Teraterm 类型与Tera Term recvln不匹配

Teraterm 类型与Tera Term recvln不匹配,teraterm,Teraterm,我正在编写一个Tera Term(.TTL)内的脚本,我有点困惑是什么原因导致了我用recvln看到的类型不匹配错误。这几乎就像脚本停止像文本一样处理返回的数据。。。我尝试用等待进行检查,但结果从未“看到”。这是我的密码 ;commenting out unneeded volumes in fstab. sendln 'findmnt --fstab /apps/xxx -n -o SOURCE,TARGET' mpause 500 ;wait '/dev/sdc /apps/xxx' ''

我正在编写一个Tera Term(.TTL)内的脚本,我有点困惑是什么原因导致了我用recvln看到的类型不匹配错误。这几乎就像脚本停止像文本一样处理返回的数据。。。我尝试用等待进行检查,但结果从未“看到”。这是我的密码

;commenting out unneeded volumes in fstab.
sendln 'findmnt --fstab /apps/xxx -n -o SOURCE,TARGET'
mpause 500
;wait '/dev/sdc /apps/xxx' '' ;this does not quite work
rcvdtxt = inputstr ;same results as with using inputstr directly
if rcvdtxt = '' then
     messagebox 'no /apps/xxx mount found' 'good'
elseif rcvdtxt = '/dev/sdc /apps/xxx' then
     messagebox '/apps/xxx mount present' 'bad'
     ;sendln 'dzdo umount /apps/xxx'
;SED command needed to insert comment just above the tested mount point in fstab
         sendln "dzdo sed  '/^\/dev\/sdc/i # This mount is commented out as it will interfere with the application deployment' /etc/fstab"
         sendln "dzdo sed 's/^\/dev\/sdc/#\/dev\/sdc/' /etc/fstab"
pause 1
sendln 'findmnt --fstab /apps/jboss-eap-6.4 -n -o SOURCE,TARGET'
mpause 500
;wait '/dev/sdd /apps/jboss-eap-6.4' ''
rcvdtxt = inputstr
if rcvdtxt = '' then
     messagebox 'no /apps/jboss-eap-6.4 mount' 'good'
elseif rcvdtxt = '/dev/sdd /apps/jboss-eap-6.4' then
     messagebox '/apps/jboss-eap-6.4 mount present' 'bad'
         ;sendln 'dzdo umount /apps/jboss-eap-6.4'
         ;sendln 'cd /apps'
         ;sendln 'dzdo rm -rf ./jboss-eap-6.4'
;SED command needed to insert comment just above the tested mount point in fstab
         sendln "dzdo sed '/^\/dev\/sdd/i ## This mount is commented out as it will interfere with the application deployment ' /etc/fstab"
         sendln "dzdo sed 's/^\/dev\/sdd/#\/dev\/sdc/' /etc/fstab"

pause 1
;sendln 'clear'
sendln 'cat /etc/fstab'
sendln 'cat'
yesnobox 'Verify fstab updates, continue?' 'stop testing'
if result = 0 then
     messagebox 'Stopping macro' 'message'
     sendln 'cat'