
使用MonkehTweet通过Coldfusion向Twitter发布多幅图像,twitter,coldfusion,cfc,Twitter,Coldfusion,Cfc,我正在使用MonkehTweet Coldfusion包装器进行Twitter身份验证。我已经准备好了一切,但是我不能用positionpdatewithmedia功能来发布多张图片。我对coldfusion比较陌生,并且一路学习。一个简单的调用PostUpdateWithMedia(status=“”,media=“”)会在Twitter上发布一张图片,但我如何使用它发布多张图片呢。MonkehTweet的positionUpdateWithMedia函数是 <cffunctio

我正在使用MonkehTweet Coldfusion包装器进行Twitter身份验证。我已经准备好了一切,但是我不能用positionpdatewithmedia功能来发布多张图片。我对coldfusion比较陌生,并且一路学习。一个简单的调用PostUpdateWithMedia(status=“”,media=“”)会在Twitter上发布一张图片,但我如何使用它发布多张图片呢。MonkehTweet的positionUpdateWithMedia函数是

    <cffunction name="postUpdateWithMedia" access="public" output="false" hint="Updates the authenticating user's status. Request must be a POST.  A status update with text identical to the authenticating user's current status will be ignored to prevent duplicates.">
    <cfargument name="status"                   required="true"     type="String"                   hint="The text of your status update. URL encode as necessary. Statuses over 140 characters will be forceably truncated." />
    <cfargument name="media"                    required="true"     type="string"                   hint="Up to max_media_per_upload files may be specified in the request, each named media[]. Supported image formats are PNG, JPG and GIF. Animated GIFs are not supported." />
    <cfargument name="possibly_sensitive"       required="false"    type="boolean"  default="false" hint="Set to true for content which may not be suitable for every audience." />
    <cfargument name="in_reply_to_status_id"    required="false"    type="String"                   hint="The ID of an existing status that the update is in reply to." />
    <cfargument name="lat"                      required="false"    type="String"                   hint="The location's latitude that this tweet refers to." />
    <cfargument name="long"                     required="false"    type="String"                   hint="The location's longitude that this tweet refers to." />
    <cfargument name="place_id"                 required="false"    type="String"                   hint="A place in the world. These IDs can be retrieved from geo/reverse_geocode." />
    <cfargument name="display_coordinates"      required="false"    type="String"                   hint="Whether or not to put a pin on the exact coordinates a tweet has been sent from." />
    <cfargument name="checkHeader"              required="false"    type="boolean"  default="false" hint="If set to true, I will abort the request and return the response headers for debugging." />
    <cfargument name="timeout" required="false" type="string" default="#variables.instance.timeout#" hint="An optional timeout value, in seconds, that is the maximum time the cfhttp requests can take. If the time-out passes without a response, ColdFusion considers the request to have failed." />
        <cfset var strTwitterMethod = '' />
            <cfset arguments["media[]"] = arguments.media />
            <cfset structDelete(arguments,'media') />
            <cfset strTwitterMethod = getCorrectEndpoint('api') & 'statuses/update_with_media.json' />
    <cfreturn genericAuthenticationMethod(timeout=getTimeout(), httpURL=strTwitterMethod,httpMethod='POST', parameters=arguments, checkHeader=arguments.checkHeader) />


状态/update\u with\u media