Swagger 招摇过市模式不适用于招摇过市UI

Swagger 招摇过市模式不适用于招摇过市UI,swagger,swagger-ui,swagger-2.0,swagger-editor,Swagger,Swagger Ui,Swagger 2.0,Swagger Editor,我正在用swagger制作一个API,并试图更新YAML,以便将regex模式需求添加到参数中。目前,我正在尝试以下方法: # getCPIStatesForCountry endpoint /getCPIStatesForCountry: # This is a HTTP operation get: # Describe this verb here. Note: you can use markdown description: |


# getCPIStatesForCountry endpoint
    # This is a HTTP operation
      # Describe this verb here. Note: you can use markdown
      description: |
        Returns a list of states for a given country
      - application/json
      # This is array of GET operation parameters:
          name: country_code
          in: query
          description: Code of desired country
          required: true
          type: string
          pattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+$"

然而,Swagger UI允许我输入任何内容作为有效输入。为什么会这样

Swagger UI 3.4.3及更高版本支持对模式进行参数验证