
SQL查询:从查询结果中排除部分重复项,sql,sql-server-2000,Sql,Sql Server 2000,我有来自多个传感器的数据。每个记录都有自己的id、传感器id、时间戳和测量值。像这样: |--id--|--id_sensor--|-------timestamp-------|--value--| 1 1 '2017-08-23 10:00:00' 30 2 1 '2017-08-23 10:02:00' 30 3 1 '2017-08-23 10:04:00'


    1          1       '2017-08-23 10:00:00'     30
    2          1       '2017-08-23 10:02:00'     30
    3          1       '2017-08-23 10:04:00'     31
    4          1       '2017-08-23 10:06:00'     31
    5          1       '2017-08-23 10:08:00'     32
    6          2       '2017-08-23 10:00:00'     24
    7          2       '2017-08-23 10:01:00'     24
    8          2       '2017-08-23 10:02:00'     24
    9          2       '2017-08-23 10:03:00'     24
    10         2       '2017-08-23 10:04:00'     24
    11         2       '2017-08-23 10:05:00'     24
    12         2       '2017-08-23 10:06:00'     25

    1          1       '2017-08-23 10:00:00'     30
    3          1       '2017-08-23 10:04:00'     31
    5          1       '2017-08-23 10:08:00'     32
    6          2       '2017-08-23 10:00:00'     24
    12         2       '2017-08-23 10:06:00'     25
我必须与sql server 2000兼容:- 如果可能的话,我想避免使用游标。有人能帮忙吗?


select your_table.* from your_table
    select min(id) as mid from your_table group by value
) t
on your_table.id = t.mid

select your_table.* from your_table
    select min(id) as mid from your_table group by value
) t
on your_table.id = t.mid


select t.*
from (select t.*,
             (select top 1 t2.value
              from t t2
              where t2.sensor = t.sensor and
                    t2.timestamp < t.timestamp
              order by t2.timestamp desc
             ) as prev_value
      from t
     ) t
where prev_value is null or prev_value <> value;

您确实应该升级到受支持的SQL Server版本。甚至还有免费版本。


select t.*
from (select t.*,
             (select top 1 t2.value
              from t t2
              where t2.sensor = t.sensor and
                    t2.timestamp < t.timestamp
              order by t2.timestamp desc
             ) as prev_value
      from t
     ) t
where prev_value is null or prev_value <> value;

您确实应该升级到受支持的SQL Server版本。免费版本甚至可用。

类似的内容应该适合您:1如果值重复怎么办?比如说,传感器1是30,30,31,31,30,30。2您真的在使用SQL Server 2000吗?升级的时间差不多是十年前了。我同意戈登的观点,我不能使用分组。我想升级,但有些客户仍然在2000:-上运行。类似的东西应该适合您:1如果值重复怎么办?比如说,传感器1是30,30,31,31,30,30。2您真的在使用SQL Server 2000吗?升级的时间差不多是十年前了。我同意戈登的观点,我不能使用分组。我想升级,但有些客户仍然在2000:-上运行。我想你也应该按id\u传感器分组。我想你也应该按id\u传感器分组。谢谢你戈登,非常接近。谢谢戈登,非常接近。