Testing MTIP MP92测试1场景1-卡表示不支持非接触式

Testing MTIP MP92测试1场景1-卡表示不支持非接触式,testing,smartcard,emv,mastercard,Testing,Smartcard,Emv,Mastercard,我正在运行m-TIP MP92测试01场景01。测试的目标是: “确保终端在卡指示不支持非接触式-M/芯片时终止交易” 我不明白的是,一张卡片是如何表明这一点的。我的终端目前的处理超出了“获取处理选项”步骤,这导致我的测试工具出现故障。到目前为止,我已经查看了卡和工具之间交换的数据,但我不知道这些数据在哪里 Select (2PAY.SYS.DDF01) Request : 00 A4 04 00 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 4

我正在运行m-TIP MP92测试01场景01。测试的目标是:



    Select (2PAY.SYS.DDF01)
        Request : 00 A4 04 00 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31 00
            Class    :00
            Ins      :A4
            P1       :04
            P2       :00
            Lc       :0E
            Data     :32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31
                Application: 2PAY.SYS.DDF01
            Le       :00
        Response: 6F 23 84 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31 A5 11 BF 0C 0E 61 0C 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 04 30 60 87 01 01 90 00
            Data     : 6F 23 84 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31 A5 11 BF 0C 0E 61 0C 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 04 30 60 87 01 01
                Tag 6F   : File Control Information (FCI) Template                        
                    Tag 84   : Dedicated File (DF) Name                                       : 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31
                        PPSE Directory File Name = 2PAY.SYS.DDF01
                    Tag A5   : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template            
                        Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template   
                            Tag 61   : Application Template                                           
                                Tag 4F   : Application Identifier (AID)                                   : A0 00 00 00 04 30 60
                                Tag 87   : Application Priority Indicator                                 : 01
                                    Byte 1 bit 8  = 0      Application may be selected without confirmation of cardholder
                                           bit 7-5= 000    RFU
                                           bit 4-1= 0001   Order number in which the application is to be listed: 1
            SW1 SW2  : 90 00 (SW_OK)
    Select (Maestro)
        Request : 00 A4 04 00 07 A0 00 00 00 04 30 60 00
            Class    :00
            Ins      :A4
            P1       :04
            P2       :00
            Lc       :07
            Data     :A0 00 00 00 04 30 60
                Application: Maestro
            Le       :00
        Response: 6F 2F 84 07 A0 00 00 00 04 30 60 A5 24 50 09 4D 50 39 32 20 76 32 20 32 BF 0C 16 5F 50 13 43 4F 4C 4C 49 53 5C 2A 2F 4D 50 39 32 5C 2A 2F 32 2E 32 90 00
            Data     : 6F 2F 84 07 A0 00 00 00 04 30 60 A5 24 50 09 4D 50 39 32 20 76 32 20 32 BF 0C 16 5F 50 13 43 4F 4C 4C 49 53 5C 2A 2F 4D 50 39 32 5C 2A 2F 32 2E 32
                Tag 6F   : File Control Information (FCI) Template                        
                    Tag 84   : Dedicated File (DF) Name                                       : A0 00 00 00 04 30 60
                    Tag A5   : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template            
                        Tag 50   : Application Label                                              : 4D 50 39 32 20 76 32 20 32
                            Text value = MP92 v2 2
                        Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template   
                            Tag 5F 50: Issuer URL                                                     : 43 4F 4C 4C 49 53 5C 2A 2F 4D 50 39 32 5C 2A 2F 32 2E 32
                                Text value = COLLIS\*/MP92\*/2.2
            SW1 SW2  : 90 00 (SW_OK)
    Get Processing Options
        Request : 80 A8 00 00 02 83 00 00
            Class    :80
            Ins      :A8
            P1       :00
            P2       :00
            Lc       :02
            Data     :83 00
            Le       :00
        MCHIP Card Unique Key Derivation Results
            PAN:                             67 99 99 89 00 00 00 60 92 7F
            PAN Sequence Number:             01
            Cryptogram Version No.:          10
            ICC Master Key AC:               9E 15 20 43 13 F7 31 8A CB 79 B9 0B D9 86 AD 29
            Derived Card Unique Key:         9D A1 13 AD 92 46 DC 04 85 92 3B 86 94 08 DC DF
            ICC Master Key SMC:              CE 29 3B 8C C1 2A 97 73 79 EF 25 6D 76 10 94 92
            Derived Card Unique Key:         68 62 A7 40 F8 3E FE 97 E5 04 0D FB 10 85 46 CE
            ICC Master Key SMI:              46 64 94 2F E6 15 FB 02 E5 D5 7F 29 2A A2 B3 B6
            Derived Card Unique Key:         10 C4 F7 DF 68 75 B0 E5 EF 80 C7 AB 3B 80 9B F8
            ICC Master Key IDN:              94 C5 3B 6B 15 07 7F CB E5 40 7F 43 B5 AB FB 80
            Derived Card Unique Key:         AB 51 29 16 AE 08 1A 25 DF 76 D0 3E EC 9E 6B 40
        Response: 77 16 82 02 19 00 94 10 08 01 01 00 10 01 01 01 18 01 02 00 20 01 02 00 90 00
            Data     : 77 16 82 02 19 00 94 10 08 01 01 00 10 01 01 01 18 01 02 00 20 01 02 00
                Tag 77   : Response Message Template Format 2                             
                    Tag 82   : Application Interchange Profile [M/Chip, PayPass]              : 19 00
                        Byte 1 bit 8 = 0      RFU
                               bit 7 = 0      Offline static data authentication is NOT supported
                               bit 6 = 0      Offline dynamic data authentication is NOT supported
                               bit 5 = 1      Cardholder verification is supported
                               bit 4 = 1      Terminal risk management is to be performed
                               bit 3 = 0      Issuer authentication is supported using GENERATE AC command
                               bit 2 = 0      On device cardholder verification is NOT supported
                               bit 1 = 1      Combined DDA / GENERATE AC supported
                        Byte 2 bit 8 = 0      Only Mag Stripe profile supported [PayPass]
                               bit 7 = 0      RFU
                               bit 6 = 0      RFU
                               bit 5 = 0      RFU
                               bit 4 = 0      RFU
                               bit 3 = 0      RFU
                               bit 2 = 0      RFU
                               bit 1 = 0      RFU
                    Tag 94   : Application File Locator (AFL)                                 : 08 01 01 00 10 01 01 01 18 01 02 00 20 01 02 00
                        AFL (1) = 08 01 01 00
                            SFI (decimal)                   = 1
                            Start record                    = 1
                            End record                      = 1
                            Number of records needed
                            for offline data authentication = 0
                        AFL (2) = 10 01 01 01
                            SFI (decimal)                   = 2
                            Start record                    = 1
                            End record                      = 1
                            Number of records needed
                            for offline data authentication = 1
                        AFL (3) = 18 01 02 00
                            SFI (decimal)                   = 3
                            Start record                    = 1
                            End record                      = 2
                            Number of records needed
                            for offline data authentication = 0
                        AFL (4) = 20 01 02 00
                            SFI (decimal)                   = 4
                            Start record                    = 1
                            End record                      = 2
                            Number of records needed
                            for offline data authentication = 0
            SW1 SW2  : 90 00 (SW_OK)

由于AIP标签0x82字节2位8,此卡配置文件MP 92-不支持EMV非接触式(即,在跟踪中仅支持磁条配置文件[PayPass])




APDU跟踪?具体来说,到目前为止,您发送了哪些SELECT命令?您得到了什么响应?@MichaelRoland在问题中添加了跟踪信息。因此,我的理解是否正确:卡只支持非接触磁条,终端通过9F1D指示它只支持非接触式EMV,并且由于两者都不支持,交易应该失败?是的,在这种情况下,终端应该要求使用EMV接触芯片。这是迈斯卓的具体要求。对于不同的市场或特定于收单机构的实施,要求可能不同。理论上可以创建Maestro非接触式磁刷配置文件,如此卡示例。实际上,越来越少的卡方案继续支持非接触式磁卡刷卡,强制使用非接触式EMV配置文件。Ok。谢谢你的澄清。我已经能够确认终端已正确加载,甚至返回给我XX8xx。。在标签9F1D中。我不知道为什么交易会在GET PO之后继续进行。我看看硬件供应商是否能帮上忙。