Vb.net 验证生成的密码是否包含必需的字符

Vb.net 验证生成的密码是否包含必需的字符,vb.net,validation,visual-studio-2010,basic,Vb.net,Validation,Visual Studio 2010,Basic,我正在创建一个应用程序,需要一些帮助。它只是一个简单的密码生成器。我的应用程序生成的密码没有问题,但我需要添加一个步骤,检查:1个大写字母,1个小写字母,1个数字和1个特殊字符,然后再显示密码。如果密码不包含这些值,则应再次生成密码 我想保留我的代码,我只想在最后添加一个步骤 先谢谢你 这是我的密码: Public Class Form1 Dim AllCharacters As String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklm





    Public Class Form1

    Dim AllCharacters As String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789?!£$%^&*()_+[];'#,./?><~@:}{\|"
    Dim r As New Random
    Dim charIndex As Integer
    Dim finalpassword As String
    Dim passwordChars1() As Char = New Char(9) {}

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        For i As Integer = 0 To 9 - 1
            charIndex = r.Next(AllCharacters.Length)
            passwordChars1(i) = AllCharacters(charIndex)
        finalpassword = passwordChars1

        passwordbox.Text = finalpassword 'Displays Password on Main Form Window

    End Sub

将所有字符设置为String=“abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzo123456789?!$%^&*(+[]),./?>这是您在创建或更改密码时通常会执行的操作。 我通常使用以下函数来验证密码的复杂性:

'PasswordComplexityRegex is a string value I get from a database at login, 
'if it is not present then a default one will be use.    
Dim PasswordComplexityRegex as String 
'MinimunPasswordLenght is also a number stored in a database if not present
'it will use a default, in this case 12.
Public Function validatePassword(ByVal pass As String) As Boolean
    Dim pattern As String = "[~`!@#$%^&*()-_=+';:,./<>?]"
    If Not (String.IsNullOrEmpty(PasswordComplexityRegex)) Then
      pattern = PasswordComplexityRegex
    End If
    Dim patternRegex As Match = Regex.Match(pass, pattern)
    'In this case it checks that the length of the password is >= to 12
    If (IsDBNull(MinimunPasswordLenght) Or MinimunPasswordLenght = 0) Then
       MinimunPasswordLenght = 12
    End If
    Return (patternRegex.Success And pass.Length >= MinimunPasswordLenght)
End Function


If Not validatePassword(txtNewPassword.Text) Then
  MsgBox("Password need to be...", vbCritical, "Password not in compliance...")
End If