从我的SQL Server表中删除重复项

从我的SQL Server表中删除重复项,sql,sql-server,duplicates,Sql,Sql Server,Duplicates,我有一个包含以下数据的表格 Col1 Col2 A B B A C D D C E F F E 如果多行中的col1和Col2以及Col2和col1值相同,则认为它们是重复的。在上例中,第1行和第2行之间的col1和Col2相同,则认为它们是重复的。我们只需要其中的一排 因此,上述示例的输出将是 Col1 Col2 A B C D E F 或 请帮帮我 谢谢。试


Col1    Col2
 A       B
 B       A
 C       D
 D       C
 E       F
 F       E


Col1   Col2
 A      B
 C      D 
 E      F




delete from myTable t1
where col1 > col2 and exists (select 1 
                            from myTable t2 
                            where t2.col1 = t1.col2 and t2.col2 = t1.col1);


delete from myTable t1
where col1 > col2 and exists (select 1 
                            from myTable t2 
                            where t2.col1 = t1.col2 and t2.col2 = t1.col1);
create table tb (col1 char(1), col2 char(1))
insert into tb (col1, col2) values

with cte as (
    select col1, col2, rn = row_number() over(order by col1)
    from tb

    select x.* 
      from cte as x
      where not exists (
        select 1 
          from cte as y 
          where y.col2 = x.col1
            and x.rn>y.rn  -- returns col1 in ('a','c','e')
            --and x.rn<y.rn  -- returns col1 in ('b','d','f')


    delete x 
      from cte as x
      where not exists (
        select 1 
          from cte as y 
          where y.col2 = x.col1
            --and x.rn>y.rn  -- returns col1 in ('a','c','e')
            and x.rn<y.rn  -- returns col1 in ('b','d','f')

select * from tb