Sql server 如何识别表中的哪些行满足特定条件,但该条件基于前几行中的数据?提供的例子

Sql server 如何识别表中的哪些行满足特定条件,但该条件基于前几行中的数据?提供的例子,sql-server,tsql,Sql Server,Tsql,我正在使用一个包含以下数据的表: ObjectId EventId EventDate 1 342 2017-10-27 1 342 2018-01-06 1 343 2018-04-18 1 401 2018-10-15 1 342 2018-11-12 1 342 2018-11-29 1


ObjectId   EventId   EventDate
1          342       2017-10-27
1          342       2018-01-06
1          343       2018-04-18
1          401       2018-10-15
1          342       2018-11-12
1          342       2018-11-29
1          401       2018-12-10
1          342       2019-02-21
1          343       2019-04-23
1          401       2019-11-04
1          343       2020-02-15
2          342       2018-06-08
2          343       2018-09-18
2          342       2018-10-02


ObjectId   EventId   EventDate    EventsComplete
1          342       2017-10-27   0
1          342       2018-01-06   0
1          343       2018-04-18   0
1          401       2018-10-15   1
1          342       2018-11-12   0
1          342       2018-11-29   0
1          401       2018-12-10   0
1          342       2019-02-21   0
1          343       2019-04-23   1
1          401       2019-11-04   0
1          343       2020-02-15   0
2          342       2018-06-08   0
2          343       2018-09-18   0
2          342       2018-10-02   0

select 1 as ObjectId, 342 as EventId, cast('2017-10-27' as date) as EventDate
union select 1 as ObjectId, 342 as EventId, cast('2018-01-06' as date) as EventDate
union select 1 as ObjectId, 343 as EventId, cast('2018-04-18' as date) as EventDate
union select 1 as ObjectId, 401 as EventId, cast('2018-10-15' as date) as EventDate
union select 1 as ObjectId, 342 as EventId, cast('2018-11-12' as date) as EventDate
union select 1 as ObjectId, 342 as EventId, cast('2018-11-29' as date) as EventDate
union select 1 as ObjectId, 401 as EventId, cast('2018-12-10' as date) as EventDate
union select 1 as ObjectId, 342 as EventId, cast('2019-02-21' as date) as EventDate
union select 1 as ObjectId, 343 as EventId, cast('2019-04-23' as date) as EventDate
union select 1 as ObjectId, 401 as EventId, cast('2019-11-04' as date) as EventDate
union select 1 as ObjectId, 343 as EventId, cast('2020-02-15' as date) as EventDate
union select 2 as ObjectId, 342 as EventId, cast('2018-06-08' as date) as EventDate
union select 2 as ObjectId, 343 as EventId, cast('2018-09-18' as date) as EventDate
union select 2 as ObjectId, 342 as EventId, cast('2018-10-02' as date) as EventDate




-- Declare a temporary table for housing the queried data.
DECLARE @Data TABLE ( ObjectId INT, EventId INT, EventDate DATE, EventsComplete BIT DEFAULT (0), pk INT IDENTITY(1,1) );

-- Fetch the queried data into a table variable for processing.
INSERT INTO @Data ( ObjectId, EventId, EventDate ) VALUES
    ( 1, 342, '2017-10-27' ),( 1, 342, '2018-01-06' ),( 1, 343, '2018-04-18' ),( 1, 401, '2018-10-15' ),( 1, 342, '2018-11-12' ),
    ( 1, 342, '2018-11-29' ),( 1, 401, '2018-12-10' ),( 1, 342, '2019-02-21' ),( 1, 343, '2019-04-23' ),( 1, 401, '2019-11-04' ),
    ( 1, 343, '2020-02-15' ),( 2, 342, '2018-06-08' ),( 2, 343, '2018-09-18' ),( 2, 342, '2018-10-02' );

    I'm inserting the sample data you provided, however, in your code you would simply SELECT/INSERT 
    the required data into the temporary table @Data while sorting on your ObjectId and EventDate.

-- Declare some variables for processing.
    @ObjectId INT, 
    @EventId INT, 
    @PrevObjId INT, 
    @Flag342 BIT,
    @Flag343 BIT,
    @Flag401 BIT;
-- For-each row in @Data (non-cursor)...
DECLARE @pk INT = 1;
WHILE @pk <= ( SELECT MAX ( pk ) FROM @Data ) BEGIN

    -- Current row.
        @ObjectId = ObjectId,
        @PrevObjId = ISNULL ( @PrevObjId, ObjectId ),
        @EventId = EventId
    FROM @Data WHERE pk = @pk;

    -- Set the event flags.
    IF @EventId = 342
        SET @Flag342 = 1;

    IF @EventID = 343
        SET @Flag343 = 1;

    IF @EventId = 401
        SET @Flag401 = 1;

    IF @ObjectId = @PrevObjId BEGIN

        -- Check for a completed event.
        IF ( @Flag342 = 1 AND @Flag343 = 1 AND @Flag401 = 1 ) BEGIN

            -- Set the EventsComplete flag.
            UPDATE @Data SET EventsComplete = 1 WHERE pk = @pk;

            -- Reset the event flag values.
            SELECT @Flag342 = 0, @Flag343 = 0, @Flag401 = 0;



        -- New ObjectId, reset the event flag values.
            @Flag342 = CASE WHEN @EventId = 342 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, 
            @Flag343 = CASE WHEN @EventId = 343 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, 
            @Flag401 = CASE WHEN @EventId = 401 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END;


    -- Next row.
        @PrevObjId = @ObjectId,
        @pk = ( @pk + 1 );


-- Return the updated resultset.
    ObjectId, EventId, EventDate, EventsComplete







-- Sample data.
declare @ObjectEvents as Table ( ObjectId Int, EventId Int, EventDate Date );

insert into @ObjectEvents ( ObjectId, EventId, EventDate ) values
    ( 1, 342, '2017-10-27' ),( 1, 342, '2018-01-06' ),( 1, 343, '2018-04-18' ),( 1, 401, '2018-10-15' ),( 1, 342, '2018-11-12' ),
    ( 1, 342, '2018-11-29' ),( 1, 401, '2018-12-10' ),( 1, 342, '2019-02-21' ),( 1, 343, '2019-04-23' ),( 1, 401, '2019-11-04' ),
    ( 1, 343, '2020-02-15' ),( 2, 342, '2018-06-08' ),( 2, 343, '2018-09-18' ),( 2, 342, '2018-10-02' );

select * from @ObjectEvents order by ObjectId, EventDate;

-- Do the deed.
  OrderedEventsByObject as (
    -- Number the rows for each   ObjectId   in   EventDate   order and add flags for the events.
    select ObjectId, EventId, EventDate,
      Row_Number() over ( partition by ObjectId order by EventDate ) as RN,
      case when EventId = 342 then 1 else 0 end as E342Done,
      case when EventId = 343 then 1 else 0 end as E343Done,
      case when EventId = 401 then 1 else 0 end as E401Done
      from @ObjectEvents ),
  ProcessedEvents as (
    -- Process the events in order for each   ObjectId .
    -- Start with the first row for the   ObjectId ...
    select ObjectId, EventId, EventDate, RN, E342Done, E343Done, E401Done,
      0 as EventsComplete
      from OrderedEventsByObject
      where RN = 1
    union all
    -- ... then add the next row, if any, for each   ObjectId :
    select OEBO.ObjectId, OEBO.EventId, OEBO.EventDate, OEBO.RN,
      -- Use arithmetic as a shorthand for: ( PE.E342Done or OEBO.E342Done ) and not PH.EventsComplete .
      Sign( ( PE.E342Done + OEBO.E342Done ) * ( 1 - PH.EventsComplete ) ),
      Sign( ( PE.E343Done + OEBO.E343Done ) * ( 1 - PH.EventsComplete ) ),
      Sign( ( PE.E401Done + OEBO.E401Done ) * ( 1 - PH.EventsComplete ) ),
      from ProcessedEvents as PE inner join
        OrderedEventsByObject as OEBO on OEBO.ObjectId = PE.ObjectId and OEBO.RN = PE.RN + 1 cross apply
        -- Use   cross apply   to make the   EventsCompleted   column available within the recursive part of the CTE.
        -- Arithmetic is used again to check for one of every event type being completed.
        ( select case when Sign( PE.E342Done + OEBO.E342Done ) + Sign( PE.E343Done + OEBO.E343Done ) + Sign( PE.E401Done + OEBO.E401Done ) = 3 then 1 else 0 end as EventsComplete ) as PH
  -- You can uncomment the following   select   statements to see the intermediate results:
  -- select * from OrderedEventsByObject;
  -- select * from ProcessedEvents;
  select ObjectId, EventId, EventDate, EventsComplete
    from ProcessedEvents
    order by ObjectId, RN;

where next.eventid!=this.eventid或last.eventid和next.row number>this.row number和next.objectid=this.objectid
select 1 as ObjectId, 342 as EventId, cast('2017-10-27' as date) as EventDate
into t
union all select 1, 342, cast('2018-01-06' as date)
union all select 1, 343, cast('2018-04-18' as date)
union all select 1, 401, cast('2018-10-15' as date)
union all select 1, 342, cast('2018-11-12' as date)
union all select 1, 342, cast('2018-11-29' as date)
union all select 1, 401, cast('2018-12-10' as date)
union all select 1, 342, cast('2019-02-21' as date)
union all select 1, 343, cast('2019-04-23' as date)
union all select 1, 401, cast('2019-11-04' as date)
union all select 1, 343, cast('2020-02-15' as date)
union all select 2, 342, cast('2018-06-08' as date)
union all select 2, 343, cast('2018-09-18' as date)
union all select 2, 342, cast('2018-10-02' as date);

with numbered as  
-- just adding a row number to make it easier to follow
   select   objectid, 
            rn = row_number() over (partition by objectid order by eventdate asc),
            bits = cast(power(2, case eventid when 342 then 0 when 343 then 1 else 2 end) as tinyint)
   from     t
paths as  
-- the concatenated paths of distinct eventid for each row, as a bitfield
   select      n.objectid, 
               root = n.rn, 
   from        numbered n
   union all   
   select      n.objectid, 
               p.bits | n.bits
   from        paths       p
   join        numbered    n  on n.objectid = p.objectid
                                 and n.rn > p.rn
                                 and p.bits & n.bits = 0 
candidates as 
-- a row that has a path containing all 3 values (bits = 7)
   select   *
   from     (
               select   root, 
                        candidate = iif
                           rn = min(rn) over (partition by root), 
                           1, 0
               from     paths
               where    bits = 7
            ) c            
   where    c.candidate = 1
-- get the candidate rows where no earlier candidiate in row number order
-- has a root-to-end path which overlaps the path for this candidate
select      distinct 
            isnull(c.candidate, 0)
from        numbered   n
left join   candidates c on c.rn = n.rn
                            and not exists 
                               select * 
                               from candidates prev
                               where prev.rn < c.rn
                                     and prev.rn > c.root
                                     and prev.root < c.rn
order by    n.objectid, 

declare @triplets table(objectid int, eventid int, eventdate date);
declare c cursor fast_forward for 
select objectid, eventid, eventdate from t order by objectid, eventdate asc;
   @ob int, @prevob int, @event int, @dt date, 
   @bits tinyint = 0;
open c;
fetch next from c into @ob, @event, @dt;
while @@fetch_status = 0
    if (@ob = @prevob)
        if @event = 342 set @bits |= 1;
        else if @event = 343 set @bits |= 2;
        else if @event = 401 set @bits |= 4;

        if (@bits = 7) 
            insert @triplets values (@ob, @event, @dt);
            set @bits = 0
    else select @bits = 0, @prevob = @ob;
    fetch next from c into @ob, @event, @dt;
close c;
deallocate c;
select      t.*, iif(tt.objectid is null, 0, 1)
from        t
left join   @triplets tt    on  t.objectid = tt.objectid 
                                and t.eventid = tt.eventid
                                and t.eventdate = tt.eventdate;
-- Sample data.
declare @ObjectEvents as Table ( ObjectId Int, EventId Int, EventDate Date );

insert into @ObjectEvents ( ObjectId, EventId, EventDate ) values
    ( 1, 342, '2017-10-27' ),( 1, 342, '2018-01-06' ),( 1, 343, '2018-04-18' ),( 1, 401, '2018-10-15' ),( 1, 342, '2018-11-12' ),
    ( 1, 342, '2018-11-29' ),( 1, 401, '2018-12-10' ),( 1, 342, '2019-02-21' ),( 1, 343, '2019-04-23' ),( 1, 401, '2019-11-04' ),
    ( 1, 343, '2020-02-15' ),( 2, 342, '2018-06-08' ),( 2, 343, '2018-09-18' ),( 2, 342, '2018-10-02' );

select * from @ObjectEvents order by ObjectId, EventDate;

-- Do the deed.
  OrderedEventsByObject as (
    -- Number the rows for each   ObjectId   in   EventDate   order and add flags for the events.
    select ObjectId, EventId, EventDate,
      Row_Number() over ( partition by ObjectId order by EventDate ) as RN,
      case when EventId = 342 then 1 else 0 end as E342Done,
      case when EventId = 343 then 1 else 0 end as E343Done,
      case when EventId = 401 then 1 else 0 end as E401Done
      from @ObjectEvents ),
  ProcessedEvents as (
    -- Process the events in order for each   ObjectId .
    -- Start with the first row for the   ObjectId ...
    select ObjectId, EventId, EventDate, RN, E342Done, E343Done, E401Done,
      0 as EventsComplete
      from OrderedEventsByObject
      where RN = 1
    union all
    -- ... then add the next row, if any, for each   ObjectId :
    select OEBO.ObjectId, OEBO.EventId, OEBO.EventDate, OEBO.RN,
      -- Use arithmetic as a shorthand for: ( PE.E342Done or OEBO.E342Done ) and not PH.EventsComplete .
      Sign( ( PE.E342Done + OEBO.E342Done ) * ( 1 - PH.EventsComplete ) ),
      Sign( ( PE.E343Done + OEBO.E343Done ) * ( 1 - PH.EventsComplete ) ),
      Sign( ( PE.E401Done + OEBO.E401Done ) * ( 1 - PH.EventsComplete ) ),
      from ProcessedEvents as PE inner join
        OrderedEventsByObject as OEBO on OEBO.ObjectId = PE.ObjectId and OEBO.RN = PE.RN + 1 cross apply
        -- Use   cross apply   to make the   EventsCompleted   column available within the recursive part of the CTE.
        -- Arithmetic is used again to check for one of every event type being completed.
        ( select case when Sign( PE.E342Done + OEBO.E342Done ) + Sign( PE.E343Done + OEBO.E343Done ) + Sign( PE.E401Done + OEBO.E401Done ) = 3 then 1 else 0 end as EventsComplete ) as PH
  -- You can uncomment the following   select   statements to see the intermediate results:
  -- select * from OrderedEventsByObject;
  -- select * from ProcessedEvents;
  select ObjectId, EventId, EventDate, EventsComplete
    from ProcessedEvents
    order by ObjectId, RN;