String 输入框包含特定的单词

String 输入框包含特定的单词,string,vbscript,String,Vbscript,如何检查输入是否包含特定字符?例如,如果我有: word = inputbox("What time is it?") 例如,如何检查输入是否包含数字“7”?我见过InStr函数,但我不知道该由谁来使用它。这是正确的使用方法吗?我不在乎那部分 您可以使用此选项检查更新的: if InStr(1, word, "7", vbTestCompare) then msgbox "You typed something with 7 in it." elseif not InStr(1, word


word = inputbox("What time is it?")


if  InStr(1, word, "7", vbTestCompare) then
msgbox "You typed something with 7 in it."

elseif not InStr(1, word, "7", vbTestCompare) then
msgbox "You did not type something with 7 in it."

end if

if  InStr(1, word, "7", vbTestCompare) then
msgbox "You typed something with 7 in it."

elseif not InStr(1, word, "7", vbTestCompare) then
msgbox "You did not type something with 7 in it."

end if