Vb.net MSCharts最后一个轴标签隐藏

Vb.net MSCharts最后一个轴标签隐藏,vb.net,charts,asp.net-charts,Vb.net,Charts,Asp.net Charts,我正在使用MSCharts,并且正在使用轴的日期,我不禁注意到轴标签对于最后一条网格线是隐藏的。下图显示了这一点 我使用的代码是: Public Function buildXAxis(ByVal chartArea As ChartArea, ByVal min As DateTime, ByVal max As DateTime) As Axis Dim xAxis As New Axis(chartArea, AxisName.X) 'Chart Area is pass



Public Function buildXAxis(ByVal chartArea As ChartArea, ByVal min As DateTime, ByVal max As DateTime) As Axis
        Dim xAxis As New Axis(chartArea, AxisName.X) 'Chart Area is passed into the function
        With xAxis
            .Interval = 3 'This is the interval, so the next visible label should be 7/1/2013
            .IntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Months 
            .IntervalAutoMode = IntervalAutoMode.FixedCount
            .Maximum = max.ToOADate 'In this instance, it is 7/29/2013
            .Minimum = min.ToOADate 'In this instance, it is 1/29/2013
            .TitleAlignment = Drawing.StringAlignment.Center
            .TitleForeColor = Drawing.Color.FromArgb(129, 127, 124)
            .TextOrientation = TextOrientation.Auto
            .LabelAutoFitStyle = LabelAutoFitStyles.LabelsAngleStep45
            Dim xLabelStyle As New LabelStyle
            xLabelStyle.TruncatedLabels = False
            xLabelStyle.IsStaggered = False
            xLabelStyle.Format = "d"
            .LabelStyle = xLabelStyle
            .MajorGrid.LineColor = Drawing.Color.FromArgb(129, 127, 124)
            .MinorGrid.LineColor = Drawing.Color.FromArgb(129, 127, 124)
            .MajorTickMark.LineColor = Drawing.Color.FromArgb(129, 127, 124)
            .MinorTickMark.LineColor = Drawing.Color.FromArgb(129, 127, 124)
        End With
        Return xAxis
    End Function



Dim chartingArea As New ChartArea
chartingArea.AxisX.LabelStyle.IsEndLabelVisible = False