Sql server code>,SqlCommand,和SqlDataReader,所以SQL引用了我的SQL控制类。我将在上面更新…为什么要探测网格上每个X和Y坐标的结果集?为什么不迭代结果集并使用它包含的X,Y,Fill值呢?首先,循环有什么问题?它会永远消失吗?我不是1

Sql server code>,SqlCommand,和SqlDataReader,所以SQL引用了我的SQL控制类。我将在上面更新…为什么要探测网格上每个X和Y坐标的结果集?为什么不迭代结果集并使用它包含的X,Y,Fill值呢?首先,循环有什么问题?它会永远消失吗?我不是1,sql-server,vb.net,visual-studio,Sql Server,Vb.net,Visual Studio,code>,SqlCommand,和SqlDataReader,所以SQL引用了我的SQL控制类。我将在上面更新…为什么要探测网格上每个X和Y坐标的结果集?为什么不迭代结果集并使用它包含的X,Y,Fill值呢?首先,循环有什么问题?它会永远消失吗?我不是100%,但是如果FILL有一个值,那么Do While行

Do While行
while(wait rdr.ReadAsync)
Public Sub LoadMap()

        Dim Fill As Integer = 0
        Dim Row As Integer = 0
        Dim X As Integer = 0
        Dim Y As Integer = 0

        SQL.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Mapper_Table")

        Do While Y <= MapHeight
            'Ultimate exit statement: stop loading cells when Y becomes greater than the MapHeight...
            Do While X <= MapWidth
                'Row Exit Statement: When X reaches 100, its time to start on the next row...
                Do While Row < SQL.RecordCount '12
                    'I only want to search as many rows as there are saved locations, otherwise the cell must be empty and therefore blank...
                    If X = SQL.DBDT.Rows(Row).Item("X") And Y = SQL.DBDT.Rows(Row).Item("Y") Then
                        'If the current (X,Y) is a match to the database row, then we take the stored colour...
                        Fill = SQL.DBDT.Rows(Row).Item("Fill")
                    End If
                    'If Fill is taken, we can colour the square; otherwise, we should look in the next row...
                     If Fill <> 0 Then
                    Map(X, Y, 0) = Fill
                    End If
          **  Row = Row + 1 **
                'Once we have looked in all the rows for out cell, it is either coloured in or not; we can move onto the next cell in the row; a.k.a...
                X = X + 1
          **  Fill = 0  **
            'Once we have looked for all the cells in our row, we can move onto the next one; a.k.a...
            X = 0
            Y = Y + 1
        'Once we get to the end of the map, it should be loaded!

    End Sub
public enum FillColor {
    None = 0, // It's important that zero represents "empty" or "not set" due to .NET's rules on default values for value-types like enums.
    Red = 1,
    Blue = 2,
    // etc

public static async Task< List<( Int32 x, Int32 y, FillColor fill )> > LoadMapperTableAsync()
    const String connectionString = "...";

    using( SqlConnection c = new SqlConnection( connectionString ) )
    using( SqlCommand cmd = c.CreateCommand() )
        await c.OpenAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

        cmd.CommandText = "SELECT x, y, fill FROM Mapper_Table"; // NEVER EVER USE `SELECT * FROM` in application code!!!!!! Always explicitly name your columns!
        using( SqlDataReader rdr = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync().ConfigureAwait(false) )
            List<( Int32 x, Int32 y, FillColor fill )> list = new List<( Int32 x, Int32 y, FillColor fill )>();
            while( await rdr.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false) )
                Int32 x    = rdr.GetInt32( 0 ); // Add `rdr.IsDBNull()` guards, if necessary!
                Int32 y    = rdr.GetInt32( 1 );
                Int32 fill = rdr.GetInt32( 2 );

                list.Add( ( x, y, (FillColor)fill ) );

            return list;

public static FillColor[,] ConvertTo2DArray( IEnumerable< ( Int32 x, Int32 y, FillColor fill ) > values )
    const Int32 MAP_WIDTH  = 100;
    const Int32 MAP_HEIGHT = 100;

    FillColor[,] map = new FillColor[ MAP_HEIGHT, MAP_WIDTH ];

    // Do note that 2D arrays in .NET are slooooow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/468832/why-are-multi-dimensional-arrays-in-net-slower-than-normal-arrays

    foreach( ( Int32 x, Int32 y, FillColor fill ) in values )
        // Skip-over invalid data:
        if( x < 0 || x > MAP_WIDTH  ) continue;
        if( y < 0 || y > MAP_HEIGHT ) continue;

        map[ y, x ] = fill;

    return map;

public static async Task<FillColor[,]> LoadAsync()
    List<( Int32 x, Int32 y, FillColor fill )> list = await LoadMapperTableAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

    return ConvertTo2DArray( list );
Public Sub LoadMap()

    Dim Fill As Integer = 0
    Dim Row As Integer = 0
    Dim X As Integer = 0
    Dim Y As Integer = 0

    'Experiment: Sets X and Y to CurrentLocation with Record that has Fill. Works
    'Experiment: If Row(0) is not correct, try other rows. 
    'Experiment: Loop the loop for all X and Y's

    SQL.ExecQuery("SELECT X,Y,Fill FROM Mapper_Table")

    Do While Y <= MapHeight
        'Ultimate exit statement: stop loading cells when Y becomes greater than the MapHeight...
        Do While X <= MapWidth
            'Row Exit Statement: When X reaches 100, its time to start on the next row...
            Do While Row < SQL.RecordCount
                'I only want to search as many rows as there are saved locations, otherwise the cell must be empty and therefore blank...
                If X = SQL.DBDT.Rows(Row).Item("X") And Y = SQL.DBDT.Rows(Row).Item("Y") Then
                    'If the current (X,Y) is a match to the database row, then we take the stored colour...
                    Fill = SQL.DBDT.Rows(Row).Item("Fill")
                    'And paint the cell...
                    Map(X, Y, 0) = Fill
                    Row = SQL.RecordCount
                    'Otherwise, we look at the next row
                Else Row = Row + 1
                End If
            'Once we have looked in all the rows for out cell, it is either coloured in or not; we can move onto the next cell in the row; a.k.a...
            X = X + 1
            Row = 0
            Fill = 0
        'Once we have looked for all the cells in our row, we can move onto the next one; a.k.a...
        X = 0
        Y = Y + 1
    'Once we get to the end of the map, it should be loaded!

End Sub