VB6 DOMDocument查找特定注释并删除

VB6 DOMDocument查找特定注释并删除,vb6,comments,domdocument,Vb6,Comments,Domdocument,Win8.1上的VB6 MicrosoftXMLV3.0 我的搜索是徒劳的——我可以使用VB6搜索xml文件中的元素,但我不知道如何搜索xml文件中的特定注释并将其删除 我在下面找到了一个很棒的示例代码,可以将节点加载到treeview/WebBrowser控件中,作为我正在使用的代码类型的一个示例: Private Sub cmdPopulate_Click() Dim objPeopleRoot As IXMLDOMElement Dim objPersonElement As IX

Win8.1上的VB6 MicrosoftXMLV3.0



Private Sub cmdPopulate_Click()
  Dim objPeopleRoot As IXMLDOMElement
  Dim objPersonElement As IXMLDOMElement
  Dim tvwRoot As Node
  Dim X As IXMLDOMNodeList

  Set m_objDOMPeople = New DOMDocument

  'this can stop the m_objDOMPeople object from looking
  'for external files which in our case are the people.dtd
  'and the people.xsl files - set this to true if you want
  'the parser to look for the external files
  m_objDOMPeople.resolveExternals = True

  'this can stop the m_m_objDOMPeople from validating the XML file
  'against the people.dtd file - set this to true if you want validation to
  m_objDOMPeople.validateOnParse = True

  'load the XML into the dom document, using a string containing
  'the XML location
  m_objDOMPeople.async = False
  Call m_objDOMPeople.Load(m_strXmlPath)

  'check that the load of the XML document was successful
  If m_objDOMPeople.parseError.reason <> "" Then
    ' there has been an error with the loaded XML - show the reason
    MsgBox m_objDOMPeople.parseError.reason
    Exit Sub
  End If

  'get the root element of the XML - bypassing the comments, PI's etc
   Set objPeopleRoot = m_objDOMPeople.documentElement

  'Now lets populate the treecontrol from the DOMDocument

  'Set Treeview control properties.
  tvwPeople.LineStyle = tvwRootLines
  tvwPeople.Style = tvwTreelinesPlusMinusText
  tvwPeople.Indentation = 400

  'check if the treeview has already been populated - if so
  'remove the root, which removes everything.
  If tvwPeople.Nodes.Count > 0 Then
    tvwPeople.Nodes.Remove 1
  End If

  ' add a child to the root node of the TreeView
  Set tvwRoot = tvwPeople.Nodes.Add()
  tvwRoot.Text = objPeopleRoot.baseName

  'iterate through each element in the dom to fill the tree,
  'which in itself iterates through each childNode of that
  'element(objPersonElement) to drill down into its childNodes
  For Each objPersonElement In objPeopleRoot.childNodes
    populateTreeWithChildren objPersonElement

  webTarget.Navigate m_strXmlPath
  cmdDelete.Enabled = True
  cmdClear.Enabled = True
End Sub




    <item>a</item><!-- target to delete -->
    <!-- to keep -->
    <item>b<!-- target to delete too --></item>

DeleteTargetComments DOM.documentElement

    <item>a</item><!-- to keep -->



Microsoft XML,v3.0
Microsoft XML,v6.0
的引用(这两种方法都可以,但不要尝试使用您看到的过时的和特定于MS Office的任何4.0或5.0)。
DeleteTargetComments DOM.documentElement
    <item>a</item><!-- to keep -->