Sql server 在SQL Server中获取从星期日到星期六的周周期

Sql server 在SQL Server中获取从星期日到星期六的周周期,sql-server,Sql Server,我需要一份特定月份和年份的周数清单。显示每周的初始和最终日期 它必须在星期天开始,星期六结束 示例:2018年第10个月: 请注意,结束日期可能超过月份,因为您应该考虑开始日期是选定月份的一部分。 < P>此查询将起作用。p> ;with w as ( select convert(date,'2018-10-01') as startdate, convert(date,'2018-10-01') as dt union all select startdate, dateadd(d,1,dt





< P>此查询将起作用。p>
;with w as (
select convert(date,'2018-10-01') as startdate, convert(date,'2018-10-01') as dt
union all
select startdate, dateadd(d,1,dt) from w where month(startdate)=month(dateadd(d,1,dt))
select row_number() over (order by dt) as wk, 
    dt as wkstart, 
    dateadd(d,6,dt) as wkend 
from w 
where datediff(d,convert(date,'2018-10-07'),dt)%7=0

wk  wkstart     wkend
1   2018-10-07  2018-10-13
2   2018-10-14  2018-10-20
3   2018-10-21  2018-10-27
4   2018-10-28  2018-11-03


declare @year   int, 
        @month  int

select  @year   = 2018,
        @month  = 10

; with 
-- get first and last day of the month
dates as
    select  first_of_mth = dateadd(year, @year - 1900, dateadd(month, @month - 1, 0)),
            last_of_mth = dateadd(year, @year - 1900, dateadd(month, @month, -1))
-- get first sunday of the month
dates2 as
    select  first_of_mth, last_of_mth,
            first_sun_of_mth = dateadd(week, datediff(week, 0, dateadd(day, 7 - datepart(day, first_of_mth), first_of_mth)), -1)
    from    dates
-- recursive CTE to get all weeks of the month
weeks as
    select  week_no     = 1, 
            begin_date  = first_sun_of_mth,
            end_date    = dateadd(day, 6, first_sun_of_mth),
    from    dates2

    union all

    select  week_no     = week_no + 1,
            begin_date  = dateadd(day, 7, begin_date),
            end_date    = dateadd(day, 7, end_date),
    from    weeks
    where   dateadd(day, 7, begin_date) <= last_of_mth
select  week_no, begin_date, end_date
from    weeks