Vba Userform无法正常运行

Vba Userform无法正常运行,vba,excel,Vba,Excel,当我在我的用户表单上执行代码时,它有时会显示结果,有时则不会 是什么导致了这个问题 比如,当我点击execute时,它会给我一个输出,如果我用相同的参数再次执行,它不会 我不知道发生了什么事 非常感谢您的帮助 提前谢谢你 这是一个包含我的excel工作表的dropbox: Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Me.Hide End Sub Private Sub excecute_button_Click() 'Declaring objects Dim








Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Me.Hide End Sub

Private Sub excecute_button_Click()

'Declaring objects 
 Dim N As Long, i As Long, subjectCount As Long 
 Dim tmp_avg As Double 
 Dim student As Range 
 Dim reading As Range, writing As Range, grammar As Range, spelling As Range 
 Dim math As Range, science As Range, social As Range 
 Dim average As Range 
 Dim info As Worksheet 
 Dim cutoff As String 
 Dim cutoff_score As Double 
 Dim output As String

'Setting objects 
 Set info = Worksheets("Info") 
 Set student = Range(info.Cells(6, 3), info.Cells(55, 3)) 
 Set reading = Range(info.Cells(6, 5), info.Cells(55, 5)) 
 Set writing = Range(info.Cells(6, 6), info.Cells(55, 6)) 
 Set grammar = Range(info.Cells(6, 7), info.Cells(55, 7)) 
 Set spelling = Range(info.Cells(6, 8), info.Cells(55, 8)) 
 Set math = Range(info.Cells(6, 9), info.Cells(55, 9)) 
 Set science = Range(info.Cells(6, 10), info.Cells(55, 10)) 
 Set social = Range(info.Cells(6, 11), info.Cells(55, 11)) 
 Set average = Range(info.Cells(6, 13), info.Cells(55, 13))

'Counting subjects 
        subjectCount = Me.readingBox.Value + _
        Me.writingBox.Value + _
        Me.grammarBox.Value + _
        Me.spellingBox.Value + _
        Me.mathBox.Value + _
        Me.scienceBox.Value + _

'Reading cut-off cutoff = Me.cutoff_box.Value

N = Worksheets("Info").Range("S19").Value i = 1

Do While i < N

    'Computing average
    tmp_avg = (reading.Cells(i, 1) * Me.readingBox.Value + _
        writing.Cells(i, 1) * Me.writingBox.Value + _
        grammar.Cells(i, 1) * Me.grammarBox.Value + _
        spelling.Cells(i, 1) * Me.spellingBox.Value + _
        math.Cells(i, 1) * Me.mathBox.Value + _
        science.Cells(i, 1) * Me.scienceBox.Value + _
        social.Cells(i, 1) * Me.socialBox.Value) / subjectCount

    If Me.Round.Value = True Then
        average.Cells(i, 1).Value = WorksheetFunction.Ceiling(tmp_avg, 0.01)
        average.Cells(i, 1).Value = tmp_avg
    End If

    i = i + 1

    'Checking whether student met honor roll requirements
    Select Case cutoff
        Case "A+"
            cutoff_score = 0.96
        Case "A"
            cutoff_score = 0.93
        Case "A-"
            cutoff_score = 0.9
        Case "B+"
            cutoff_score = 0.86
        Case "B"
            cutoff_score = 0.83
        Case "B-"
            cutoff_score = 0.8
        Case "C+"
            cutoff_score = 0.76
        Case "C"
            cutoff_score = 0.73
        Case "C-"
            cutoff_score = 0.7
    End Select

    If average.Cells(i, 1).Value >= cutoff_score Then
        output = output & student.Cells(i, 1).Value & " "
    End If

MsgBox "HONOR ROLL" & vbNewLine & output

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Click()

End Sub
Sub honor_roll_button()

With honor_roll_form

    'Loading combo box
    .cutoff_box.AddItem "A+"
    .cutoff_box.AddItem "A"
    .cutoff_box.AddItem "A-"
    .cutoff_box.AddItem "B+"
    .cutoff_box.AddItem "B"
    .cutoff_box.AddItem "B-"
    .cutoff_box.AddItem "C+"
    .cutoff_box.AddItem "C"
    .cutoff_box.AddItem "C-"

    .cutoff_box.Value = "B+"

    'Setting default check boxes
    honor_roll_form.readingBox = True
    honor_roll_form.writingBox = True
    honor_roll_form.grammarBox = True
    honor_roll_form.spellingBox = True
    honor_roll_form.mathBox = True
    honor_roll_form.scienceBox = True
    honor_roll_form.socialBox = True
    honor_roll_form.Round = True

    'Showing Form

End With

End Sub

Sub test()
Dim x As String
x = "hello"
x = x & vbNewLine & "goodbye"
MsgBox x
End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Me.Hide End Sub

Private Sub excecute_button_Click()

'Declaring objects 
 Dim N As Long, i As Long, subjectCount As Long 
 Dim tmp_avg As Double 
 Dim student As Range 
 Dim reading As Range, writing As Range, grammar As Range, spelling As Range 
 Dim math As Range, science As Range, social As Range 
 Dim average As Range 
 Dim info As Worksheet 
 Dim cutoff As String 
 Dim cutoff_score As Double 
 Dim output As String

'Setting objects 
 Set info = Worksheets("Info") 
 Set student = Range(info.Cells(6, 3), info.Cells(55, 3)) 
 Set reading = Range(info.Cells(6, 5), info.Cells(55, 5)) 
 Set writing = Range(info.Cells(6, 6), info.Cells(55, 6)) 
 Set grammar = Range(info.Cells(6, 7), info.Cells(55, 7)) 
 Set spelling = Range(info.Cells(6, 8), info.Cells(55, 8)) 
 Set math = Range(info.Cells(6, 9), info.Cells(55, 9)) 
 Set science = Range(info.Cells(6, 10), info.Cells(55, 10)) 
 Set social = Range(info.Cells(6, 11), info.Cells(55, 11)) 
 Set average = Range(info.Cells(6, 13), info.Cells(55, 13))

'Counting subjects 
        subjectCount = Me.readingBox.Value + _
        Me.writingBox.Value + _
        Me.grammarBox.Value + _
        Me.spellingBox.Value + _
        Me.mathBox.Value + _
        Me.scienceBox.Value + _

'Reading cut-off cutoff = Me.cutoff_box.Value

N = Worksheets("Info").Range("S19").Value i = 1

Do While i < N

    'Computing average
    tmp_avg = (reading.Cells(i, 1) * Me.readingBox.Value + _
        writing.Cells(i, 1) * Me.writingBox.Value + _
        grammar.Cells(i, 1) * Me.grammarBox.Value + _
        spelling.Cells(i, 1) * Me.spellingBox.Value + _
        math.Cells(i, 1) * Me.mathBox.Value + _
        science.Cells(i, 1) * Me.scienceBox.Value + _
        social.Cells(i, 1) * Me.socialBox.Value) / subjectCount

    If Me.Round.Value = True Then
        average.Cells(i, 1).Value = WorksheetFunction.Ceiling(tmp_avg, 0.01)
        average.Cells(i, 1).Value = tmp_avg
    End If

    i = i + 1

    'Checking whether student met honor roll requirements
    Select Case cutoff
        Case "A+"
            cutoff_score = 0.96
        Case "A"
            cutoff_score = 0.93
        Case "A-"
            cutoff_score = 0.9
        Case "B+"
            cutoff_score = 0.86
        Case "B"
            cutoff_score = 0.83
        Case "B-"
            cutoff_score = 0.8
        Case "C+"
            cutoff_score = 0.76
        Case "C"
            cutoff_score = 0.73
        Case "C-"
            cutoff_score = 0.7
    End Select

    If average.Cells(i, 1).Value >= cutoff_score Then
        output = output & student.Cells(i, 1).Value & " "
    End If

MsgBox "HONOR ROLL" & vbNewLine & output

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Click()

End Sub
Sub honor_roll_button()

With honor_roll_form

    'Loading combo box
    .cutoff_box.AddItem "A+"
    .cutoff_box.AddItem "A"
    .cutoff_box.AddItem "A-"
    .cutoff_box.AddItem "B+"
    .cutoff_box.AddItem "B"
    .cutoff_box.AddItem "B-"
    .cutoff_box.AddItem "C+"
    .cutoff_box.AddItem "C"
    .cutoff_box.AddItem "C-"

    .cutoff_box.Value = "B+"

    'Setting default check boxes
    honor_roll_form.readingBox = True
    honor_roll_form.writingBox = True
    honor_roll_form.grammarBox = True
    honor_roll_form.spellingBox = True
    honor_roll_form.mathBox = True
    honor_roll_form.scienceBox = True
    honor_roll_form.socialBox = True
    honor_roll_form.Round = True

    'Showing Form

End With

End Sub

Sub test()
Dim x As String
x = "hello"
x = x & vbNewLine & "goodbye"
MsgBox x
End Sub


我删除了我的“For I=1 to N”循环,并返回到您的“Do While I 注意

我删除了我的“For I=1 to N”循环,并返回到您的“Do While Icutoff=Me.cutoff\u box.Value
N=Worksheets(“信息”).Range(“S19”).Value i=1
)您如何显示用户表单?当它不显示时,在何处以及如何停止?您是否在调试器中添加了一些断点?请提供更多详细信息。@A.S.H哦,代码运行良好;只是-当我点击execute(打开用户表单时:所以我选择了所有默认参数)时,它会在消息框中显示一个输出(ID号)。然而,如果我关闭消息框并再次执行相同的操作,它将只显示“荣誉名单”,并且在我2秒钟前刚刚执行时没有ID。当我选择和取消选择一些时也是如此;当我点击do not round up等时,它将显示ID一次,不再显示,或根本不显示任何内容。一些常规编程注释,但不会解决此问题:(1)您的“do While Icutoff=Me.cutoff\u box.Value
N=Worksheets(“Info”).Range(“S19”).Value i=1