Swift 协议扩展不';无法使用RCT\u导出\u视图\u属性?

Swift 协议扩展不';无法使用RCT\u导出\u视图\u属性?,swift,react-native,react-native-ios,Swift,React Native,React Native Ios,我有一个部分基类RNChartBaseView(协议和扩展),还有一堆子类,如RNLineChartView、RNBarChartView等 RNChartBaseView.swift protocol RNChartBaseView { associatedtype T: ChartViewBase; associatedtype U: ChartDataEntryBase; var chart: T { get } func create



 protocol RNChartBaseView {
      associatedtype T: ChartViewBase;
      associatedtype U: ChartDataEntryBase;

      var chart: T { get }

      func createEntries(_ data: NSDictionary) -> [U];

      func setData(_ data: NSDictionary);


 extension RNChartBaseView  {
       func setData(_ data: NSDictionary) {
           let chartData = createEntries(data);

           chart.data = chartData;
 class RNLineChartView : UIView, RNChartBaseView{

      let _chart:LineChartView;
      var chart: LineChartView {
         return _chart

      override init(frame: CGRect) {
         self._chart = LineChartView(frame: frame);

         super.init(frame: frame);


      func createEntries(_ data: NSDictionary) -> [LineDataEntry] {

        // ....... convert to LineDataEntry array.
        return entries;


class RNLineChartView : RNChartBaseViewClass{
      var _chart : LineChartView;
      override var chart: LineChartView {
         return _chart

      override init(frame: CGRect) {
         self._chart = LineChartView(frame: frame);

         super.init(frame: frame);


      override func createEntries(_ data: NSDictionary) -> [BaseChartDataEntry] { 
           // I have to use [BaseChartDataEntry] here as return type to pass compile,
           //  although it actually is [LineDataEntry],  it may cause further problems, e.g. 
        // ....... convert to LineDataEntry array.
        return entries;


 protocol RNChartBaseView {
      associatedtype T: ChartViewBase;
      associatedtype U: ChartDataEntryBase;

      var chart: T { get }

      func createEntries(_ data: NSDictionary) -> [U];

      func setData(_ data: NSDictionary);


 extension RNChartBaseView  {
       func setData(_ data: NSDictionary) {
           let chartData = createEntries(data);

           chart.data = chartData;
 class RNLineChartView : UIView, RNChartBaseView{

      let _chart:LineChartView;
      var chart: LineChartView {
         return _chart

      override init(frame: CGRect) {
         self._chart = LineChartView(frame: frame);

         super.init(frame: frame);


      func createEntries(_ data: NSDictionary) -> [LineDataEntry] {

        // ....... convert to LineDataEntry array.
        return entries;


class RNLineChartView : RNChartBaseViewClass{
      var _chart : LineChartView;
      override var chart: LineChartView {
         return _chart

      override init(frame: CGRect) {
         self._chart = LineChartView(frame: frame);

         super.init(frame: frame);


      override func createEntries(_ data: NSDictionary) -> [BaseChartDataEntry] { 
           // I have to use [BaseChartDataEntry] here as return type to pass compile,
           //  although it actually is [LineDataEntry],  it may cause further problems, e.g. 
        // ....... convert to LineDataEntry array.
        return entries;


 class RNLineChartViewManagerSwift: RCTViewManager {
   override func view() -> UIView! {
     let ins = RNLineChartView()
     return ins;

 #import "React/RCTViewManager.h"

 @interface RCT_EXTERN_MODULE(RNLineChartViewManagerSwift, RCTViewManager)






更新 看来基类是必要的



class RNChartBaseViewClass: UIView, RNChartBaseView {
    var chart: ChartViewBase {
        fatalError("subclass should override this function.")

    override init(frame: CGRect) {
        fatalError("subclass should override this function.")

    func createEntries(_ data: NSDictionary) -> [BaseChartDataEntry] {
        fatalError("subclass should override this function.") 

    func setData(_ data: NSDictionary) {
        let chartData = createEntries(data);

        chart.data = chartData;
class RNChartViewBaseClass: UIView, RNChartViewBase {
      func setData(_ data: NSDictionary) {
          (self as RNChartViewBase).setData(data)

 protocol RNChartBaseView {
      associatedtype T: ChartViewBase;
      associatedtype U: ChartDataEntryBase;

      var chart: T { get }

      func createEntries(_ data: NSDictionary) -> [U];

      func setData(_ data: NSDictionary);


 extension RNChartBaseView  {
       func setData(_ data: NSDictionary) {
           let chartData = createEntries(data);

           chart.data = chartData;
 class RNLineChartView : UIView, RNChartBaseView{

      let _chart:LineChartView;
      var chart: LineChartView {
         return _chart

      override init(frame: CGRect) {
         self._chart = LineChartView(frame: frame);

         super.init(frame: frame);


      func createEntries(_ data: NSDictionary) -> [LineDataEntry] {

        // ....... convert to LineDataEntry array.
        return entries;


class RNLineChartView : RNChartBaseViewClass{
      var _chart : LineChartView;
      override var chart: LineChartView {
         return _chart

      override init(frame: CGRect) {
         self._chart = LineChartView(frame: frame);

         super.init(frame: frame);


      override func createEntries(_ data: NSDictionary) -> [BaseChartDataEntry] { 
           // I have to use [BaseChartDataEntry] here as return type to pass compile,
           //  although it actually is [LineDataEntry],  it may cause further problems, e.g. 
        // ....... convert to LineDataEntry array.
        return entries;

更新 最后,我使用了扩展和子类的组合


class RNChartBaseViewClass: UIView, RNChartBaseView {
    var chart: ChartViewBase {
        fatalError("subclass should override this function.")

    override init(frame: CGRect) {
        fatalError("subclass should override this function.")

    func createEntries(_ data: NSDictionary) -> [BaseChartDataEntry] {
        fatalError("subclass should override this function.") 

    func setData(_ data: NSDictionary) {
        let chartData = createEntries(data);

        chart.data = chartData;
class RNChartViewBaseClass: UIView, RNChartViewBase {
      func setData(_ data: NSDictionary) {
          (self as RNChartViewBase).setData(data)

问题是Objective-C对协议扩展一无所知,而React Native同时使用Objective-C的消息传递机制(objc_msgSend)。 您不能使用协议扩展来注入方法,以便Objective-C的消息传递机制可以看到该方法

