Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/7/symfony/6.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181

Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/5/actionscript-3/7.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Symfony knp snappy bundle和wkhtmltopdf ContextErrorException_Symfony_Wkhtmltopdf - Fatal编程技术网

Symfony knp snappy bundle和wkhtmltopdf ContextErrorException

Symfony knp snappy bundle和wkhtmltopdf ContextErrorException,symfony,wkhtmltopdf,Symfony,Wkhtmltopdf,我已经使用composer安装了knp snappy bundle,并按照教程的说明在 我已安装wkhtmltopdf-0.9.9-installer.exe,并更改了config.yml文件中的默认路径 # knp_snappy Configuration knp_snappy: pdf: enabled: true binary: C:\Program Files (x86)\wkhtmltopdf options:

我已经使用composer安装了knp snappy bundle,并按照教程的说明在


# knp_snappy Configuration
        enabled:    true
        binary:     C:\Program Files (x86)\wkhtmltopdf
        options:    []

 * @Route("/print", name="invite_print")
 * @Method("GET")
public function printAction() {
    $entity = new Invite();
    $form = $this->createCreateForm($entity);

    $html = $this->renderView('PrifProtocoleBundle:Invite:new.html.twig', array(
        'entity' => $entity,
        'form' => $form->createView()

    return new Response(
            $this->get('knp_snappy.pdf')->getOutputFromHtml($html), 200, array(
        'Content-Type' => 'application/pdf',
        'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename="file.pdf"',
        'charset' => 'UTF-8',

错误1: 错误2: 有人能告诉我怎么解决这个问题吗?谢谢

json.php文件中的json_encode函数(奇怪的是空的) config.yml文件 树枝锉
{%block body%}

{# PrifBundle/invite/new.html.twig #}
{% extends 'PrifBundle::layout.html.twig' %}

{% block body %}

<div class="well">

<div class="form-horizontal" role="form"> 

{{ form_start(form, {'attr': {'novalidate': 'novalidate'}}) }}         
{# Les erreurs générales du formulaire. #}
{{ form_errors(form) }}
{%block body%}


  • 清除缓存

  • 从响应或列表中删除

  • 确保您的视图和数据是UTF-8编码的

json\u encode()


# knp_snappy pdf generation
        enabled:    true
        binary:     %wkhtmltopdf_location%/wkhtmltopdf
            load-error-handling: ignore
            no-stop-slow-scripts: ~
            enable-javascript: ~
            use-xserver: ~
            page-size: A4
            dpi: 300
            javascript-delay: 3200

您好,感谢您的回复,我已经按照您的建议,清理了现金,从响应中删除了'charset'=>'UTF-8',在我的layout.html.twig中有,但我仍然有json_encode的错误消息。在上一篇文章中,我使用json_编码方法添加了更多代码。。。感谢您的时间我的ide是netbeans我发现我必须在netbeans.conf中添加这一行:netbeans\u default\u options=“-J-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8”,但错误消息仍然是…事实上,在收到这个UTF-8错误消息之前我不知道json\u encode,我甚至没有尝试使用它。我只想在symfony上将我的html页面转换成pdf和excel文件。所以我试着使用这个knp snappy包并按照教程进行操作,但可能我错过了一些东西。。。
 * (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.2.0, PECL json &gt;= 1.2.0)<br/>
 * Returns the JSON representation of a value
 * @link http://php.net/manual/en/function.json-encode.php
 * @param mixed $value <p>
 * The <i>value</i> being encoded. Can be any type except
 * a resource.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * This function only works with UTF-8 encoded data.
 * </p>
 * @param int $options [optional] <p>
 * Bitmask consisting of <b>JSON_HEX_QUOT</b>,
 * <b>JSON_HEX_TAG</b>,
 * <b>JSON_HEX_AMP</b>,
 * <b>JSON_HEX_APOS</b>,
 * <b>JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE</b>. The behaviour of these
 * constants is described on
 * the JSON constants page.
 * </p>
 * @param int $depth [optional]
 * @return string a JSON encoded string on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
 function json_encode ($value, $options = 0, $depth = 512) {}
protected function toJson($data, $ignoreErrors = false)
    // suppress json_encode errors since it's twitchy with some inputs
    if ($ignoreErrors) {
        if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '>=')) {
            return @json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);

        return @json_encode($data);

    if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '>=')) {
        return json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);

    return json_encode($data);
# Doctrine Configuration
    driver:   %database_driver%
    host:     %database_host%
    port:     %database_port%
    dbname:   %database_name%
    user:     %database_user%
    password: %database_password%
    charset:  UTF8
    # if using pdo_sqlite as your database driver, add the path in parameters.yml
    # e.g. database_path: %kernel.root_dir%/data/data.db3
    # path:     %database_path%

    auto_generate_proxy_classes: %kernel.debug%
    auto_mapping: true
    naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore
{# app/Resources/views/layout.html.twig #}
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" charset="utf-8" >
    <link href="{{ asset('css/bootstrap.min.css') }}" rel="stylesheet"  media="screen">
    {% block body %}

{% endblock %}
{# PrifBundle/invite/new.html.twig #}
{% extends 'PrifBundle::layout.html.twig' %}

{% block body %}

<div class="well">

<div class="form-horizontal" role="form"> 

{{ form_start(form, {'attr': {'novalidate': 'novalidate'}}) }}         
{# Les erreurs générales du formulaire. #}
{{ form_errors(form) }}
# knp_snappy pdf generation
        enabled:    true
        binary:     %wkhtmltopdf_location%/wkhtmltopdf
            load-error-handling: ignore
            no-stop-slow-scripts: ~
            enable-javascript: ~
            use-xserver: ~
            page-size: A4
            dpi: 300
            javascript-delay: 3200