
仅基于描述符HID报告访问USB设备数据,usb,driver,reverse-engineering,hid,usb-hid,Usb,Driver,Reverse Engineering,Hid,Usb Hid,我有一个带USB的数字声级计(超声波计)GM1356。有一些软件可以在Windows上处理它,但是我没有CD,也不能在internet上使用。我想做的是读取关于Linux上当前噪声级的数据 我已经找到了一个库,它允许我用我熟悉的语言(ruby、libusb)来实现这一点。在下一步中,我安装了wireshark来检查它发送给pc的内容。它不会发送太多。我发现的最有趣的数据包是描述符HID报告。我想知道接下来我应该采取什么步骤来阅读我感兴趣的数据。我如何确定应该发送哪些请求才能获得它 HID Rep



HID Report
    Global item (Usage)
            .... ..10 = bSize: 2 bytes (2)
            .... 01.. = bType: Global (1)
            0000 .... = bTag: Usage (0x0)
        Usage page: [Vendor-defined] (0xffa0)
    Local item (Usage)
            .... ..01 = bSize: 1 byte (1)
            .... 10.. = bType: Local (2)
            0000 .... = bTag: Usage (0x0)
        Usage: [Vendor-defined] (0xffa00001)
    Main item (Collection)
            .... ..01 = bSize: 1 byte (1)
            .... 00.. = bType: Main (0)
            1010 .... = bTag: Collection (0xa)
        Collection type: Application (0x01)
        Local item (Usage)
                .... ..01 = bSize: 1 byte (1)
                .... 10.. = bType: Local (2)
                0000 .... = bTag: Usage (0x0)
            Usage: [Vendor-defined] (0xffa00002)
        Main item (Collection)
                .... ..01 = bSize: 1 byte (1)
                .... 00.. = bType: Main (0)
                1010 .... = bTag: Collection (0xa)
            Collection type: Physical (0x00)
            Global item (Usage)
                    .... ..10 = bSize: 2 bytes (2)
                    .... 01.. = bType: Global (1)
                    0000 .... = bTag: Usage (0x0)
                Usage page: [Vendor-defined] (0xffa1)
            Local item (Usage)
                    .... ..01 = bSize: 1 byte (1)
                    .... 10.. = bType: Local (2)
                    0000 .... = bTag: Usage (0x0)
                Usage: [Vendor-defined] (0xffa10003)
            Local item (Usage)
                    .... ..01 = bSize: 1 byte (1)
                    .... 10.. = bType: Local (2)
                    0000 .... = bTag: Usage (0x0)
                Usage: [Vendor-defined] (0xffa10004)
            Global item (Logical minimum)
                    .... ..01 = bSize: 1 byte (1)
                    .... 01.. = bType: Global (1)
                    0001 .... = bTag: Logical minimum (0x1)
                Logical minimum: 128
            Global item (Logical maximum)
                    .... ..01 = bSize: 1 byte (1)
                    .... 01.. = bType: Global (1)
                    0010 .... = bTag: Logical maximum (0x2)
                Logical maximum: 127
            Global item (Physical minimum)
                    .... ..01 = bSize: 1 byte (1)
                    .... 01.. = bType: Global (1)
                    0011 .... = bTag: Physical minimum (0x3)
                Physical minimum: 0
            Global item (Physical maximum)
                    .... ..01 = bSize: 1 byte (1)
                    .... 01.. = bType: Global (1)
                    0100 .... = bTag: Physical maximum (0x4)
                Physical maximum: 255
            Global item (Report size)
                    .... ..01 = bSize: 1 byte (1)
                    .... 01.. = bType: Global (1)
                    0111 .... = bTag: Report size (0x7)
                Report size: 8
            Global item (Report count)
                    .... ..01 = bSize: 1 byte (1)
                    .... 01.. = bType: Global (1)
                    1001 .... = bTag: Report count (0x9)
                Report count: 8
            Main item (Input)
                    .... ..01 = bSize: 1 byte (1)
                    .... 00.. = bType: Main (0)
                    1000 .... = bTag: Input (0x8)
                .... .... 0 = Data/constant: Data
                .... ...1 . = Data type: Variable
                .... ..0. . = Coordinates: Absolute
                .... .0.. . = Min/max wraparound: No Wrap
                .... 0... . = Physical relationship to data: Linear
                ...0 .... . = Preferred state: Preferred State
                ..0. .... . = Has null position: No Null position
                .0.. .... . = [Reserved]: False
                0... .... . = Bits or bytes: Buffered bytes (default, no second byte present)
            Local item (Usage)
                    .... ..01 = bSize: 1 byte (1)
                    .... 10.. = bType: Local (2)
                    0000 .... = bTag: Usage (0x0)
                Usage: [Vendor-defined] (0xffa10005)
            Local item (Usage)
                    .... ..01 = bSize: 1 byte (1)
                    .... 10.. = bType: Local (2)
                    0000 .... = bTag: Usage (0x0)
                Usage: [Vendor-defined] (0xffa10006)
            Global item (Logical minimum)
                    .... ..01 = bSize: 1 byte (1)
                    .... 01.. = bType: Global (1)
                    0001 .... = bTag: Logical minimum (0x1)
                Logical minimum: 128
            Global item (Logical maximum)
                    .... ..01 = bSize: 1 byte (1)
                    .... 01.. = bType: Global (1)
                    0010 .... = bTag: Logical maximum (0x2)
                Logical maximum: 127
            Global item (Physical minimum)
                    .... ..01 = bSize: 1 byte (1)
                    .... 01.. = bType: Global (1)
                    0011 .... = bTag: Physical minimum (0x3)
                Physical minimum: 0
            Global item (Physical maximum)
                    .... ..01 = bSize: 1 byte (1)
                    .... 01.. = bType: Global (1)
                    0100 .... = bTag: Physical maximum (0x4)
                Physical maximum: 255
            Global item (Report size)
                    .... ..01 = bSize: 1 byte (1)
                    .... 01.. = bType: Global (1)
                    0111 .... = bTag: Report size (0x7)
                Report size: 8
            Global item (Report count)
                    .... ..01 = bSize: 1 byte (1)
                    .... 01.. = bType: Global (1)
                    1001 .... = bTag: Report count (0x9)
                Report count: 8
            Main item (Output)
                    .... ..01 = bSize: 1 byte (1)
                    .... 00.. = bType: Main (0)
                    1001 .... = bTag: Output (0x9)
                .... .... 0 = Data/constant: Data
                .... ...1 . = Data type: Variable
                .... ..0. . = Coordinates: Absolute
                .... .0.. . = Min/max wraparound: No Wrap
                .... 0... . = Physical relationship to data: Linear
                ...0 .... . = Preferred state: Preferred State
                ..0. .... . = Has null position: No Null position
                .0.. .... . = (Non)-volatile: Non Volatile
                0... .... . = Bits or bytes: Buffered bytes (default, no second byte present)
            Main item (End collection)
                    .... ..00 = bSize: 0 bytes (0)
                    .... 00.. = bType: Main (0)
                    1100 .... = bTag: End collection (0xc)
        Main item (End collection)
                .... ..00 = bSize: 0 bytes (0)
                .... 00.. = bType: Main (0)
                1100 .... = bTag: End collection (0xc)



06 A0FF(全球)用途\u第0xFFA0页供应商定义

09 01(本地)用法0xFFA00001我也买了分贝计,正好与您的型号兼容。我目前正在尝试将这段代码移植到bash脚本中:该脚本对我的设备(顺便说一句,它甚至不是gm1356)运行良好,我猜它也适用于您。

十六进制的HID描述符是什么?(在Wireshark中,右键单击并选择复制,然后选择…作为十六进制转储)@aja 0000 00 a9 d7 d6 00 88 ff 43 02 80 06 00 2d 00 00 00 b2 26 ec 5c 00 00 00 00 ea e9 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 d7 d6 00 88 ff 43 02 80 06 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 b2 26 ec 5c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ea e9 05 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 d7 d6 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 02 a0 ff 09 01 a1 01 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0009 06 15 80 25 7f 35 00 45 ff 75 08 95 08 0070 91 02 c0c0@aja哦,对不起,这是
:0000 09 21 10 01 00 01 22 34 00非常感谢您的回答。昨天我收到了Windows软件,它可以与我的设备一起工作,我试图嗅探协议。以下是我的想法:。我尝试在Linux上用libusb for Ruby模拟它,但我很难做到这一点:。我将其标记为已解决,因为可能无法从这些描述符获得更多信息。还有一个问题,你知道为什么有人可以将sonometer定义为HID设备吗?在我看来,这没有任何意义。
// Decoded Application Collection

06 A0FF      (GLOBAL) USAGE_PAGE         0xFFA0 Vendor-defined 
09 01        (LOCAL)  USAGE              0xFFA00001 <-- Warning: Undocumented usage (document it by inserting 0001 into file FFA0.conf)
A1 01        (MAIN)   COLLECTION         0x01 Application (Usage=0xFFA00001: Page=Vendor-defined, Usage=, Type=) <-- Error: COLLECTION must be preceded by a known USAGE
09 02          (LOCAL)  USAGE              0xFFA00002 <-- Warning: Undocumented usage (document it by inserting 0002 into file FFA0.conf)
A1 00          (MAIN)   COLLECTION         0x00 Physical (Usage=0xFFA00002: Page=Vendor-defined, Usage=, Type=) <-- Error: COLLECTION must be preceded by a known USAGE
06 A1FF          (GLOBAL) USAGE_PAGE         0xFFA1 Vendor-defined 
09 03            (LOCAL)  USAGE              0xFFA10003 <-- Warning: Undocumented usage (document it by inserting 0003 into file FFA1.conf)
09 04            (LOCAL)  USAGE              0xFFA10004 <-- Warning: Undocumented usage (document it by inserting 0004 into file FFA1.conf)
15 80            (GLOBAL) LOGICAL_MINIMUM    0x80 (-128)  
25 7F            (GLOBAL) LOGICAL_MAXIMUM    0x7F (127)  
35 00            (GLOBAL) PHYSICAL_MINIMUM   0x00 (0)  <-- Info: Consider replacing 35 00 with 34
45 FF            (GLOBAL) PHYSICAL_MAXIMUM   0xFF (-1)  
75 08            (GLOBAL) REPORT_SIZE        0x08 (8) Number of bits per field  
95 08            (GLOBAL) REPORT_COUNT       0x08 (8) Number of fields  
81 02            (MAIN)   INPUT              0x00000002 (8 fields x 8 bits) 0=Data 1=Variable 0=Absolute 0=NoWrap 0=Linear 0=PrefState 0=NoNull 0=NonVolatile 0=Bitmap  <-- Error: PHYSICAL_MAXIMUM (-1) is less than PHYSICAL_MINIMUM (0)
09 05            (LOCAL)  USAGE              0xFFA10005 <-- Warning: Undocumented usage (document it by inserting 0005 into file FFA1.conf)
09 06            (LOCAL)  USAGE              0xFFA10006 <-- Warning: Undocumented usage (document it by inserting 0006 into file FFA1.conf)
15 80            (GLOBAL) LOGICAL_MINIMUM    0x80 (-128) <-- Redundant: LOGICAL_MINIMUM is already -128 
25 7F            (GLOBAL) LOGICAL_MAXIMUM    0x7F (127) <-- Redundant: LOGICAL_MAXIMUM is already 127 
35 00            (GLOBAL) PHYSICAL_MINIMUM   0x00 (0) <-- Redundant: PHYSICAL_MINIMUM is already 0 <-- Info: Consider replacing 35 00 with 34
45 FF            (GLOBAL) PHYSICAL_MAXIMUM   0xFF (-1) <-- Redundant: PHYSICAL_MAXIMUM is already -1 
75 08            (GLOBAL) REPORT_SIZE        0x08 (8) Number of bits per field <-- Redundant: REPORT_SIZE is already 8 
95 08            (GLOBAL) REPORT_COUNT       0x08 (8) Number of fields <-- Redundant: REPORT_COUNT is already 8 
91 02            (MAIN)   OUTPUT             0x00000002 (8 fields x 8 bits) 0=Data 1=Variable 0=Absolute 0=NoWrap 0=Linear 0=PrefState 0=NoNull 0=NonVolatile 0=Bitmap  <-- Error: PHYSICAL_MAXIMUM (-1) is less than PHYSICAL_MINIMUM (0)
C0             (MAIN)   END_COLLECTION     Physical  <-- Warning: Physical units are still in effect PHYSICAL(MIN=0,MAX=-1) UNIT(0x,EXP=0)
C0           (MAIN)   END_COLLECTION     Application  <-- Warning: Physical units are still in effect PHYSICAL(MIN=0,MAX=-1) UNIT(0x,EXP=0)

// Vendor-defined inputReport (Device --> Host)

typedef struct
                                                     // No REPORT ID byte
                                                     // Collection: CA: CP:
  int8_t   VEN_0003;                                 // Usage 0xFFA10003: , Value = -128 to 127, Physical = (Value + 128) x -1 / 255
  int8_t   VEN_0004[7];                              // Usage 0xFFA10004: , Value = -128 to 127, Physical = (Value + 128) x -1 / 255
} inputReport_t;

// Vendor-defined outputReport (Device <-- Host)

typedef struct
                                                     // No REPORT ID byte
                                                     // Collection: CA: CP:
  int8_t   VEN_0005;                                 // Usage 0xFFA10005: , Value = -128 to 127, Physical = (Value + 128) x -1 / 255
  int8_t   VEN_0006[7];                              // Usage 0xFFA10006: , Value = -128 to 127, Physical = (Value + 128) x -1 / 255
} outputReport_t;