Types 从F中的二进制搜索树中删除元素#

Types 从F中的二进制搜索树中删除元素#,types,f#,binary-search-tree,Types,F#,Binary Search Tree,我正在尝试编写一个从BST中删除元素的方法。到目前为止,这就是我所拥有的。我不确定我是否走上了正确的道路,或者是否有更好的方法通过使用模式匹配来匹配不同的删除情况,即:无子项、1子项、2子项 type 'a bst = NL | BinTree of 'a * 'a bst * 'a bst;; let rec smallest = function | NL -> failwith "tree is empty" | BinTree(m, lst, rst) ->


type 'a bst = NL | BinTree of 'a * 'a bst * 'a bst;;

let rec smallest = function
    | NL -> failwith "tree is empty"
    | BinTree(m, lst, rst) -> if lst = NL then BinTree(m, lst, rst)
                              else smallest lst;;

let rec smallest2 = function
    | NL -> failwith "tree is empty"
    | BinTree(m, lst, rst) -> if lst = NL then m
                              else smallest2 lst;;

let rec rem2 = function
    | NL -> NL
    | BinTree(m, NL, NL) -> NL
    | BinTree(m, NL, rst) -> rst
    | BinTree(m, lst, NL) -> lst
    | BinTree(m, lst, rst) -> BinTree(smallest2 rst, lst, rst);;

let rec rem x = function
    |NL -> failwith "Node doesn't exit"
    |BinTree(m, lst, rst) -> if m = x then rem2 (BinTree(m, lst, rst)) 
                             elif m < x then BinTree(m, lst, rem x rst) 
                             else BinTree(m, rem x lst, rst);;
键入'a bst=NL |'a*'a bst*'a bst;的BinTree;;
设rec smallest2=函数
否则最小2 lst;;
设rec rem2=函数
设rec rem x=函数
elif m



  • 如果
  • 如果
  • 如果

let rec remove x = function
  | NL -> NL
  | BinTree(m, lst, rst) when x = m -> merge lst rst
  | BinTree(m, lst, rst) when x < m -> BinTree(m, remove x lst, rst)
  | BinTree(m, lst, rst) (* x > m *) -> BinTree(m, lst, remove x rst)


// BST - binary search tree
type BST<'a when 'a: comparison> = | Leaf
                                   | Node of BST<'a> * 'a * BST<'a>

let rec rmMaxBST = function
    | Leaf              -> failwith "Tree was empty"
    | Node(tL, x, Leaf) -> x, tL
    | Node(tL, x, tR  ) -> let m, newTR = rmMaxBST tR
                           m, Node(tL, x, newTR)

let rec rmMinBST = function
    | Leaf              -> failwith "Tree was empty"
    | Node(Leaf, x, tR) -> x, tR
    | Node(tL,   x, tR) -> let m, newTL = rmMinBST tL
                           m, Node(newTL, x, tR)

let mergeBST t1 t2 =
    match t1, t2 with
    | (Leaf, Leaf)      -> Leaf
    | (t1,   Leaf)      -> let x, t = rmMaxBST t1
                           Node(t, x, Leaf)               
    | (t1,   t2  )      -> let x, t = rmMinBST t2
                           Node(t1, x, t)              

let rec delBST x = function
    | Leaf                       -> Leaf
    | Node(tL, a, tR) when x < a -> Node(delBST x tL, a,          tR)
    | Node(tL, a, tR) when a < x -> Node(         tL, a, delBST x tR)
    | Node(tL, _, tR)            -> mergeBST tL tR

// BST - binary search tree
type BST<'a when 'a: comparison> = | Leaf
                                   | Node of BST<'a> * 'a * BST<'a>

let rec rmMaxBST = function
    | Leaf              -> failwith "Tree was empty"
    | Node(tL, x, Leaf) -> x, tL
    | Node(tL, x, tR  ) -> let m, newTR = rmMaxBST tR
                           m, Node(tL, x, newTR)

let rec rmMinBST = function
    | Leaf              -> failwith "Tree was empty"
    | Node(Leaf, x, tR) -> x, tR
    | Node(tL,   x, tR) -> let m, newTL = rmMinBST tL
                           m, Node(newTL, x, tR)

let mergeBST t1 t2 =
    match t1, t2 with
    | (Leaf, Leaf)      -> Leaf
    | (t1,   Leaf)      -> let x, t = rmMaxBST t1
                           Node(t, x, Leaf)               
    | (t1,   t2  )      -> let x, t = rmMinBST t2
                           Node(t1, x, t)              

let rec delBST x = function
    | Leaf                       -> Leaf
    | Node(tL, a, tR) when x < a -> Node(delBST x tL, a,          tR)
    | Node(tL, a, tR) when a < x -> Node(         tL, a, delBST x tR)
    | Node(tL, _, tR)            -> mergeBST tL tR
> delBST 3 Leaf;;

val it : BST<int> = Leaf

> delBST 3 (Node(Leaf, 4, Leaf));;

val it : BST<int> = Node (Leaf,4,Leaf)

> delBST 3 (Node(Leaf, 3, Leaf));;

val it : BST<int> = Leaf

> delBST 3 (Node(Node(Leaf, 1, Leaf), 3, Node(Leaf, 5,Leaf)));;

val it : BST<int> = Node (Node (Leaf,1,Leaf),5,Leaf)

> delBST 1 (Node(Node(Leaf, 1, Leaf), 3, Node(Leaf, 5,Leaf)));;

val it : BST<int> = Node (Leaf,3,Node (Leaf,5,Leaf))

> delBST 5 (Node(Node(Leaf, 1, Leaf), 3, Node(Leaf, 5,Leaf)));;

val it : BST<int> = Node (Node (Leaf,1,Leaf),3,Leaf)