_relationship_add logic hook update query不';我不在sugarcrm工作

_relationship_add logic hook update query不';我不在sugarcrm工作,sugarcrm,Sugarcrm,我已经在cases模块中创建了after_relationship_add logic hook,在这个模块中有一个自定义字段,用于插入一个自定义模块关系数据。钩子被正确地调用了,一切都正常工作。但是当我在钩子逻辑中更新案例记录时,更新查询不起作用。但是如果我加上一个骰子();语句执行update查询后,记录将被更新。逻辑钩子代码如下所示 public function updateData($bean, $event, $arguments){ $caseid = $bean-&

我已经在cases模块中创建了after_relationship_add logic hook,在这个模块中有一个自定义字段,用于插入一个自定义模块关系数据。钩子被正确地调用了,一切都正常工作。但是当我在钩子逻辑中更新案例记录时,更新查询不起作用。但是如果我加上一个骰子();语句执行update查询后,记录将被更新。逻辑钩子代码如下所示

public function updateData($bean, $event, $arguments){  

    $caseid = $bean->id;
    $dataid = $arguments['related_id'];
    $query = "SELECT name FROM data1_data where id = '" .$dataid. "'";
    $dataresult = $GLOBALS['db']->query($query , false);
    $dataname = "";
    while (($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($dataresult )) != null) {
       $dataname = $row['name'];               

    $newQuery = 'UPDATE cases_cstm SET data_c = "'.$dataname.'" where id_c = "'.$caseid.'" ';
    $newResult = $GLOBALS['db']->query($newQuery);   

    /* here when die() statement is added update query executes properly and 
     * after removing die(); statement nothing happens.*/




$bean->save()在末尾。如果我们使用的是before\u save逻辑钩子,则不需要它,但我使用after\u relationship\u add的频率较低,因此这里可能需要它

 * @param $bean aCase object
 * @param $event string, or specifically 'after_relationship_add'
 * @param $arguments array
public function updateData($bean, $event, $arguments){  
     * Instead of loading the data1_data information from the database
     * directly, consider using the SugarBean PHP object, as this is a SugarCRM
     * best practice. 
     * Note that we return early if the data1_data object cannot be found or
     * if the 'name' value is blank (as that would make the rest of this script
     * useless)
    $data = BeanFactory::getBean('data1_data',$arguments['related_id']);
    if(empty($data->name)) return;
    $dataname = $data->name;

     * Instead of sending an update query directly to the database, use the 
     * SugarBean objects, one's loaded already in $bean. Saving objects 
     * with the SugarBean objects instead of direct SQL will ensure that 
     * all workflows and logic hooks are executed correctly. Further, 
     * updating with direct SQL *before* a pending update is sent (such as
     * in a logic hook) will likely overwrite whatever update we're making
     * in SQL. 
    $bean->data_c = $dataname;




$bean->save()在末尾。如果我们使用的是before\u save逻辑钩子,则不需要它,但我使用after\u relationship\u add的频率较低,因此这里可能需要它

 * @param $bean aCase object
 * @param $event string, or specifically 'after_relationship_add'
 * @param $arguments array
public function updateData($bean, $event, $arguments){  
     * Instead of loading the data1_data information from the database
     * directly, consider using the SugarBean PHP object, as this is a SugarCRM
     * best practice. 
     * Note that we return early if the data1_data object cannot be found or
     * if the 'name' value is blank (as that would make the rest of this script
     * useless)
    $data = BeanFactory::getBean('data1_data',$arguments['related_id']);
    if(empty($data->name)) return;
    $dataname = $data->name;

     * Instead of sending an update query directly to the database, use the 
     * SugarBean objects, one's loaded already in $bean. Saving objects 
     * with the SugarBean objects instead of direct SQL will ensure that 
     * all workflows and logic hooks are executed correctly. Further, 
     * updating with direct SQL *before* a pending update is sent (such as
     * in a logic hook) will likely overwrite whatever update we're making
     * in SQL. 
    $bean->data_c = $dataname;
