Sql server 查找SQL查询中出现的日期

Sql server 查找SQL查询中出现的日期,sql-server,group-by,Sql Server,Group By,我有以下简化表格: Create table Services ( ServiceID int not null, Created Datetime null, Authorised DateTime null, Closed Datetime null) 如何按月份对DateTime字段进行分组,以计算在特定月份创建、授权或关闭了多少服务 这就是我想要的结果: Month Year Created Authorised


Create table Services (
  ServiceID   int        not null,
  Created     Datetime   null,
  Authorised  DateTime   null,
  Closed      Datetime   null)


Month Year   Created   Authorised   Closed
 08    2016     10         12         3
 09    2016     12          4         9
 10    2016      7          9         6



不幸的是,SQL Server没有使用(列)的标准SQL的

  coalesce(closed.mon, created.mon, authorised.mon) as [Month],
  coalesce(closed.yr, created.yr, authorised.yr) as [Year],
  created.cnt as [Created],
  created.cnt as [Authorised],
  authorised.cnt as [Closed]
  select month(created) as mon, year(created) as yr, count(*) as cnt
  from services
  group by month(created), year(created)
) created
full outer join
  select month(authorised) as mon, year(authorised) as yr, count(*) as cnt
  from services
  group by month(authorised), year(authorised)
) authorised on authorised.mon = created.mon and authorised.yr = created.yr
full outer join
  select month(closed) as mon, year(closed) as yr, count(*) as cnt
  from services
  group by month(closed), year(closed)
) closed on  closed.mon = coalesce(created.mon, authorised.mon)
         and closed.yr = coalesce(authorised.yr, created.yr);


不幸的是,SQL Server没有使用(列)

  coalesce(closed.mon, created.mon, authorised.mon) as [Month],
  coalesce(closed.yr, created.yr, authorised.yr) as [Year],
  created.cnt as [Created],
  created.cnt as [Authorised],
  authorised.cnt as [Closed]
  select month(created) as mon, year(created) as yr, count(*) as cnt
  from services
  group by month(created), year(created)
) created
full outer join
  select month(authorised) as mon, year(authorised) as yr, count(*) as cnt
  from services
  group by month(authorised), year(authorised)
) authorised on authorised.mon = created.mon and authorised.yr = created.yr
full outer join
  select month(closed) as mon, year(closed) as yr, count(*) as cnt
  from services
  group by month(closed), year(closed)
) closed on  closed.mon = coalesce(created.mon, authorised.mon)
         and closed.yr = coalesce(authorised.yr, created.yr);
我尝试使用分组集。 样本数据-

declare @temp table (
    ServiceID       int         not null,
    Created         Datetime    null,
    Authorised      DateTime    null,
    Closed          Datetime    null

insert into @temp
select 1, '2016-08-03', '2016-07-03', '2016-02-03' union
select 2, '2016-10-03', '2016-04-03', '2016-08-03' union
select 3, '2016-04-03', '2016-02-03', '2016-12-03' union
select 4, '2016-04-03', '2016-01-03', '2016-10-03'

;with grouped as (
select  created     = format(created, 'yyyyMM'),
        authorised  = format(authorised, 'yyyyMM'),
        closed      = format(closed, 'yyyyMM'),
        count_val   = count(*)
from @temp
group by grouping sets(
            format(created, 'yyyyMM'),
            format(authorised, 'yyyyMM'),
            format(closed, 'yyyyMM'))
,combined as(
select [Month]=right(created,2),[year]=left(created,4), created=count_val, authorised, closed
from grouped
where created is not null
union all
select [Month]=right(authorised,2),[year]=left(authorised,4), created, authorised=count_val, closed
from grouped
where authorised is not null
union all
select [Month]=right(closed,2),[year]=left(closed,4), created, authorised, closed=count_val
from grouped
where closed is not null
select [Month],[year],created=sum(created),authroised=sum(authorised),closed=sum(closed)
from combined
group by [Month],[year]
我尝试使用分组集。 样本数据-

declare @temp table (
    ServiceID       int         not null,
    Created         Datetime    null,
    Authorised      DateTime    null,
    Closed          Datetime    null

insert into @temp
select 1, '2016-08-03', '2016-07-03', '2016-02-03' union
select 2, '2016-10-03', '2016-04-03', '2016-08-03' union
select 3, '2016-04-03', '2016-02-03', '2016-12-03' union
select 4, '2016-04-03', '2016-01-03', '2016-10-03'

;with grouped as (
select  created     = format(created, 'yyyyMM'),
        authorised  = format(authorised, 'yyyyMM'),
        closed      = format(closed, 'yyyyMM'),
        count_val   = count(*)
from @temp
group by grouping sets(
            format(created, 'yyyyMM'),
            format(authorised, 'yyyyMM'),
            format(closed, 'yyyyMM'))
,combined as(
select [Month]=right(created,2),[year]=left(created,4), created=count_val, authorised, closed
from grouped
where created is not null
union all
select [Month]=right(authorised,2),[year]=left(authorised,4), created, authorised=count_val, closed
from grouped
where authorised is not null
union all
select [Month]=right(closed,2),[year]=left(closed,4), created, authorised, closed=count_val
from grouped
where closed is not null
select [Month],[year],created=sum(created),authroised=sum(authorised),closed=sum(closed)
from combined
group by [Month],[year]
