System verilog 如何在SystemVerilog中正确地内联声明N维队列?

System verilog 如何在SystemVerilog中正确地内联声明N维队列?,system-verilog,synopsys-vcs,System Verilog,Synopsys Vcs,如果我有2D INT队列,我希望能够像这样内联声明它: int my_queue[$][$] = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}}; 我也看到了 typedef int int_queue[$]; int_queue my_queue[$] = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}}; 相反,当我编译时,VCS会向我提供一个不兼容的复杂类型错误: Type of source expression is incompatible with type of target expression.

如果我有2D INT队列,我希望能够像这样内联声明它:

int my_queue[$][$] = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}};

typedef int int_queue[$];
int_queue my_queue[$] = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}};

  Type of source expression is incompatible with type of target expression. 
  Mismatching types cannot be used in assignments, initializations and 
  instantiations. The type of the target is 'int$[$][$]', while the type of 
  the source is 'bit[63:0]'.

typedef int int_queue[$];
typedef int_queue int_queue_of_queues[$];
int_queue_of_queues my_queue = int_queue_of_queues'{{1, 2}, {3, 4}};



int my_queue[$][$] = '{'{1, 2}, '{3, 4}};
参见IEEE 1800-2017中的第10.10节未封装阵列连接 LRM