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Vba 通过代码在包装单元格中插入换行符_Vba_Excel - Fatal编程技术网

Vba 通过代码在包装单元格中插入换行符

Vba 通过代码在包装单元格中插入换行符,vba,excel,Vba,Excel,是否可以通过VBA代码在包装单元格中插入换行符?(与手动输入数据时执行Alt Enter类似) 我已经通过VBA代码将单元格的wrap text属性设置为True,并且也通过VBA代码将数据插入其中 是的。与AltEnter等效的VBA是使用换行符: ActiveCell.Value = "I am a " & Chr(10) & "test" 请注意,这会自动将WrapText设置为True 证明: 您还可以使用对应于Chr(13)&Chr(10)的vbCrLf,是有两种方法

是否可以通过VBA代码在包装单元格中插入换行符?(与手动输入数据时执行Alt Enter类似)

我已经通过VBA代码将单元格的wrap text属性设置为True,并且也通过VBA代码将数据插入其中


ActiveCell.Value = "I am a " & Chr(10) & "test"




  • 在要添加换行符的字符串中使用VBA




  • 使用




  • 在这两种情况下,单元格(1,1)或A1中的输出都是相同的。



  • 知道以像素为单位的列宽
  • 能够以像素为单位测量字符串的长度,以便在列的尺寸处剪切字符串
  • 我发现了什么
  • 关于一列的宽度(以像素为单位),我在:
  • 要在运行时将文件中的宽度值转换为列宽值(以像素表示),请使用以下计算: =截断(((256*{width}+截断(128/{Maximum Digit width}))/256)*{Maximum Digit width}) 即使是Excel 2010格式,它仍然在Excel 2016中工作。我很快就能用Excel 365测试它了

  • 关于以像素为单位的字符串的宽度,我使用了@TravelinGuy提出的解决方案,并对输入错误和溢出进行了少量更正。在我写这篇文章的时候,他的答案中的错误已经纠正了,但是仍然存在溢出问题。尽管如此,我还是对他的答案进行了评论,所以你可以在那里找到一切,让它完美地工作
  • 我所做的 编码三个递归函数,以这种方式工作:

  • 函数1:猜测句子的大致切分位置,以便在该列中找到合适的切分位置,然后调用函数2和3以确定正确的切分位置。返回在适当位置包含CR(Chr(10))字符的原始字符串,以便每行适合列大小
  • 功能2:从一个猜测的位置,尝试在行中添加更多的单词,而这符合列的大小
  • 函数3:与函数2完全相反,因此它检索句子中的单词,直到它符合列大小
  • 这是密码
    Dim Resultar()作为字符串
    函数xlwidthtopix(ByVal xlWidth为双精度)的长度
    函数SetCRtoEOL(ByVal Original作为字符串,ByVal FontName作为字符串,ByVal FontSize作为变量,ByVal pxavalw)作为字符串
    '-pxavalw:Available width(以像素为单位),我们需要使文本适合
    如果pxTextWSub test()
    Dim c As Range
    Set c = ActiveCell
    c.WrapText = False
    MsgBox "Activcell WrapText is " & c.WrapText
    c.Value = "I am a " & Chr(10) & "test"
    MsgBox "Activcell WrapText is " & c.WrapText
    End Sub
    Sub SplitLineTest()
        Dim TextRange As Range
        Set TextRange = FeuilTest.Cells(2, 2) 
     'Take the text we want to wrap then past it in multi cells
        Dim NewText As String
        NewText = SetCRtoEOL(TextRange.Value2, TextRange.Font.Name, TextRange.Font.Size, xlWidthToPixs(TextRange.ColumnWidth) - 5) '-5 to take into account 2 white pixels left and right of the text + 1 pixel for the grid
    'Copy each of the text lines in an individual cell
        Dim ResultArr() As String
        ResultArr() = Split(NewText, Chr(10))
        TextRange.Offset(2, 0).Resize(UBound(ResultArr) + 1, 1).Value2 = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(ResultArr())
    End Sub
    Function xlWidthToPixs(ByVal xlWidth As Double) As Long
    'Fonction to convert the size of an Excel column width expressed in Excel unit(Range.ColumnWidth) in pixels
    'Parameters :   - xlWidth : that is the width of the column Excel unit
    'Return :       - The size of the column in pixels
        Dim pxFontWidthMax As Long
        'Xl Col sizing is related to workbook default string configuration and depends of the size in pixel from char "0". We need to gather it
        With ThisWorkbook.Styles("Normal").Font
            pxFontWidthMax = pxGetStringW("0", .Name, .Size)    'Get the size in pixels of the '0' character
        End With
        'Now, we can make the calculation
        xlWidthToPixs = WorksheetFunction.Floor_Precise(((256 * xlWidth + WorksheetFunction.Floor_Precise(128 / pxFontWidthMax)) / 256) * pxFontWidthMax) + 5
    End Function
    Function SetCRtoEOL(ByVal Original As String, ByVal FontName As String, ByVal FontSize As Variant, ByVal pxAvailW) As String
    'Function aiming to make a text fit into a given number of pixels, by putting some CR char between words when needed.
    'If some words are too longs to fit in the given width, they won't be cut and will get out of the limits given.
    'The function works recursively. Each time it find an End Of Line, it call itself with the remaining text until.
    'The recursive process ends whent the text fit in the given space without needing to be truncated anymore
    'Parameters :   - Original : The text to fit
    '               - FontName : Name of the font
    '               - FontSize : Size of the font
    '               - pxAvailW : Available width in pixels in wich we need to make the text fit
    'Return :       - The orignal text with CR in place of spaces where the text needs to be cut to fit the width
        'If we got a null string, there is nothing to do so we return a null string
        If Original = vbNullString Then Exit Function
        Dim pxTextW As Long
        'If the text fit in, may be it's the original or this is end of recursion. Nothing to do more than returne the text back
        pxTextW = pxGetStringW(Original, FontName, FontSize)
        If pxTextW < pxAvailW Then
            SetCRtoEOL = Original
            Exit Function
        End If
        'The text doesn't fit, we need to find where to cut it
        Dim WrapPosition As Long
        Dim EstWrapPosition As Long
        EstWrapPosition = Len(Original) * pxAvailW / pxTextW   'Estimate the cut position in the string given to a proportion of characters
        If pxGetStringW(Left(Original, EstWrapPosition), FontName, FontSize) < pxAvailW Then
            'Text to estimated wrap position fits in, we try to see if we can fits some more words
            WrapPosition = FindMaxPosition(Original, FontName, FontSize, pxAvailW, EstWrapPosition)
        End If
        'If WrapPosition = 0, we didn't get a proper place yet, we try to find the previous white space
        If WrapPosition = 0 Then
            WrapPosition = FindMaxPositionRev(Original, FontName, FontSize, pxAvailW, EstWrapPosition)
        End If
        'If WrapPosition is still 0, we are facing a too long word for the pxAvailable. We'll cut after this word what ever. (Means we must search for the first white space of the text)
        If WrapPosition = 0 Then
            WrapPosition = InStr(Original, " ")
        End If
        If WrapPosition = 0 Then
            'Words too long to cut, but nothing more to cut, we return it as is
            SetCRtoEOL = Original
            'We found a wrap position. We recurse to find the next EOL and construct our response by adding CR in place of the white space
            SetCRtoEOL = Left(Original, WrapPosition - 1) & Chr(10) & SetCRtoEOL(Right(Original, Len(Original) - WrapPosition), FontName, FontSize, pxAvailW)
        End If
    End Function
    Function FindMaxPosition(ByVal Text As String, ByVal FontName As String, ByVal FontSize As Variant, ByVal pxAvailW, ByVal WrapPosition As Long) As Long
    'Function that finds the maximum number of words fitting in a given space by adding words until it get out of the maximum space
    'The function is inteded to work on text with a "guessed" wrap position that fit in the space allowed
    'The function is recursive. Each time it guesses a new position and the word still fits in the space, it calls itself with a further WrapPosition
    'Parameters :   - Text : The text to fit
    '               - FontName : Name of the font
    '               - FontSize : Size of the font
    '               - pxAvailW : Available width in pixels in wich we need to make the text fit
    '               - WrapPosition : The initial wrap position, positionned someware in the text (WrapPosition < len(Text)) but inside pxAvailW
    'Return :       - The position were the text must be wraped to put as much words as possible in pxAvailW, but without getting outside of it. If no position can be found, returns 0
        Dim NewWrapPosition As Long
        Static isNthCall As Boolean
        'Find next Whitespace position
        NewWrapPosition = InStr(WrapPosition, Text, " ")
        If NewWrapPosition = 0 Then Exit Function                                               'We can't find a wrap position, we return 0
        If pxGetStringW(Left(Text, NewWrapPosition - 1), FontName, FontSize) < pxAvailW Then    '-1 not to take into account the last white space
            'It still fits, we can try on more word
            isNthCall = True
            FindMaxPosition = FindMaxPosition(Text, FontName, FontSize, pxAvailW, NewWrapPosition + 1)
            'It doesnt fit. If it was the first call, we terminate with 0, else we terminate with previous WrapPosition
            If isNthCall Then
                'Not the first call, we have a position to return
                isNthCall = False                               'We reset the static to be ready for next call of the function
                FindMaxPosition = WrapPosition - 1              'Wrap is at the first letter of the word due to the function call FindMax...(...., NewWrapPosition + 1). The real WrapPosition needs to be minored by 1
                'It's the first call, we return 0 | Strictly speaking we can remove this part as FindMaxPosition is already 0, but it make the algo easier to read
                FindMaxPosition = 0
            End If
        End If
    End Function
    Function FindMaxPositionRev(ByVal Text As String, ByVal FontName As String, ByVal FontSize As Variant, ByVal pxAvailW, ByVal WrapPosition As Long) As Long
    'Function working backward of FindMaxPosition. It finds the maximum number of words fitting in a given space by removing words until it fits the given space
    'The function is inteded to work on text with a "guessed" wrap position that fit in the space allowed
    'The function is recursive. Each time it guesses a new position and the word still doesn't fit in the space, it calls itself with a closer WrapPosition
    'Parameters :   - Text : The text to fit
    '               - FontName : Name of the font
    '               - FontSize : Size of the font
    '               - pxAvailW : Available width in pixels in wich we need to make the text fit
    '               - WrapPosition : The initial wrap position, positionned someware in the text (WrapPosition < len(Text)), but outside of pxAvailW
    'Return :       - The position were the text must be wraped to put as much words as possible in pxAvailW, but without getting outside of it. If no position can be found, returns 0
        Dim NewWrapPosition As Long
        NewWrapPosition = InStrRev(Text, " ", WrapPosition)
        'If we didn't found white space, we are facing a "word" too long to fit pxAvailW, we leave and return 0
        If NewWrapPosition = 0 Then Exit Function
        If pxGetStringW(Left(Text, NewWrapPosition - 1), FontName, FontSize) >= pxAvailW Then   '-1 not to take into account the last white space
            'It still doesnt fits, we must try one less word
            FindMaxPositionRev = FindMaxPositionRev(Text, FontName, FontSize, pxAvailW, NewWrapPosition - 1)
            'It fits, we return the position we found
            FindMaxPositionRev = NewWrapPosition
        End If
    End Function