileSynchronizer sftpInboundFileSynchronizer() {
    SftpInboundFileSynchronizer fileSynchronizer = new SftpInboundFileSynchronizer(sftpSessionFactory());
    CompositeFileListFilter<ChannelSftp.LsEntry> compositeFileListFilter = new CompositeFileListFilter<ChannelSftp.LsEntry>();
    compositeFileListFilter.addFilter(new SftpPersistentAcceptOnceFileListFilter(store, "sftp"));
    compositeFileListFilter.addFilter(new SftpSimplePatternFileListFilter(applicationProperties.getLoadFileNamePattern()));
    return fileSynchronizer;

public PollerMetadata pollerMetadata(RetryCompoundTriggerAdvice retryCompoundTriggerAdvice) {
    PollerMetadata pollerMetadata = new PollerMetadata();
    List<Advice> adviceChain = new ArrayList<Advice>();
    return pollerMetadata;

public CompoundTrigger compoundTrigger() {
    CompoundTrigger compoundTrigger = new CompoundTrigger(primaryTrigger());
    return compoundTrigger;

public CronTrigger primaryTrigger() {
    return new CronTrigger(applicationProperties.getSchedule());

public PeriodicTrigger secondaryTrigger() {
    return new PeriodicTrigger(applicationProperties.getRetryInterval());

2017-01-27 18:30:01.447  INFO 14248 --- [Connect thread my.sftp.com session] com.jcraft.jsch                          : Caught an exception, leaving main loop due to End of IO Stream Read
2017-01-27 18:30:01.448  INFO 14248 --- [Connect thread my.sftp.com session] com.jcraft.jsch                          : Disconnecting from my.sftp.com port 22



logging.level.org.springframework: DEBUG
logging.level.com.jcraft.jsch: DEBUG

2017-02-15 18:15:56.206 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-9] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:16:56.211 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-9] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:17:56.213 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-8] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:18:56.214 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-8] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:19:56.215 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-8] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:20:56.215 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-8] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:21:56.217 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-8] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:22:56.218 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-8] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:23:56.219 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-3] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:24:56.221 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-2] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:25:56.222 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-6] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:26:56.223 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-6] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:27:56.224 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-6] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:28:56.225 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-6] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:29:56.226 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-6] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:30:03.884  INFO 26748 --- [Connect thread my.sftp.com session] com.jcraft.jsch                          : Caught an exception, leaving main
loop due to End of IO Stream Read
2017-02-15 18:30:03.884  INFO 26748 --- [Connect thread my.sftp.com session] com.jcraft.jsch                          : Disconnecting from my.sftp.com port 22
2017-02-15 18:30:56.227 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-6] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:31:56.228 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-6] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:32:56.228 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-6] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:33:56.230 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-6] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'




2017-01-27 18:30:01.447  INFO 14248 --- [Connect thread my.sftp.com session] com.jcraft.jsch                          : Caught an exception, leaving main loop due to End of IO Stream Read
2017-01-27 18:30:01.448  INFO 14248 --- [Connect thread my.sftp.com session] com.jcraft.jsch                          : Disconnecting from my.sftp.com port 22
logging.level.org.springframework: DEBUG
logging.level.com.jcraft.jsch: DEBUG
2017-02-15 18:15:56.206 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-9] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:16:56.211 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-9] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:17:56.213 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-8] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:18:56.214 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-8] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:19:56.215 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-8] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:20:56.215 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-8] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:21:56.217 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-8] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:22:56.218 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-8] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:23:56.219 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-3] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:24:56.221 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-2] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:25:56.222 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-6] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:26:56.223 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-6] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:27:56.224 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-6] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:28:56.225 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-6] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:29:56.226 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-6] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:30:03.884  INFO 26748 --- [Connect thread my.sftp.com session] com.jcraft.jsch                          : Caught an exception, leaving main
loop due to End of IO Stream Read
2017-02-15 18:30:03.884  INFO 26748 --- [Connect thread my.sftp.com session] com.jcraft.jsch                          : Disconnecting from my.sftp.com port 22
2017-02-15 18:30:56.227 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-6] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:31:56.228 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-6] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:32:56.228 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-6] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'
2017-02-15 18:33:56.230 DEBUG 26748 --- [task-scheduler-6] o.s.i.e.SourcePollingChannelAdapter      : Received no Message during the poll, returning 'false'