
SQL将行分组为对,sql,snowflake-cloud-data-platform,Sql,Snowflake Cloud Data Platform,我正在尝试向成对的行组成的分区添加某种类型的唯一标识符(uid),即在一个大小为2行的窗口分区中,为每两行(identifier1,identifier2)生成一些uid/标记 例如,ID X的前两行将得到uid A,同一ID的下两行将得到uid B,如果分区中只剩下一行ID X,则将得到ID C 以下是我试图实现的目标,图片说明了表的结构,我手动添加了expectedIdentifier来说明目标: 这是我当前的SQL,ntile无法解决它,因为分区大小不同: select rowId ,


例如,ID X的前两行将得到uid A,同一ID的下两行将得到uid B,如果分区中只剩下一行ID X,则将得到ID C



, ntile(2) over (partition by firstIdentifier, secondIdentifier order by timestamp asc) as ntile
, *
from log;
已经尝试了ntile((count(*)over partition…/2),但不起作用



ntile(2) over (partition by firstIdentifier, secondIdentifier order by timestamp asc) as ntile
,ceil(count(1) over( partition by firstIdentifier, secondIdentifier order by timestamp asc) / 2) as id
, *
from log;
这是Sql Server版本

with log (firstidentifier,secondidentifier, timestamp)
as (
select 15396, 14460, 1 union all
select 15396, 14460, 1 union all
select 19744, 14451, 1 union all
select 19744, 14451, 1 union all
select 19744, 14451, 1 union all
select 15590, 12404, 1 union all
select 15590, 12404, 1 union all
select 15590, 12404, 1 union all
select 15590, 12404, 1 union all
select 15590, 12404, 1 
select *, char(65 + (row_number() over(partition by 
firstidentifier,secondidentifier order by timestamp)-1)/2) 
expectedidentifier from log 
order by firstidentifier,secondidentifier,timestamp

with log (firstidentifier,secondidentifier, timestamp)
as (
select 15396, 14460, 1 union all
select 15396, 14460, 1 union all
select 19744, 14451, 1 union all
select 19744, 14451, 1 union all
select 19744, 14451, 1 union all
select 15590, 12404, 1 union all
select 15590, 12404, 1 union all
select 15590, 12404, 1 union all
select 15590, 12404, 1 union all
select 15590, 12404, 1 
select *, char(65 + (row_number() over(partition by 
firstidentifier,secondidentifier order by timestamp)-1)/2) 
expectedidentifier from log 
order by firstidentifier,secondidentifier,timestamp