Sql server 生成包含';t任何相应的值 请考虑此脚本: declare @Table_City table(CityName varchar(50)); declare @Table_Product table(ProductName varchar(50)); declare @Table_Data table(CityName varchar(50), ProductName varchar(50), [Count] int, Price int) insert into @Table_City values('Paris'),('London'),('Tokyo'),('Roma'),('Bern'),('Aten') insert into @Table_Product values('Toys'),('Shoe'),('TV'),('Radio') insert into @Table_Data values ('Paris', 'Shoe', 12, 10000), ('Paris', 'TV', 6, 1040), ('Bern', 'Radio', 1, 10), ('London', 'TV', 32, 21132), ('Roma', 'Shoe', 120, 654400), ('Aten', 'TV', 20, 35000), ('Paris', 'Radio', 17, 2000), ('Paris', 'Radio', 2, 300), ('Tokyo', 'TV', 100, 1002000), ('Aten', 'TV',20 ,4000 ), ('Bern', 'TV', 35, 5000), ('London', 'Radio', 70, 7000), ('London', 'TV',10 ,10000 ), ('Aten', 'Shoe',200 ,10500 ), ('London', 'Toys', 10, 8000), ('Paris', 'Toys',80 , 9000), ('Paris', 'Radio',50 ,75000 ), ('Tokyo', 'Shoe',45 ,5500 ), ('Roma', 'Toys',12 ,6000 ), ('Bern', 'Toys',50 ,4800 ), ('London', 'TV',40 ,8700 ), ('Aten', 'Toys', 80 ,2500 ), ('Aten', 'TV', 100 ,12500 ) select CityName, ProductName , sum([count]) , sum(price) from @Table_Data group by CityName, ProductName order by 1, 2

Sql server 生成包含';t任何相应的值 请考虑此脚本: declare @Table_City table(CityName varchar(50)); declare @Table_Product table(ProductName varchar(50)); declare @Table_Data table(CityName varchar(50), ProductName varchar(50), [Count] int, Price int) insert into @Table_City values('Paris'),('London'),('Tokyo'),('Roma'),('Bern'),('Aten') insert into @Table_Product values('Toys'),('Shoe'),('TV'),('Radio') insert into @Table_Data values ('Paris', 'Shoe', 12, 10000), ('Paris', 'TV', 6, 1040), ('Bern', 'Radio', 1, 10), ('London', 'TV', 32, 21132), ('Roma', 'Shoe', 120, 654400), ('Aten', 'TV', 20, 35000), ('Paris', 'Radio', 17, 2000), ('Paris', 'Radio', 2, 300), ('Tokyo', 'TV', 100, 1002000), ('Aten', 'TV',20 ,4000 ), ('Bern', 'TV', 35, 5000), ('London', 'Radio', 70, 7000), ('London', 'TV',10 ,10000 ), ('Aten', 'Shoe',200 ,10500 ), ('London', 'Toys', 10, 8000), ('Paris', 'Toys',80 , 9000), ('Paris', 'Radio',50 ,75000 ), ('Tokyo', 'Shoe',45 ,5500 ), ('Roma', 'Toys',12 ,6000 ), ('Bern', 'Toys',50 ,4800 ), ('London', 'TV',40 ,8700 ), ('Aten', 'Toys', 80 ,2500 ), ('Aten', 'TV', 100 ,12500 ) select CityName, ProductName , sum([count]) , sum(price) from @Table_Data group by CityName, ProductName order by 1, 2,sql-server,sql-server-2016,Sql Server,Sql Server 2016,此脚本将生成以下结果: 但我想要这个结果: 为组中没有相应值的记录生成0条记录的最佳方法是什么?您将与@Table\u-City交叉连接@Table\u-Product,然后将左连接到@Table\u-Data SELECT c.CityName, p.ProductName, SUM(COALESCE([Count], 0)) as [Count], SUM(COALESCE([Price], 0)) as [Price] FROM @Table_City





SELECT c.CityName, p.ProductName, 
       SUM(COALESCE([Count], 0)) as [Count],
       SUM(COALESCE([Price], 0)) as [Price]
FROM   @Table_City c
       CROSS JOIN @Table_Product p
       LEFT  JOIN @Table_Data d     ON c.CityName    = d.CityName
                                   AND p.ProductName = d.ProductName
GROUP BY c.CityName, p.ProductName
SELECT t1.CityName, t2.ProductName, 
       SUM(isnull(d.[Count], 0)) as [Count],
       SUM(isnull(d.[Price], 0)) as [Price]
FROM   @Table_City t1
       CROSS JOIN @Table_Product t2
       LEFT JOIN @Table_Data d ON t1.CityName = d.CityName
             AND d.ProductName = t2.ProductName
GROUP BY t1.CityName, t2.ProductName
ORDER BY t1.CityName, t2.ProductName

SELECT c.CityName, p.ProductName, 
       SUM(COALESCE([Count], 0)) as [Count],
       SUM(COALESCE([Price], 0)) as [Price]
FROM   @Table_City c
       CROSS JOIN @Table_Product p
       LEFT  JOIN @Table_Data d     ON c.CityName    = d.CityName
                                   AND p.ProductName = d.ProductName
GROUP BY c.CityName, p.ProductName
SELECT t1.CityName, t2.ProductName, 
       SUM(isnull(d.[Count], 0)) as [Count],
       SUM(isnull(d.[Price], 0)) as [Price]
FROM   @Table_City t1
       CROSS JOIN @Table_Product t2
       LEFT JOIN @Table_Data d ON t1.CityName = d.CityName
             AND d.ProductName = t2.ProductName
GROUP BY t1.CityName, t2.ProductName
ORDER BY t1.CityName, t2.ProductName
