Vba 更改IF语句以提高效率

Vba 更改IF语句以提高效率,vba,excel,Vba,Excel,我有很多场景会导致相同的消息框警报。 是否有比多个if语句更简单/更好的解决方案 PRODUCTS BOX1 BOX2 BOX3 -------------------------------------------------- |Apples, Oranges, | X | x | | |Grapes, Peaches | x | x |

我有很多场景会导致相同的消息框警报。 是否有比多个if语句更简单/更好的解决方案

      PRODUCTS            BOX1     BOX2       BOX3
    |Apples, Oranges, |    X    |    x    |          |
    |Grapes, Peaches  |    x    |    x    |          |
    |Wheat            |    x    |    x    |     x    |
    |Peanuts          |         |    x    |          |

If product = "Apples" or product = Oranges or product = Grapes or products = Peaches then
    If box = "box1" or box = "box2" then
        msgbox "Your box may require approval"
    End If
End If

If product = "Wheat" then
    If box = "box1" or box = "box2" or box = "box3" then
        msgbox "Your box may require approval"
    End If
End If

If product = "Peanuts" then
    If box = "box2" then
        msgbox "Your box may require approval"
    End If
End If


If product = "Apples" or product = Oranges or product = Grapes or products = Peaches then
    If box = "box1" or box = "box2" then
        Call MySub
    End If
End If

If product = "Wheat" then
    If box = "box1" or box = "box2" or box = "box3" then
        Call MySub
    End If
End If

If product = "Peanuts" then
    If box = "box2" then
        Call MySub
    End If
End If

Public Sub MySub
     msgbox "Your box may require approval"
End Sub


If product = "Apples" or product = Oranges or product = Grapes or products = Peaches then
    If box = "box1" or box = "box2" then
        Call MySub
    End If
End If

If product = "Wheat" then
    If box = "box1" or box = "box2" or box = "box3" then
        Call MySub
    End If
End If

If product = "Peanuts" then
    If box = "box2" then
        Call MySub
    End If
End If

Public Sub MySub
     msgbox "Your box may require approval"
End Sub


Option Explicit

Public Function b_value_in_array(my_value As Variant, my_array As Variant) As Boolean

    Dim l_counter as long

    For l_counter = LBound(my_array) To UBound(my_array)
        my_array(l_counter) = CStr(my_array(l_counter))
    Next l_counter

    b_value_in_array = Not IsError(Application.Match(CStr(my_value), my_array, 0))

End Function

Public Sub TestMe()

    Dim product         As String: product = "Oranges"
    Dim box             As String: box = "box2"

    Dim arr_products1   As Variant
    Dim arr_products2   As Variant
    Dim arr_products3   As Variant
    Dim arr_boxes_1     As Variant
    Dim arr_boxes_2     As Variant
    Dim arr_boxes_3     As Variant

    arr_products1 = Array("Apples", "Oranges", "Grapes", "Peaches")
    arr_products2 = Array("Wheat")
    arr_products3 = Array("Peanuts")

    arr_boxes_1 = Array("box1", "box2")
    arr_boxes_2 = Array("box1", "box2", "box3")
    arr_boxes_3 = Array("box2")

    If b_value_in_array(product, arr_products1) And b_value_in_array(box, arr_boxes_1) Then
        Call ApprovalMsgBox
    End If

    If b_value_in_array(product, arr_products2) And b_value_in_array(box, arr_boxes_2) Then
        Call ApprovalMsgBox
    End If

    If b_value_in_array(product, arr_products3) And b_value_in_array(box, arr_boxes_3) Then
        Call ApprovalMsgBox
    End If

End Sub

Public Sub ApprovalMsgBox()
    MsgBox "Your box may require approval"
End Sub
Select Case product
Case "Apples", "Oranges", "Grapes", "Peaches", "Wheat", "Peanuts"
    Select Case box
    Case "box1", "box2", "box3":
        If product = "Wheat" Or box = "box2" Or (product <> "Peanuts" And box <> "box3") Then
            MsgBox "Your box may require approval"
        End If
End Select



Option Explicit

Public Function b_value_in_array(my_value As Variant, my_array As Variant) As Boolean

    Dim l_counter as long

    For l_counter = LBound(my_array) To UBound(my_array)
        my_array(l_counter) = CStr(my_array(l_counter))
    Next l_counter

    b_value_in_array = Not IsError(Application.Match(CStr(my_value), my_array, 0))

End Function

Public Sub TestMe()

    Dim product         As String: product = "Oranges"
    Dim box             As String: box = "box2"

    Dim arr_products1   As Variant
    Dim arr_products2   As Variant
    Dim arr_products3   As Variant
    Dim arr_boxes_1     As Variant
    Dim arr_boxes_2     As Variant
    Dim arr_boxes_3     As Variant

    arr_products1 = Array("Apples", "Oranges", "Grapes", "Peaches")
    arr_products2 = Array("Wheat")
    arr_products3 = Array("Peanuts")

    arr_boxes_1 = Array("box1", "box2")
    arr_boxes_2 = Array("box1", "box2", "box3")
    arr_boxes_3 = Array("box2")

    If b_value_in_array(product, arr_products1) And b_value_in_array(box, arr_boxes_1) Then
        Call ApprovalMsgBox
    End If

    If b_value_in_array(product, arr_products2) And b_value_in_array(box, arr_boxes_2) Then
        Call ApprovalMsgBox
    End If

    If b_value_in_array(product, arr_products3) And b_value_in_array(box, arr_boxes_3) Then
        Call ApprovalMsgBox
    End If

End Sub

Public Sub ApprovalMsgBox()
    MsgBox "Your box may require approval"
End Sub
Select Case product
Case "Apples", "Oranges", "Grapes", "Peaches", "Wheat", "Peanuts"
    Select Case box
    Case "box1", "box2", "box3":
        If product = "Wheat" Or box = "box2" Or (product <> "Peanuts" And box <> "box3") Then
            MsgBox "Your box may require approval"
        End If
End Select



Option Explicit

Public Function b_value_in_array(my_value As Variant, my_array As Variant) As Boolean

    Dim l_counter as long

    For l_counter = LBound(my_array) To UBound(my_array)
        my_array(l_counter) = CStr(my_array(l_counter))
    Next l_counter

    b_value_in_array = Not IsError(Application.Match(CStr(my_value), my_array, 0))

End Function

Public Sub TestMe()

    Dim product         As String: product = "Oranges"
    Dim box             As String: box = "box2"

    Dim arr_products1   As Variant
    Dim arr_products2   As Variant
    Dim arr_products3   As Variant
    Dim arr_boxes_1     As Variant
    Dim arr_boxes_2     As Variant
    Dim arr_boxes_3     As Variant

    arr_products1 = Array("Apples", "Oranges", "Grapes", "Peaches")
    arr_products2 = Array("Wheat")
    arr_products3 = Array("Peanuts")

    arr_boxes_1 = Array("box1", "box2")
    arr_boxes_2 = Array("box1", "box2", "box3")
    arr_boxes_3 = Array("box2")

    If b_value_in_array(product, arr_products1) And b_value_in_array(box, arr_boxes_1) Then
        Call ApprovalMsgBox
    End If

    If b_value_in_array(product, arr_products2) And b_value_in_array(box, arr_boxes_2) Then
        Call ApprovalMsgBox
    End If

    If b_value_in_array(product, arr_products3) And b_value_in_array(box, arr_boxes_3) Then
        Call ApprovalMsgBox
    End If

End Sub

Public Sub ApprovalMsgBox()
    MsgBox "Your box may require approval"
End Sub
Select Case product
Case "Apples", "Oranges", "Grapes", "Peaches", "Wheat", "Peanuts"
    Select Case box
    Case "box1", "box2", "box3":
        If product = "Wheat" Or box = "box2" Or (product <> "Peanuts" And box <> "box3") Then
            MsgBox "Your box may require approval"
        End If
End Select


Option Explicit

Public Function b_value_in_array(my_value As Variant, my_array As Variant) As Boolean

    Dim l_counter as long

    For l_counter = LBound(my_array) To UBound(my_array)
        my_array(l_counter) = CStr(my_array(l_counter))
    Next l_counter

    b_value_in_array = Not IsError(Application.Match(CStr(my_value), my_array, 0))

End Function

Public Sub TestMe()

    Dim product         As String: product = "Oranges"
    Dim box             As String: box = "box2"

    Dim arr_products1   As Variant
    Dim arr_products2   As Variant
    Dim arr_products3   As Variant
    Dim arr_boxes_1     As Variant
    Dim arr_boxes_2     As Variant
    Dim arr_boxes_3     As Variant

    arr_products1 = Array("Apples", "Oranges", "Grapes", "Peaches")
    arr_products2 = Array("Wheat")
    arr_products3 = Array("Peanuts")

    arr_boxes_1 = Array("box1", "box2")
    arr_boxes_2 = Array("box1", "box2", "box3")
    arr_boxes_3 = Array("box2")

    If b_value_in_array(product, arr_products1) And b_value_in_array(box, arr_boxes_1) Then
        Call ApprovalMsgBox
    End If

    If b_value_in_array(product, arr_products2) And b_value_in_array(box, arr_boxes_2) Then
        Call ApprovalMsgBox
    End If

    If b_value_in_array(product, arr_products3) And b_value_in_array(box, arr_boxes_3) Then
        Call ApprovalMsgBox
    End If

End Sub

Public Sub ApprovalMsgBox()
    MsgBox "Your box may require approval"
End Sub
Select Case product
Case "Apples", "Oranges", "Grapes", "Peaches", "Wheat", "Peanuts"
    Select Case box
    Case "box1", "box2", "box3":
        If product = "Wheat" Or box = "box2" Or (product <> "Peanuts" And box <> "box3") Then
            MsgBox "Your box may require approval"
        End If
End Select

<>代码>如果你的代码按预期工作,并且你正在寻找更好的方法来做同样的事情,那么考虑一下你的真实的、实际的、工作的代码。(注意:假设/伪代码不会飞过去)查看Select Case语句。组织起来可能更容易。至少,道格建议将MSGBOX()放入子程序中。如果您的代码按预期工作,并且您正在寻找更好的方法来做同样的事情,那么请考虑描述您的实际的、实际的、工作的代码。(注意:假设/伪代码不会飞过去)查看Select Case语句。组织起来可能更容易。至少,按照Doug的建议将msgbox()放入子例程中。