
SQL用例用法&;支点,sql,oracle,Sql,Oracle,在表A中,我有 Cust_ID Campaign_Date Campaign_Date1 Campaign_Date2 1 20160101 20160108 20160115 2 20160201 20160208 20160215 在表B中 Cust_ID Bet_Date_Placed_Key Amount1 Amount2 Amount3 1


Cust_ID  Campaign_Date  Campaign_Date1      Campaign_Date2
1          20160101      20160108             20160115
2          20160201      20160208             20160215

Cust_ID  Bet_Date_Placed_Key  Amount1   Amount2  Amount3
1          20160101     3         4        6
1          20160108     4         5        7
1          20160115     3         4        6
2          20160201     3         4        6
2          20160208     4         5        7
2          20160215     3         4        6

Cust_ID Campaign_Date  Amount1   Amount2  Amount3   Campaign_Date1 Amount1   Amount2  Amount3  Campaign_Date2 Amount1  Amount2  Amount3

1         20160101       3          4       6           20160108     4        5          7        20160115       3       4         6
2         20160201       3          4       6           20160208     4        5          7        20160215       3       4         6

select cust_id, 
(case when campaign_date=Bet_Date_Placed_Key then amount1 else null end) as Amount1,
(case when campaign_date=Bet_Date_Placed_Key then amount2 else null end) as Amount2,
(case when campaign_date=Bet_Date_Placed_Key then amount3 else null end) as Amount3,
表B中是唯一的,只需加入表B 3次即可

 select a.cust_id
 , a.campaign_date, b1.Amount1, b1.Amount2, b1.Amount3
 , a.campaign_date1, b2.Amount1, b2.Amount2, b2.Amount3
 , a.campaign_date2, b3.Amount1, b3.Amount2, b3.Amount3

from tableA a
left join tableB b1 on b1.cust_id=a.cust_id and b1.Bet_Date_Placed_Key  = a.campaign_date
left join tableB b2 on b2.cust_id=a.cust_id and b2.Bet_Date_Placed_Key  = a.campaign_date1
left join tableB b3 on b3.cust_id=a.cust_id and b3.Bet_Date_Placed_Key  = a.campaign_date2

(cust\u id,Bet\u Date\u Placed\u Key)

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