Vb.net 字符串组合

Vb.net 字符串组合,vb.net,nested-loops,Vb.net,Nested Loops,我想生成一个单词组合。例如,如果我有以下列表: {猫、狗、马、猿、鸡、鼠} 那么结果就是n(n-1)/2 猫狗马猿母鼠 (猫狗)(狗马)(马猿)(猿母鸡)(母鼠) (猫、狗、马、猿、马、猿、鸡)等 希望这是有意义的…我发现的一切都涉及排列 我的名单有500长假设你的名单是arr={猫、狗、马、猿、鸡、鼠} 然后你可以做: for i = 0; i < arr.size; i++) for j = i; j < arr.size; j++) print i,j; 表示i=

我想生成一个单词组合。例如,如果我有以下列表: {猫、狗、马、猿、鸡、鼠} 那么结果就是n(n-1)/2 猫狗马猿母鼠 (猫狗)(狗马)(马猿)(猿母鸡)(母鼠) (猫、狗、马、猿、马、猿、鸡)等



假设你的名单是arr={猫、狗、马、猿、鸡、鼠} 然后你可以做:

for i = 0; i < arr.size; i++)
  for j = i; j < arr.size; j++)
    print i,j;


假设您的列表是arr={cat、dog、horse、ape、hen、mouse} 然后你可以做:

for i = 0; i < arr.size; i++)
  for j = i; j < arr.size; j++)
    print i,j;


Public Sub test()

    Dim myAnimals As String = "cat dog horse ape hen mouse"

    Dim myAnimalCombinations As String() = BuildCombinations(myAnimals)

    For Each combination As String In myAnimalCombinations
        'Look on the Output Tab for the results!
        Console.WriteLine("(" & combination & ")")  
    Next combination

End Sub

Public Function BuildCombinations(ByVal inputString As String) As String()

    'Separate the sentence into useable words.
    Dim wordsArray As String() = inputString.Split(" ".ToCharArray)

    'A plase to store the results as we build them
    Dim returnArray() As String = New String() {""}

    'The 'combination level' that we're up to
    Dim wordDistance As Integer = 1

    'Go through all the combination levels...
    For wordDistance = 1 To wordsArray.GetUpperBound(0)

        'Go through all the words at this combination level...
        For wordIndex As Integer = 0 To wordsArray.GetUpperBound(0) - wordDistance

            'Get the first word of this combination level
            Dim combination As New System.Text.StringBuilder(wordsArray(wordIndex))

            'And all all the remaining words a this combination level
            For combinationIndex As Integer = 1 To wordDistance

                combination.Append(" " & wordsArray(wordIndex + combinationIndex))

            Next combinationIndex

            'Add this combination to the results
            returnArray(returnArray.GetUpperBound(0)) = combination.ToString

            'Add a new row to the results, ready for the next combination
            ReDim Preserve returnArray(returnArray.GetUpperBound(0) + 1)

        Next wordIndex

    Next wordDistance

    'Get rid of the last, blank row.
    ReDim Preserve returnArray(returnArray.GetUpperBound(0) - 1)

    'Return combinations to the calling method.
    Return returnArray

End Function


    Dim myAnimals As New StringBulder 
    myAnimals.Append("dog cat ... animal49 animal50") 
    myAnimals.Append(" ") 
    myAnimals.Append("animal51 ... animal99") 
    myAnimals.Append(" ") 
    myAnimals.Append("animal100 ... animal150") 



Public Sub test()

    Dim myAnimals As String = "cat dog horse ape hen mouse"

    Dim myAnimalCombinations As String() = BuildCombinations(myAnimals)

    For Each combination As String In myAnimalCombinations
        'Look on the Output Tab for the results!
        Console.WriteLine("(" & combination & ")")  
    Next combination

End Sub

Public Function BuildCombinations(ByVal inputString As String) As String()

    'Separate the sentence into useable words.
    Dim wordsArray As String() = inputString.Split(" ".ToCharArray)

    'A plase to store the results as we build them
    Dim returnArray() As String = New String() {""}

    'The 'combination level' that we're up to
    Dim wordDistance As Integer = 1

    'Go through all the combination levels...
    For wordDistance = 1 To wordsArray.GetUpperBound(0)

        'Go through all the words at this combination level...
        For wordIndex As Integer = 0 To wordsArray.GetUpperBound(0) - wordDistance

            'Get the first word of this combination level
            Dim combination As New System.Text.StringBuilder(wordsArray(wordIndex))

            'And all all the remaining words a this combination level
            For combinationIndex As Integer = 1 To wordDistance

                combination.Append(" " & wordsArray(wordIndex + combinationIndex))

            Next combinationIndex

            'Add this combination to the results
            returnArray(returnArray.GetUpperBound(0)) = combination.ToString

            'Add a new row to the results, ready for the next combination
            ReDim Preserve returnArray(returnArray.GetUpperBound(0) + 1)

        Next wordIndex

    Next wordDistance

    'Get rid of the last, blank row.
    ReDim Preserve returnArray(returnArray.GetUpperBound(0) - 1)

    'Return combinations to the calling method.
    Return returnArray

End Function


    Dim myAnimals As New StringBulder 
    myAnimals.Append("dog cat ... animal49 animal50") 
    myAnimals.Append(" ") 
    myAnimals.Append("animal51 ... animal99") 
    myAnimals.Append(" ") 
    myAnimals.Append("animal100 ... animal150") 

