
sql正则表达式解析文本以添加新行,sql,regex,oracle,Sql,Regex,Oracle,我试图获取一个notes字段,它只是一个大的文本块,下面是示例数据,就像我将其插入到表中一样 create table test_table ( job_number number, notes varchar2(4000) ) insert into test_table (job_number,notes) values (12345,1022089483 notes notes notes notes 1022094450 notes notes notes notes 10220952


create table test_table
job_number number,
notes varchar2(4000)

insert into test_table (job_number,notes)
values (12345,1022089483 notes notes notes notes 1022094450 notes notes notes notes 1022095218 notes notes notes notes)


12345 | 1022089483注释

12345 | 1022094450注释

12345 | 1022095218注释



SQL> insert into test_table (job_number,notes)
  2  values (12345,'1022089483 notes notes notes notes 1022094450 notes notes notes notes 1022095218 notes notes notes notes');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into test_table (job_number,notes)
  2  values (12346,'1022089483 notes notes notes notes 1022094450 foo 1022095218 test notes 1022493228 the answer is 42');

1 row created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.


SQL> with data
  2  as (select job_number, notes,
  3            (length(notes)-length(regexp_replace(notes, '[0-9]{10}', null)))/10 num_of_notes
  4        from test_table t)
  5  select job_number,
  6         substr(d.notes, regexp_instr(d.notes, '[0-9]{10}', 1, rn.l),
  7                       regexp_instr(d.notes||' 0000000000', '[0-9]{10}', 1, rn.l+1)
  8                       -regexp_instr(d.notes, '[0-9]{10}', 1, rn.l) -1
  9               ) note
 10    from data d
 11         cross join (select rownum l
 12                      from dual
 13                    connect by level <= (select max(num_of_notes)
 14                                           from data)) rn
 15   where rn.l <= d.num_of_notes
 16   order by job_number, rn.l;

---------- --------------------------------------------------
     12345 1022089483 notes notes notes notes
     12345 1022094450 notes notes notes notes
     12345 1022095218 notes notes notes notes
     12346 1022089483 notes notes notes notes
     12346 1022094450 foo
     12346 1022095218 test notes
     12346 1022493228 the answer is 42

7 rows selected.

SQL> with data as (select job_number, notes,
  2                       (length(notes)-length(regexp_replace(notes, '[0-9]{10}', null)))/10 num_of_notes
  3                  from test_table)
  4  select job_number, note
  5    from data
  6  model
  7  partition by (job_number)
  8  dimension by (1 as i)
  9  measures (notes, num_of_notes, cast(null as varchar2(4000)) note)
 10  rules
 11  (
 12    note[for i from 1 to num_of_notes[1] increment 1]
 13      = substr(notes[1],
 14               regexp_instr(notes[1], '[0-9]{10}', 1, cv(i)),
 15               regexp_instr(notes[1]||' 0000000000', '[0-9]{10}', 1, cv(i)+1)
 16               -regexp_instr(notes[1], '[0-9]{10}', 1, cv(i)) -1
 17              )
 18  )
 19  order by job_number, i;

---------- --------------------------------------------------
     12345 1022089483 notes notes notes notes
     12345 1022094450 notes notes notes notes
     12345 1022095218 notes notes notes notes
     12346 1022089483 notes notes notes notes
     12346 1022094450 foo
     12346 1022095218 test notes
     12346 1022493228 the answer is 42

SQL> with data as (select job_number, notes,
  2                       (length(notes)-length(regexp_replace(notes, '[0-9]{10}', null)))/10 num_of_notes
  3                  from test_table)
  4  select job_number, note
  5    from data
  6  model
  7  partition by (job_number)
  8  dimension by (1 as i)
  9  measures (notes, num_of_notes, cast(null as varchar2(4000)) note)
 10  rules
 11  (
 12    note[for i from 1 to num_of_notes[1] increment 1]
 13      = substr(notes[1],
 14               regexp_instr(notes[1], '[0-9]{10}', 1, cv(i)),
 15               regexp_instr(notes[1]||' 0000000000', '[0-9]{10}', 1, cv(i)+1)
 16               -regexp_instr(notes[1], '[0-9]{10}', 1, cv(i)) -1
 17              )
 18  )
 19  order by job_number, i;

---------- --------------------------------------------------
     12345 1022089483 notes notes notes notes
     12345 1022094450 notes notes notes notes
     12345 1022095218 notes notes notes notes
     12346 1022089483 notes notes notes notes
     12346 1022094450 foo
     12346 1022095218 test notes
     12346 1022493228 the answer is 42