
vb.net中的InDesign脚本-分组文本帧,vb.net,arrays,scripting,cs3,adobe-indesign,Vb.net,Arrays,Scripting,Cs3,Adobe Indesign,我想在InDesign CS3 vb.net脚本中对文本帧进行分组。它适用于InDesign 2.0,但不适用于InDesign CS3。这是我的密码: Dim myDoc As InDesign.Document = Nothing Dim myGroup As InDesign.Group = Nothing Dim myObjectList(2) myObjectList.SetValue(myOuterTextFrame, 0) myObjectList.SetValue(myInne

我想在InDesign CS3 vb.net脚本中对文本帧进行分组。它适用于InDesign 2.0,但不适用于InDesign CS3。这是我的密码:

Dim myDoc As InDesign.Document = Nothing
Dim myGroup As InDesign.Group = Nothing
Dim myObjectList(2)

myObjectList.SetValue(myOuterTextFrame, 0)
myObjectList.SetValue(myInnerTextFrame, 1)
myObjectList.SetValue(myContentTextFrame, 2)

myGroup = myDoc.Groups.Add(myObjectList) 



Public Function GroupObjects(ByVal indesignDocument As InDesign.Document, ByVal ParamArray objectIds() As Integer) As InDesign.Group
    'Sanity checks
    If indesignDocument Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("indesignDocument")
    If objectIds Is Nothing OrElse objectIds.Count < 2 Then Throw New ArgumentException("You must pass at least 2 object ids")

    'We'll assign a unique label to the group that we create in JavaScript so that we can find it in managed code later
    Dim GID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

    'Create the JavaScript
    Dim Buf As New StringBuilder()
    Buf.AppendLine("var items = new Array();")
    For Each ID In objectIds
        Buf.AppendFormat("items.push(app.activeWindow.activePage.pageItems.itemByID({0}));", ID)
    Buf.AppendLine("var g = app.activeWindow.activePage.groups.add(items);")
    Buf.AppendFormat("g.label='{0}';", GID)

    Dim IA = indesignDocument.Parent
    IA.DoScript(Buf.ToString(), InDesign.idScriptLanguage.idJavascript)

    'Loop through all document groups looking for the object with the label created above
    For Each G As InDesign.Group In indesignDocument.Groups
        If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(G.Label) AndAlso G.Label = GID Then Return G
    Return Nothing
End Function


Public Function GroupObjects(ByVal indesignDocument As InDesign.Document, ByVal ParamArray objectIds() As Integer) As InDesign.Group
    'Sanity checks
    If indesignDocument Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("indesignDocument")
    If objectIds Is Nothing OrElse objectIds.Count < 2 Then Throw New ArgumentException("You must pass at least 2 object ids")

    'We'll assign a unique label to the group that we create in JavaScript so that we can find it in managed code later
    Dim GID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

    'Create the JavaScript
    Dim Buf As New StringBuilder()
    Buf.AppendLine("var items = new Array();")
    For Each ID In objectIds
        Buf.AppendFormat("items.push(app.activeWindow.activePage.pageItems.itemByID({0}));", ID)
    Buf.AppendLine("var g = app.activeWindow.activePage.groups.add(items);")
    Buf.AppendFormat("g.label='{0}';", GID)

    Dim IA = indesignDocument.Parent
    IA.DoScript(Buf.ToString(), InDesign.idScriptLanguage.idJavascript)

    'Loop through all document groups looking for the object with the label created above
    For Each G As InDesign.Group In indesignDocument.Groups
        If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(G.Label) AndAlso G.Label = GID Then Return G
    Return Nothing
End Function




        Type type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("InDesign.Application");
        Host = (InDesign.Application)Activator.CreateInstance(type);

        InDesign.Objects o = Host.CreateCollection();


        Type type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("InDesign.Application");
        Host = (InDesign.Application)Activator.CreateInstance(type);

        InDesign.Objects o = Host.CreateCollection();