如何将环境对象传递到ViewModel SwiftUI

如何将环境对象传递到ViewModel SwiftUI,swift,swiftui,Swift,Swiftui,我使用一个函数通过API端点从数据库中获取配方。它包含3个参数,脂肪、碳水化合物、蛋白质,我希望这些值等于我的环境对象(或两个环境对象的计算)fatGoal-fatProgress等。但是,在我的viewModel中,我在尝试使用我的环境对象时出现以下错误: Thread 1: Fatal error: No ObservableObject of type UserInfoModel found. A View.environmentObject(_:) for UserInfoModel m


Thread 1: Fatal error: No ObservableObject of type UserInfoModel found. A View.environmentObject(_:) for UserInfoModel may be missing as an ancestor of this view.

import SwiftUI
import Combine
import Foundation

class MealViewModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var nutrients: [RecipieAPI] = []
    @EnvironmentObject var person: UserInfoModel
    @State public var fat = 0
    @State public var carbs = 0
    @State public var protein = 0

    init() {

    func fetchNutrients() {
        NetworkServices.fetchNutrients(maxProtein: self.person.recipeNutrientsSearch.protein , maxFat: self.person.recipeNutrientsSearch.fat,  maxCarbs: self.person.recipeNutrientsSearch.carb, number: 4) { (nutrients, error) in
            if let error = error {
            } else {
                if let nutrientList = nutrients as? [RecipieAPI] {
                    self.nutrients = nutrientList

NetworkServices.fetchNutrients(maxProtein: self.person.recipeNutrientsSearch.protein , maxFat: self.person.recipeNutrientsSearch.fat,  maxCarbs: self.person.recipeNutrientsSearch.carb, number: 4) { (nutrients, error) in

编辑 内容视图:

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {

    //Instantiating an object of UserInfo Model (referenced in App.swift too 
    @EnvironmentObject var person: UserInfoModel

    init() {
        //Setting appearance of UI colour
        UITabBar.appearance().backgroundColor = ColourManager.UIColour1
    var body: some View {
        TabView {
            ProfileView().tabItem ({
            TrackerView().tabItem ({

            AddView().tabItem ({
            MealView().tabItem ({



import Foundation

class UserInfoModel: ObservableObject {
    struct UserInfo: Identifiable {
        var id = UUID()
        var firstName: String
        var height: Double
        var weight: Double
        var gender: String
        var age: Double
        var activityLevel: String
        var BMR: Double
    struct AddedFoods:Identifiable{
        var name: String = ""
        var totalCals: Double = 0
        var totalProtein: Double = 0
        var totalCarbs: Double = 0
        var totalFat: Double = 0
        var id = UUID().uuidString
       //Your other properties
    struct DailyCalorieGoals: Identifiable{
        var id = UUID()
        var calorieGoal: Double
        var fatGoal: Double
        var proteinGoal: Double
        var carbGoal: Double

    struct CurrentCalorieProgress: Identifiable{
        var id = UUID()
        var calorieProgress: Double
        var fatProgress: Double
        var carbProgress: Double
        var proteinProgress: Double

    struct SearchRecipeCalories: Identifiable{
        var id = UUID()
        var fat: Int
        var carb: Int
        var protein: Int

    @Published var personUserInfo = UserInfo.init(firstName: "",  height: 0, weight: 0, gender: "", age: 0, activityLevel: "", BMR: 0)
    @Published var personDailyCalorieGoals = DailyCalorieGoals.init(calorieGoal: 2400, fatGoal: 40, proteinGoal: 40, carbGoal: 40)
    @Published var personCurrentCalorieProgress = CurrentCalorieProgress.init(calorieProgress: 1200, fatProgress:   12, carbProgress: 5, proteinProgress: 30)
    @Published var  recipeNutrientsSearch = SearchRecipeCalories.init(fat: 0, carb: 0, protein: 0)



结构pro2App:App{//MealViewModel不是环境对象,环境对象是UserInfoModel,这是您的错误,还是它意味着调用ViewModel?您是对的,我只是使用了错误的类名,但规则是相同的。不幸的是,我得到了相同的错误:线程1:致命错误:找不到UserInfoModel类型的ObservableObject。a View.eUserInfoModel的NVEnvironmentObject(u:)可能作为此视图的祖先丢失。我将在帖子中添加我的contentView,以便您查看UserInfoModel代码在哪里?
 import SwiftUI
    struct pro2App: App {    // <<: Here: your app name!
        var body: some Scene {
            WindowGroup {
                    .environmentObject(MealViewModel()) // <<: Here!
                    .environmentObject(UserInfoModel.shared) // <<: Here!

    class MealViewModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var nutrients: [RecipieAPI] = []
    let person: UserInfoModel.shared   // <<: Here
    @State public var fat = 0
    @State public var carbs = 0
    @State public var protein = 0

    init() {

    func fetchNutrients() {
        NetworkServices.fetchNutrients(maxProtein: self.person.recipeNutrientsSearch.protein , maxFat: self.person.recipeNutrientsSearch.fat,  maxCarbs: self.person.recipeNutrientsSearch.carb, number: 4) { (nutrients, error) in
            if let error = error {
            } else {
                if let nutrientList = nutrients as? [RecipieAPI] {
                    self.nutrients = nutrientList
class UserInfoModel: ObservableObject {
static let shared: UserInfoModel = UserInfoModel() // <<: Here
    struct UserInfo: Identifiable {
        var id = UUID()
        var firstName: String
        var height: Double
        var weight: Double
        var gender: String
        var age: Double
        var activityLevel: String
        var BMR: Double
    struct AddedFoods:Identifiable{
        var name: String = ""
        var totalCals: Double = 0
        var totalProtein: Double = 0
        var totalCarbs: Double = 0
        var totalFat: Double = 0
        var id = UUID().uuidString
       //Your other properties
    struct DailyCalorieGoals: Identifiable{
        var id = UUID()
        var calorieGoal: Double
        var fatGoal: Double
        var proteinGoal: Double
        var carbGoal: Double

    struct CurrentCalorieProgress: Identifiable{
        var id = UUID()
        var calorieProgress: Double
        var fatProgress: Double
        var carbProgress: Double
        var proteinProgress: Double

    struct SearchRecipeCalories: Identifiable{
        var id = UUID()
        var fat: Int
        var carb: Int
        var protein: Int

    @Published var personUserInfo = UserInfo.init(firstName: "",  height: 0, weight: 0, gender: "", age: 0, activityLevel: "", BMR: 0)
    @Published var personDailyCalorieGoals = DailyCalorieGoals.init(calorieGoal: 2400, fatGoal: 40, proteinGoal: 40, carbGoal: 40)
    @Published var personCurrentCalorieProgress = CurrentCalorieProgress.init(calorieProgress: 1200, fatProgress:   12, carbProgress: 5, proteinProgress: 30)
    @Published var  recipeNutrientsSearch = SearchRecipeCalories.init(fat: 0, carb: 0, protein: 0)