Sql 窗口函数:仅对另一列中的不同值求和

Sql 窗口函数:仅对另一列中的不同值求和,sql,window-functions,snowflake-cloud-data-platform,Sql,Window Functions,Snowflake Cloud Data Platform,注意:这个问题似乎得到了不错的意见,所以我认为最好更新这个问题,以便更清楚。大多数更改都是表面性的,但唯一主要的更改是我在weights_表中添加了month列。权重表是月度表,所以从技术上讲这并不重要,但我想在两个表中都有月份列会使表的关系更加明显和合乎逻辑 问题 我有一个使用两个表[person\u table]和[weights\u table]的查询 我想要的是改变最后的计算,这样分母sumsumb.weight over被计算为每个月不同人物ID的权重之和的总和,而不是每个电影每个月不



我有一个使用两个表[person\u table]和[weights\u table]的查询

我想要的是改变最后的计算,这样分母sumsumb.weight over被计算为每个月不同人物ID的权重之和的总和,而不是每个电影每个月不同人物ID的权重之和的总和。有没有一种更简单的方法来适应这种情况而不添加另一个子查询







份额:与persons\u表匹配的每个月不同person\u ID的权重之和的加权比率


select a.month,
    count(a.person_id) as raw,
    sum(b.weight) as weighted,
    100*weighted/c.ttl_weight as share
from (select distinct month, movie, person_id from person_table) a 
inner join weights_table b on a.person_id=b.person_id
cross join (select sum(weight) as ttl_weight from weights_table w
            where exists (select 1 
                          from person_table p 
                          where w.person_id=p.person_id)
           ) c
group by a.month, a.movie, c.ttl_weight


select month,
       count(distinct person_id) as raw,
       sum(w1) as weighted,
       sum(w1)/1.0/sum(sum(w2)) over() as share
from (select a.*, 
             b.weight/count(*) over (partition by a.month, a.movie, a.person_id) w1, 
             b.weight/count(*) over (partition by a.month, a.person_id) w2
      from person_table a 
      join weights_table b on a.month=b.month and a.person_id=b.person_id) t
group by t.month, t.movie;



with person_table as (
    select column1 as month, column2 as movie, column3 as person_id, column4 as unique_visit_id
    from values (1, 'a', 1, 1),  
        (1, 'b', 1, 2),
        (1, 'b', 2, 3),
        (1, 'a', 2, 4),
        (1, 'c', 3, 5),
        (1, 'd', 4, 6),
        (1, 'a', 2, 7),
        (1, 'c', 3, 8),
        (1, 'a', 6, 9)
), weight_table as (
    select column1 as person_id, column2 as weight
    from values (1, 12), (2, 34), (3, 65), (4, 76), (999,999)
), dis_month_people as (
    select distinct month, person_id 
    from person_table
), month_share as (
    select month, sum(weight) as total_weight
    from dis_month_people dp
    join weight_table w on dp.person_id = w.person_id
    group by 1
), dis_month_movie_people as (
    select distinct month, movie, person_id
    from person_table
select t.* --, weighted, total_weight
    ,t.weighted/m.total_weight as share
from (
    count(a.person_id) as raw,
    sum(b.weight) as weighted
  from dis_month_movie_people a 
  join weight_table b on a.person_id = b.person_id
  group by 1,2
) AS t
join month_share m on t.month = m.month 
order by 1,2;

样本数据和期望的结果真的会很有帮助——你们想要计算的指标的定义也是如此。如果我理解的话,让我把它们添加进去。如果一个人一个月看同一部电影不止一次,你想让你的原始和加权只计算一次吗?但是,您希望所有这些都能共享。是吗?@MikeWalton表示原始和加权,这是正确的,但如果同一个人看另一部电影,它算作2。但对于份额的分母来说,他们看什么电影并不重要。我只想对该月的不同个人id的相应权重求和。请向我们展示您对该样本数据的预期结果好吗?此代码实际上不起作用,因为您的月份额总权重是针对所有月份的。选择t.*,加权,总权重,加权/总权重,因为share shows total总是187,这不是您所描述的。在示例数据中,只有一个月,因此它是正确的,但在多个月中,此代码是错误的。如果您将用户行添加到权重,则该行在月度数据中不存在。该行对该行求和。
| month | movie | raw | weighted | share |
|     1 | a     |   2 |       46 |  0.25 | --(12+34)/(12+34+65+76)=0.25
|     1 | b     |   2 |       46 |  0.25 |
|     1 | c     |   1 |       64 |  0.35 |
|     1 | d     |   1 |       76 |  0.41 |
select a.month,
    count(a.person_id) as raw,
    sum(b.weight) as weighted,
    100*weighted/c.ttl_weight as share
from (select distinct month, movie, person_id from person_table) a 
inner join weights_table b on a.person_id=b.person_id
cross join (select sum(weight) as ttl_weight from weights_table w
            where exists (select 1 
                          from person_table p 
                          where w.person_id=p.person_id)
           ) c
group by a.month, a.movie, c.ttl_weight
select month,
       count(distinct person_id) as raw,
       sum(w1) as weighted,
       sum(w1)/1.0/sum(sum(w2)) over() as share
from (select a.*, 
             b.weight/count(*) over (partition by a.month, a.movie, a.person_id) w1, 
             b.weight/count(*) over (partition by a.month, a.person_id) w2
      from person_table a 
      join weights_table b on a.month=b.month and a.person_id=b.person_id) t
group by t.month, t.movie;
with person_table as (
    select column1 as month, column2 as movie, column3 as person_id, column4 as unique_visit_id
    from values (1, 'a', 1, 1),  
        (1, 'b', 1, 2),
        (1, 'b', 2, 3),
        (1, 'a', 2, 4),
        (1, 'c', 3, 5),
        (1, 'd', 4, 6),
        (1, 'a', 2, 7),
        (1, 'c', 3, 8),
        (1, 'a', 6, 9)
), weight_table as (
    select column1 as person_id, column2 as weight
    from values (1, 12), (2, 34), (3, 65), (4, 76), (999,999)
), dis_month_people as (
    select distinct month, person_id 
    from person_table
), month_share as (
    select month, sum(weight) as total_weight
    from dis_month_people dp
    join weight_table w on dp.person_id = w.person_id
    group by 1
), dis_month_movie_people as (
    select distinct month, movie, person_id
    from person_table
select t.* --, weighted, total_weight
    ,t.weighted/m.total_weight as share
from (
    count(a.person_id) as raw,
    sum(b.weight) as weighted
  from dis_month_movie_people a 
  join weight_table b on a.person_id = b.person_id
  group by 1,2
) AS t
join month_share m on t.month = m.month 
order by 1,2;