Twitter bootstrap 使用bootstrap';s柱拉/推

Twitter bootstrap 使用bootstrap';s柱拉/推,twitter-bootstrap,Twitter Bootstrap,我是新手。我设计了一个非常简单的结构,它包含两个主列col-lg-6,第一列包含图像,第二列包含文本现在我的结构是什么 col-xs-12 col-md-6 col-xs-12 col-md-6 想象一些文字 col-xs-12 col-md-6 col-xs-12 col-md-6 一些文本图像 现在,在移动视图中,左列的优先级排在第一位,但我想要的是,当第二行开始时,有一个文本列应该排在第一位,但我想要图像列(下一列)首先,我研究了bootstrap的pull/push,但我真的可以在我的场


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                        <img src="<?php echo base_url() ?>images/community-work-4.jpg" class="img-responsive" />

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                    <h2>Food Drive</h2>
                    <!--                    <h3>Date: Dec 22, 2016</h3>-->
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                    <h4>Team Carassauga Pakistan Pavilion 2016 was honoured to be a part of community food drive to support ICNA Canada and Eden Food Bank. Every year from 2007 to 2012, approximately 5% of Canadian children and 8% of Canadian adults lived in food insecure households. This means that they did not have access to a sufficient variety or quantity of food due to lack of money. Community food drives can bring positive change in providing families with food and other basic necessities for better living...</h4><br/>
                    <a href="<?php echo base_url() ?>home/community_individual/3">Continue Reading</a>


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                    <h2>Cultural Exchange</h2>
                    <!--                    <h3>Date: Dec 22, 2016</h3>-->
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                    <h4>Team Carassauga Pakistan Pavilion, gained its title through the work and effort they invested in for about a year to put together the beautiful marriage of cultural exchange and wholesome hosting, opening their doors through the fantastic platform of Carassauga 2016 held at Hershey Sports Centre, to the fellow Torontonians. This was a successful attempt by the team at embracing their Pakistani identity and harmonizing it with the true Canadian values of acceptance and diversity...<br/>
                        <a href="<?php echo base_url() ?>home/community_individual/2">Continue Reading</a>

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                        <img src="<?php echo base_url() ?>images/culture.jpg" class="img-responsive" />

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                        <img src="<?php echo base_url() ?>images/community-work-1.jpg" class="img-responsive" />
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                    <h2>Muslim Welfare </h2>
                    <!--                    <h3>Date: Dec 22, 2016</h3>-->
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                    <h4>Team Carassauga Pakistan Pavilion 2016 was honoured to volunteer with Muslim Welfare Center in Scarborough for the food drive. As a Canadian it is our responsibility to help out unprivileged individuals with the best of our abilities that we take for granted......</h4>
                    <a href="<?php echo base_url() ?>home/community_individual/1">Continue Reading</a>

images/community-work-4.jpg“class=”img responsive“/>
Carassauga Pakistan Pavilion 2016团队荣幸地成为社区食品运动的一部分,以支持加拿大ICNA和伊甸园食品银行。从2007年到2012年,每年约有5%的加拿大儿童和8%的加拿大成年人生活在食品不安全的家庭。这意味着他们无法获得足够种类或数量的食品社区食品运动可以在为家庭提供食物和其他基本必需品以改善生活方面带来积极的变化…
文化交流 Carassauga Pakistan Pavilion团队通过大约一年的工作和努力,将文化交流和健康主办的美好结合在一起,并通过在好时体育中心举办的Carassauga 2016精彩平台向托伦托尼亚同胞敞开大门,从而获得了其称号。这是一次成功的团队试图接受他们的巴基斯坦身份,并将其与加拿大真正的接受和多样性价值观相协调……

images/culture.jpg“class=”img responsive“/> images/community-work-1.jpg“class=”img responsive“/> 穆斯林福利 2016年Carassauga巴基斯坦展馆团队荣幸地成为斯卡伯勒穆斯林福利中心的食品运动志愿者。作为一名加拿大人,我们有责任尽我们最大的努力帮助贫困人群,我们认为这是理所当然的。。。。。。





?naa实际上在右边的一栏我不需要全部空间,所以我只留下两栏就行了!我会在四分钟内接受答案!但我仍然感到困惑,我需要调整我的手机设计,那么做吧nt我需要将col-md-push-6添加到mobile coulmns?lile col-xs-push-12??不,在这种情况下,您不需要添加,因为默认情况下,mobile上的列是全宽的。
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